Max Steed's Avatar
BootyfulGia's Avatar
Al Bundy is one of the nicer ones on this board. He keeps the board laughing with his antics and he is hella funny and smart to boot!!

Shame the good ones always get Banned and the ones who have Mandles and are just pure evil get to stay because they just ride on the boarder just close enough without crossing over it...

I am glad that some of us stick together and fight for our own, and don't let anyone drag us down to their level...
Ya' gotta fight and don't be a puss or else you will get eaten alive on here.

I am glad I was in the streets and have not only book smarts but street knowledge. There we handle our own with out involving the Gods...^^^
Snitches get ditches was the old saying back in the day.

But I am on it... Al I will send a hot babe for you when you are Freed by the Innocence project...
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson

FREE AL!!!!!

Poor ole Al......
I see the stars have aligned and the gods have shown me favor. This thread is back up to 5 stars and for that I'm thankful.. #FREE AL BUNDY
Wonder if any of this will get AL free pussy upon his return?
  • MrGiz
  • 11-08-2016, 04:14 PM
Annie... if you're using the mobile site ( the rating stars don't show... ya gotta be logged into the main ( site.
If anyone knows how to access the rating stars thru the mobile site... please post. The main site is a PIA to maneuver thru, on a DAMNED phone screen!
Precious_b's Avatar
Poor ole Al...... Originally Posted by Jim_n_BatonRouge
He should have bank when he is back.

No crying about not having money for his return
I bet he's not really banned. He's probably just taking this time off to roll pennies so he can afford an appointment.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Just communicated with him, he'll be back in 3 months

I know he'll be enjoying his bancation

i voted. AL is a funny guy.Im going to leave this here
annie@christophers's Avatar
We need to sing drops of jupiter.. let's chant ..hmm xxoo annie
pyramider's Avatar
Please for the love of GOD un-bann AL BUNDY!!!!!!

I don't know why he is banned, but he is a dear member of our community and we adore him!!

I am heartbroken and saddened by this turn of world events and I think it is a travesty for this to happen...

What is his bond??? I will post it for him to be freed...

Melissa Madyson Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Posting taint photos is common in these situations.

Al Bundy is one of the nicer ones on this board. He keeps the board laughing with his antics and he is hella funny and smart to boot!!
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson

Smart? Hardly smart. If Al was smart he would not have gotten 90 days. Now he give his SO some loving.
annie@christophers's Avatar
What? Terrible. Hang with ass holes that that at tell..guess goes that way. However we prefer him back . Nola is dead except him..panthers..and annie.
Mr. Pyramider that was a not so nice thing to say about Mr. Bundy.... Obviously he knows what he did to get his ban, and he is taking it like a trooper. He is one of the main ones on this board that keeps the board alive and not so dead. I am quite sure whatever he did he will bounce back and come back better than ever. It has nothing to do with being smart it has everything to do with being nice.

I may start a protest rally on Canal Street in honor of Al Bundy. LOL who wants to join in??