Not All There

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-19-2013, 01:22 AM
Since we are on the topic of those who are not all there...

Once again, your blatant hypocrisy rears its ugly head for all to see.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Once again, your blatant hypocrisy rears its ugly head for all to see. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Now that's something we can both agree on, Mokoa. Thanks for the link.

I would think the OP would bow his own head in shame.

p.s., I wonder if he has any other similarly enlightening threADs out there?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The idiocy of certain characters on the board is truly unrelenting.

If you only look at the preponderance of their posts, you will see only hatred, judgment and criticism. There is not one iota of wisdom or humor in anything they post. Even years later, they lug around something I said in humor thinking to condemn me because they did not understand the joke. Why are there so many idiots in the world? Do they have a purpose or are they just like any other vermin?

. . . I have these idiots on ignore, but every now and then an even greater idiot will quote him and the idiocy creeps in twice. It makes one wonder how these misguided souls navigate through the world? It must be hell for them to live harmoniously when they generate so much raw sewage each time they open their yammering mouths, but still they don't even see where it is coming from!

Now that's something we can both agree on, Mokoa. Thanks for the link.

I would think the OP would bow his own head in shame.

p.s., I wonder if he has any other similarly enlightening threADs out there? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Well, if nothing else, you are true to form.

. . . A windmill at least has a useful function, but on the other hand, Don Quixote was not only a fool, but also quite insane in his quest!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You missed the whole point of the play and book. Don was not only the most sane one but the most noble. One of his accomplishments was showing Aldonza the whore what love was really all about. I think some of the ladies here could learn a lesson or two. It isn't the money that is involved or it isn't that you have your legs spread that is the large item. For some men it is the 'quest' of being with a woman and having her love you back even if it is just for an hour. The GFE is a great fantasy gentlemen but it ignores the obvious. She isn't your GF. One gentlemen posted that if he gave a lady a paid trip to Hawaii would she be interested. Many of the ladies felt that he wanted a freebee. There is nothing free about a seven thousand dollar vacation. However, the ladies weren't thinking of themselves. They were only thinking of the cost analysis of making them selves available like a GF or a wife. There is a higher 'quest' here for some men. Unfortunately most of us see only the money or only the sex. Having both is enjoyable but the impossible dream is still out there. I don't mind taking heat for this post but my dream and my windmill is still out there and I'll chase it even if thought insane!
FG......ever wonder why so many members make the comments they do about you? You need to get your head out of your ass and look in the mirror. You have a tendency to look down on males and females alike. You need to chill out. You are on the verge of something bad.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-19-2013, 07:47 PM
The idiocy of certain characters on the board is truly unrelenting.

If you only look at the preponderance of their posts, you will see only hatred, judgment and criticism. There is not one iota of wisdom or humor in anything they post. Even years later, they lug around something I said in humor thinking to condemn me because they did not understand the joke. Why are there so many idiots in the world? Do they have a purpose or are they just like any other vermin?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
A joke? Really? Is that the best you can do? What a lame excuse. You are pathetic. There was no wisdom or humor in that post of yours. It was insensitive and stupid.

. . . I have these idiots on ignore, but every now and then an even greater idiot will quote him and the idiocy creeps in twice. It makes one wonder how these misguided souls navigate through the world? It must be hell for them to live harmoniously when they generate so much raw sewage each time they open their yammering mouths, but still they don't even see where it is coming from! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It is not sewage. It is the truth. You hypocrites always hate it when the truth about you comes out.

And speaking of sewage and hypocrisy...

And let's not forget this little gem...

Who is the idiot now?

I am sorry to say, but it seems to me that most providers are "not all there". Does anyone else ever get that feeling?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I will hasten to add that just because these girls are usually "not all there", they are

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

From my perspective, young and attractive women, in general, tend to be irrational. Grandmothers, maybe not so much.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Sounds like you are making poor choices. Sure there are lots of nuts out there, most of us are able to recognize them and stay far away.
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like you are making poor choices. Sure there are lots of nuts out there, most of us are able to recognize them and stay far away. Originally Posted by Ansley

Taint is not nutty ... ijs. I choose taint.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I reviewed my last 8 and 4 were definitely not all there, 2 were solid, and two questionable, which is probably a not all there also. But when you stop to think about it, who is all there? I'm very capable but far from all there myself. I'm sure this board has plenty of completely put together, well adjusted individuals, in their own mind. Most of the psycho bitches I can afford probably feel they're all that, too.

I propose ignoring the issue by not spending session time talking.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
FG......ever wonder why so many members make the comments they do about you? You need to get your head out of your ass and look in the mirror. You have a tendency to look down on males and females alike. You need to chill out. You are on the verge of something bad. Originally Posted by tbone2u
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

And speaking of sewage and hypocrisy...

And let's not forget this little gem...

Who is the idiot now? Originally Posted by Mokoa
That is quite a lot of sewage links you have posted, Mokoa. (I did not know that "doctors are good people," even those that want to bite young cancer patients noses.) And, of course, because of other private locales, his list of sins is not all there.

When the final list is composed FG, do not bitch and do not posture, like one who refuses to acknowledge the stench of such multicolored drivel.

Was it Groucho Marx who said he didn't want to belong to any club that would have him as a member? Maybe this helps explain the OP's choice of companionship and his frustration with same? Water finding its level, and all that. And protesting it's not really water.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-20-2013, 11:41 AM
FG......ever wonder why so many members make the comments they do about you? You need to get your head out of your ass and look in the mirror. You have a tendency to look down on males and females alike. You need to chill out. You are on the verge of something bad. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Bones the entertainment level of fg is unsurpased. He is the clown that keeps on giving. Keep it up fg.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You merely say vermin and what happens?

They all crawl out of the woodwork to stink up the place with their odoriferous posts!

. . . Thank goodness for the ignore feature!

thisguy23's Avatar
Bones the entertainment level of fg is unsurpased. He is the clown that keeps on giving. Keep it up fg. Originally Posted by seedman55

I don't really think he has you on ignore seed, but just incase I will quote you.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 07-20-2013, 03:37 PM
Bones the entertainment level of fg is unsurpased. He is the clown that keeps on giving. Keep it up fg. Originally Posted by seedman55
I don't really think he has you on ignore seed, but just incase I will quote you. Originally Posted by thisguy23

But what if he has you on ignore? ijs.