Eccie will not protect us in a bind

You MUST ALWAYS log off eccie and Gmail/Hotmail etc. after you are done with every time. Then delete cookies and browsing history. Afterwards, open new windows and make sure that you are not taken to your inbox etc.

Also, clear you copy and paste buffers. Copying another piece of text will do.

NEVER take a chance on this! Originally Posted by jafun
Very sound advice, I deal with trying to fix these screw ups daily as Simone wants to delete their posts because they left their log in open.
2 things in IE that will help.

Private Brousing- No cookies or traces left after you close IE

Use the auto Delete brousing History on Exit setting.

You MUST ALWAYS log off eccie and Gmail/Hotmail etc. after you are done with every time. Then delete cookies and browsing history. Afterwards, open new windows and make sure that you are not taken to your inbox etc.

Also, clear you copy and paste buffers. Copying another piece of text will do.

NEVER take a chance on this! Originally Posted by jafun
Or Chrome, and use "incognito window" if that's a concern (that way you can leave a "normal" trail, and not look like you're trying to hide something.) And if you're *really* anal, an anonymous proxy.

Glad I don't have to worry about it, tho.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 01-09-2011, 10:27 AM
I'm sorry you got caught, but you got caught because you got lazy. I was told several years ago by an old respected hobbyist on the P that it isn't a matter of IF you get caught, but WHEN. I was further told to have my ducks in a row and make it as difficult to get info from my phone and computer as possible, hobby phone, clearing cache, NEVER saving site account names/passwords, etc. Changing your name on all the posts/reviews you have ever made is a very server intensive proposition that would slow the servers down while that query was being run, causing performance issues for the users that didn't get busted.

If she busted you, that's your fault, no one else's. Put your big boy panties on and deal with it. At this point, you are cooked. Do damage control, groveling, or whatever you feel you need to do to make yourself feel better about the situation. But, please don't blame the board for your misfortune.

Just my geeky 2 cents
boo-boo bear's Avatar
1. It is no one's fault but your own, so shut up, man up and step up. No one is responsible for covering our ass but ourself.
2. Never do anything, or any one, that you are not ready to take the heat for.
3. Sorry that this happen, not my intent to be mean.
4. All thing shall pass, so stow for high winds and heavy seas and ride out this storm.
5. Remember, anything that you put out on the web is now in the public domain from now until the end of time, viewable by one and all, family friends and complete strangers, so put nothing out there that you do not expect to be found out, sooner later.
pyramider's Avatar
Makes one wonder, since the op's wife knows about the icky is she available for a grudge fukk?

What?? Not sympathetic enough?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I agree with those who have said that you have to be ready to take the consequences of your actions. But I write to add a couple of additional points.

You also made a mistake by posting this thread. This thread could become the confirmation that she (or her attorney) needs to connect your recent behavior to your old handle. Absent this action, they might not have proof.

Second, if you find yourself in a potential divorce situation, you should take no action until you have secured counsel. The first thing that you should have done was to go hire a lawyer.

Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go and get a good lawyer before you do anything else. And make sure that they're board certified in family law. And from now until this is over, you don't even think about breathing unless your lawyer says it's OK. You're upset. You're pissed off. And you're an amateur who can't swim floundering in a pool of sharks. You're making more mistakes than Carter has liver pills, if you're like most divorce clients. The First Rule of Holes is "Once your find yourself in a hole, quit digging." The way to do that in this situation is to hire a good lawyer.
ShysterJon's Avatar
What TexTushHog said.

No one should ever blame ECCIE for their personal misfortunes if they're an active member, they use the board as a resource for information, and they post. To blame the board would be like an alcoholic blaming his glass because it held his Wild Turkey.
rcinokc's Avatar
This is what happens when you do not C.Y.A. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Simple, to the point, and oh so true. A little paranoia is a good thing in this world.
Heck, ex NY Governor Spitzer had sex with all those women using public tax payer [ OUR ] funds.. Originally Posted by delimex007
Spitzer was/is a douchebag and an egomaniac.

But he actually used his own money, not taxpayer money.

No need to embellish. The truth is bad enough.