Supreme court

Loki Pk's Avatar

Always makes me lul. Originally Posted by lprebel74
That's fucking hilarious! And I'm a liberal bashing sonofabitch....But that's so fucking spot on it almost isn't funny....but it is

Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Uh! Most of the conservative "principles" especially the mythology embracing religious right, take significant issue with the activities that are discussed on this site. If it was up to them, various other actions that we should have the right to decide regarding our bodies, etc, would be subject to further criminalization and punitive action. Anyone who thinks the conservative party is the beacon of freedom should think again. Between the lefties who pass laws because they think they know what is best for us...dont eat this, dont drink that...and the right wing fucktards who think this nation was founded as a christian nation and legislate from a position of biblical morality should be questioned and resisted.

Back to Autumn's position regarding the confederate flag, there is truth to what she is saying, but it is not the whole story. During the civil rights era, the rasicts in the south hijacked the flag as a symbol of intimidation. Never mind the fact...the south fucking lost... :-) Originally Posted by irnshank
I agree. Conservative Republicans contradict themselves. Freedoms should apply to everything, but sadly the Republican Party only supports the freedoms that fit their agenda.
Liberal Dems are even worse.
This isn't just about the flag issue. This has now opened Pandora's Box. Let us see what the Govt tasks away next...
True tolerance is tolerating things you disagree with. Both liberals and conservatives aren't tolerant at all. I'm for freedom and not force. As long as you don't infringe on another persons rights, you should be allowed to do it. We need a true third party, read about the libertarian movement. I think more people are aligned with their beliefs than they realize. Rand Paul 2016!!
Lykaios's Avatar
I understand how some feel about the confederate flag and what it used to mean. But the same could be argued about the "swastika" if you do your research it started out as a symbol of auspiciousness dating back to the Neolithic period even worn by the Romans and found in ancient church's in Ethiopia. But once adopted by the nazi party it was and will forever be known for that particularly small but atrocious timeline of its history.

I don't see anyone proudly flying the swastika.
Only in this country though, the swastika still flies and is on all kinds of stuff based on its original meaning in places like India, China, and even in the Scandinavian regions.