You make an appointment... Who's suppose to follow up?

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
As has been clearly noted on this thread and by several seasoned participants in this hobby...WALDT

Again, there are no set rules, even if some clearly believe that there are. How could there possibly be when there are so many diverse characters at play and with so many independent ladies available? We can certainly see that some have certain expectations before ever meeting the other party, and some are more open to work with the other party.

The beauty of this biz, is that we are NOT in any manner all alike, and there is a lady for just about every need and tolerance level. Do a little homework, make it clear your expectations, and ask if anything specific is expected of you, at least until you become more comfortable with choosing the type of lady that best suits you.

Hobby safe and have fun are the only two absolutes that you should be able to count on, but unfortunately, neither of those comes with a 100% or even money back guarantee.