Georgia Election Fraud - The Story:

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Thanks fer posting that, 1blackman1...

... Lads, let's steer the conversation back to me original
topic here - The Fulton County Election Board with their
teats in a wringer.... They need to Show the Ballots!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What do you expect them to find if they get the ballots?

I remember the fiasco in Arizona when the Cyber Ninjas got to examine the ballots, looking for anything to prove fraudulent votes were cast. They found NOTHING fraudulent. In fact, they found a few more votes for Biden if I remember correctly.

Your favorite mantra is "just wait", whether it be the 2020 election, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden illegal activities, Covid, or several other activities. And I can't remember your allegations ever being found to be true.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do you expect them to find if they get the ballots?

I remember the fiasco in Arizona when the Cyber Ninjas got to examine the ballots, looking for anything to prove fraudulent votes were cast. They found NOTHING fraudulent. In fact, they found a few more votes for Biden if I remember correctly.

Your favorite mantra is "just wait", whether it be the 2020 election, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden illegal activities, Covid, or several other activities. And I can't remember your allegations ever being found to be true. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What do you expect them to find if they get the ballots? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... I surely expect to find that they may have counted
fraudulent ballots... I'll explain further later today.

... Which may be WHY Fulton County Elections is fighting
to NOT show them. ... Already in trouble for their
rather sloppy tabulations counting when the voting
machines there "malfunctioned"...

... Covering things up is voter fraud.
Which is why Mr. Raffensperger is hiding out.

#### Salty
Continued foolishness from the no so bright lights on the right.
You have numerous misconceptions in this thread. I wonder where you come up with this stuff but it will remain a mystery as you don't include links to the claims you make.

Tiny was right about being wrong. Kudos for discovering his own mistake and then correcting it. One of the links he included tells the facts needed to understand the premise of why this "chapter" in the "story" has nothing to do with fraud. Other than to make it less likely to have occurred in the area of vote counting.

(Italicized words are from link. Bolding to italicized words added by me)

In his latest election fraud spin, former President Donald Trump falsely suggested that 3,600 criminally duplicated ballots were counted in Atlanta’s Fulton County in the 2020 presidential election. He is referring to news reported months ago about errors made during an audit — not during the official ballot count.

"errors made during an audit-not during the official ballot count"

The errors Rossi found showed the need for better training in the procedures during an audit and while using the software used to record the results of the audit. The errors had no effect on the vote tallies performed after the audit.

State investigators found there were double-counted and miscounted votes during an audit in the county to confirm the 2020 results. But the audit was never part of the certified tally in Georgia, which Joe Biden narrowly won. Investigators say the errors were unintentional and did not affect the outcome.

Did you catch that? (#1)Found in an audit and never part of the certified tally.

Trump is referring to a consent order (not a consent decree, which is a settlement approved by a judge) from June in which state elections investigators concluded that Fulton County elections staff “misidentified and duplicated” tally sheets in an audit of 2020 election results. Not mentioned by Trump is that state investigators concluded the errors were “not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff” and represented just a fraction of the overall votes cast and therefore “did not affect the result” of the election in Fulton County.

At a Georgia Board of Registration and Elections meeting on March 16, 2022, James Callaway, then deputy chief of investigations for the secretary of state’s office, said an investigation had identified “numerous examples of human error while inputting data” into an open-source software system being used in the audit to upload Fulton County results to the state.

“But there was no evidence discovered to suggest criminal behavior,” Callaway said. “I believe the errors were due to batch sheets being entered twice under different headings.”

In addition to some batches of votes being entered twice, investigators said there wereinstances of miscounted votes, such as when an election official misread and recorded a 47 as 97.

Joe Rossi, a Houston County resident who first identified flaws in the audit counts, said at that meeting that the inputting errors resulted in more than 4,000 extra votes for Biden.

A review by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution concluded there were about 3,000 too many absentee ballots counted for Biden in the audit. However, the AJC noted, “Despite inaccuracies in the ballot batches that were investigated, the overall count in the audit was close to the official machine results.” Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes.

Sara Tindall Ghazal, a Democratic appointee to the State Election Board, noted at that meeting that (#2) the purpose of the audit — which ultimately resulted in a hand-recount of all the votes because the margin of victory for Biden was so close — was simply to confirm whether the correct person won the election.

(#3)“It’s not supposed to be a one-to-one recount,” Ghazal said. “A recount was also conducted and that’s a different thing altogether. The recount looked at the number of votes and, in fact, the count was valid. The audit is to identify whether or not the right candidate won.”

Ghazal said the mistakes were “human data entry errors” and likely the result of time constraints placed on election officials to complete the audit.

The (#4) initial machine count indicated that Biden won by 12,670 votes. A machine recount narrowed that slightly, showing Biden winning by 11,779 votes. Those are the official results.

At the meeting in March 2022, Ryan Germany, then the general counsel for the secretary of state’s office in Georgia, noted that (#5)“the certified results of the election are, you know, the initial machine count and then the recount from the machine already certified. So the audit numbers are not part of any certified results.”

Nonetheless, at the meeting, the state board voted to turn the case over to the state attorney general’s office to investigate whether the errors amounted to a violation of the state’s rules and regulations related to preparing for an audit.

At the board’s Feb. 7, 2023, meeting, the public learned that the state attorney general’s office and counsel for Fulton County had agreed to resolve the complaint with a consent order in which Fulton County admitted no wrongdoing, but agreed to implement some written policies and procedures to prevent errors in future audits.

The consent order, provided to by the State Election Board, notes that state investigators confirmed there was human error in entering data, but it didn’t affect the election results in the county.

Consent order, June 8: The results of the investigation showed that Fulton County elections staff misidentified and duplicated audit batch sheet data when entering the data into the Arlo software used by the Secretary of State’s office to manage the risk-limiting audit. By failing to enter all of the audit batch sheet data accurately, Respondent [the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections] violated SEB Rule 183-1-15-.04 regarding audits.

The investigators further concluded that the reported inconsistencies were the result of human error in entering the data, which were not discovered in time to make(#6) corrections due to time limitations in completing the risk-limiting audit and the sheer amount of ballots, and not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff.

The discovered errors were a fractional number of the total votes counted and did not affect the result of the 2020 General Election [in] Fulton County, which were confirmed as accurate by the risk-limiting audit. The purpose of the risk-limiting audit was to confirm whether the results of the original tabulation of ballots were accurate, which the audit confirmed.

Trump wrongly claimed the order was evidence of “A LOT OF CRIME.” The order says the settlement reached “is a civil settlement and has no criminal ramifications” and that there is no admission of guilt by the Fulton County election board.

The consent order was subsequently approved by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and the State Election Board in June. In an Aug. 1 meeting of the State Election Board, its chair, William Duffey, provided an overview and timeline of the whole process.

Asked about the negotiated agreement in July, Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (#7)“The investigation specifically found that any data entry errors committed by Fulton did not affect the results of the 2020 election. The case is now closed.

Take aways from the link.
1. Audits are done before recounts. Audits can check the original tabulation is correct, identify issues to be checked before a recount or like in this case, trigger a recount. Their vote totals are not used in vote tallies.
See #1 and #2 above.
2. An audit is not a recount and is done before a recount.
See #3 above.
3. The initial recount is done on the voting machine as well as
the second recount. See #4 above.
4. Results are certified. See #5 above.
5. Human error caused audit problem, not machine. See #6 above.
6. Georgia officials closed this case last summer. See #7 above.

... I mentioned earlier that Mr. Rossi found a number of errors
with the SoS's report of Fulton County. He reached a fellow
from Governour Kemp's office - Gabriel Sterling - who then
looked at Rossi's findings and surely admitted that Fulton Co.
made data entry errors. ... Guv Kemp's office agreed with
Rossi that the RLA report posted on the Sec. of State's
website IS WRONG and has a number of errors.
Brian Kemp's own words were "It's sloppy and inconsistent"...
... Kemp was also quick (maybe a bit too quick) to point out
that the Fulton County errors did not dispute the outcome
of the 2020 election.

In other words, just because Fulton County seemed to make
vote-counting errors and they favoured Joe Biden, it didn't
hurt anything 'cause Biden still won the presidency.In other words, wrong. Audit errors occurred before recount and weren't counted.

... Some o' those "inconsistencies" were machine scanners
counting duplicates... Scanners re-counting the same ballot
groups and results... For example, a group would show Biden
getting 44 votes and Trump got 8 - and this same group was
counted 2 or 3 times. .. Which surely resulted in Joe Biden
receiving 4081 "extra votes" or "false Absentee ballots".
Again, wrong. No machine errors found. Only human error. This fact is mentioned many times in the consent order

... So Joe Biden was credited with over four thousand (4,000)
extra votes in Fulton County due to machine error and simply
counting wrongly. Again, wrong. See the consent order

... Which surely begs the question: How many other swing-state
countys also have errors like these??
A good question. Since there is no way to tell, I'm sure you'll just make something up.

... A few other facts to pondour: Georgia rushed to Certify
their elections 3 days after the election... Trump has a HUGE
200,000 vote lead election night before the pause - and somehow
Biden made that up and "won" by a little under 12,000 votes.
This question has been explained so many times I can't believe you would even bring it up. Hint: It has something to do with when you can count absentee ballots and your inaccurate vote claims.

Fulton County has now admitted to "over-counting" some 4,000
"extra votes" for Biden - and THIS all has NOTHING to do
with me case of "fraudulent ballots" being held and not shown.
Wrong on the admission (see above) and still waiting on proof or a link there are any fraudulent ballots.

... More evidence coming out every day... I'll start looking
at how Raffensperger and his mates have been trying like
Jack-the-Lad to cover things up.
I can hardly wait to shred the next batch.
### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Remember, your ignorance or disbelief doesn't replace or refute facts (like those facts in the link Tiny supplied).
(Staff edit)Trump taking away their welfare, leaving them no choice but to get a job.
Completely off topic.

Plus N-word usage.

You're a well rounded huma....pers...guy.

(Staff edit)Trump taking away their welfare, leaving them no choice but to get a job. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
(Staff edit)Trump taking away their welfare, leaving them no choice but to get a job. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
Clay Media made it a day. Turd showed up before the “ink was dry.”

Who’ll be next? Our old pal Humpty has a lot of options. And all of them involve public excretion.

BTW - Salty should be all whipped up over the election fraud in Arizona, now that he’s hit the brick wall of reality in Georgia. Seems like the Republicans in charge of the midterm failed to certify the election after the ballots were counted.

Whether he reads up on it or not is immaterial.. this argument has gone from silly to just plain dumb.
VitaMan's Avatar
A rough estimate of the OP conspiracy theories and election fraud propositions:

Out of every 50:

34 are debunked
15 have no proof
1 has some validity

That may be a better percentage than Mr. Trump, however.
Plus Trump adds flavor with words like political witch hunt, corrupt judges, out to get me, and the word "massive".

The whole thing is entertaining, however. Similar entertainment to football fumbles and interceptions.
(Edit quote)Trump taking away their welfare, leaving them no choice but to get a job. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
Gotta love this forum. Did you intend the more formal er or the less formal and more colloquial a?

And the folks in this forum still deny racism.
Precious_b's Avatar
You have numerous misconceptions in this thread. I wonder where you come up with this stuff but it will remain a mystery as you don't include links to the claims you make.

Tiny was right about being wrong. Kudos for discovering his own mistake and then correcting it. One of the links he included tells the facts needed to understand the premise of why this "chapter" in the "story" has nothing to do with fraud. Other than to make it less likely to have occurred in the area of vote counting.

(Italicized words are from link. Bolding to italicized words added by me)

In his latest election fraud spin, former President Donald Trump falsely suggested that 3,600 criminally duplicated ballots were counted in Atlanta’s Fulton County in the 2020 presidential election. He is referring to news reported months ago about errors made during an audit — not during the official ballot count.

"errors made during an audit-not during the official ballot count"

The errors Rossi found showed the need for better training in the procedures during an audit and while using the software used to record the results of the audit. The errors had no effect on the vote tallies performed after the audit.

State investigators found there were double-counted and miscounted votes during an audit in the county to confirm the 2020 results. But the audit was never part of the certified tally in Georgia, which Joe Biden narrowly won. Investigators say the errors were unintentional and did not affect the outcome.

Did you catch that? (#1)Found in an audit and never part of the certified tally.

Trump is referring to a consent order (not a consent decree, which is a settlement approved by a judge) from June in which state elections investigators concluded that Fulton County elections staff “misidentified and duplicated” tally sheets in an audit of 2020 election results. Not mentioned by Trump is that state investigators concluded the errors were “not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff” and represented just a fraction of the overall votes cast and therefore “did not affect the result” of the election in Fulton County.

At a Georgia Board of Registration and Elections meeting on March 16, 2022, James Callaway, then deputy chief of investigations for the secretary of state’s office, said an investigation had identified “numerous examples of human error while inputting data” into an open-source software system being used in the audit to upload Fulton County results to the state.

“But there was no evidence discovered to suggest criminal behavior,” Callaway said. “I believe the errors were due to batch sheets being entered twice under different headings.”

In addition to some batches of votes being entered twice, investigators said there wereinstances of miscounted votes, such as when an election official misread and recorded a 47 as 97.

Joe Rossi, a Houston County resident who first identified flaws in the audit counts, said at that meeting that the inputting errors resulted in more than 4,000 extra votes for Biden.

A review by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution concluded there were about 3,000 too many absentee ballots counted for Biden in the audit. However, the AJC noted, “Despite inaccuracies in the ballot batches that were investigated, the overall count in the audit was close to the official machine results.” Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes.

Sara Tindall Ghazal, a Democratic appointee to the State Election Board, noted at that meeting that (#2) the purpose of the audit — which ultimately resulted in a hand-recount of all the votes because the margin of victory for Biden was so close — was simply to confirm whether the correct person won the election.

(#3)“It’s not supposed to be a one-to-one recount,” Ghazal said. “A recount was also conducted and that’s a different thing altogether. The recount looked at the number of votes and, in fact, the count was valid. The audit is to identify whether or not the right candidate won.”

Ghazal said the mistakes were “human data entry errors” and likely the result of time constraints placed on election officials to complete the audit.

The (#4) initial machine count indicated that Biden won by 12,670 votes. A machine recount narrowed that slightly, showing Biden winning by 11,779 votes. Those are the official results.

At the meeting in March 2022, Ryan Germany, then the general counsel for the secretary of state’s office in Georgia, noted that (#5)“the certified results of the election are, you know, the initial machine count and then the recount from the machine already certified. So the audit numbers are not part of any certified results.”

Nonetheless, at the meeting, the state board voted to turn the case over to the state attorney general’s office to investigate whether the errors amounted to a violation of the state’s rules and regulations related to preparing for an audit.

At the board’s Feb. 7, 2023, meeting, the public learned that the state attorney general’s office and counsel for Fulton County had agreed to resolve the complaint with a consent order in which Fulton County admitted no wrongdoing, but agreed to implement some written policies and procedures to prevent errors in future audits.

The consent order, provided to by the State Election Board, notes that state investigators confirmed there was human error in entering data, but it didn’t affect the election results in the county.

Consent order, June 8: The results of the investigation showed that Fulton County elections staff misidentified and duplicated audit batch sheet data when entering the data into the Arlo software used by the Secretary of State’s office to manage the risk-limiting audit. By failing to enter all of the audit batch sheet data accurately, Respondent [the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections] violated SEB Rule 183-1-15-.04 regarding audits.

The investigators further concluded that the reported inconsistencies were the result of human error in entering the data, which were not discovered in time to make(#6) corrections due to time limitations in completing the risk-limiting audit and the sheer amount of ballots, and not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff.

The discovered errors were a fractional number of the total votes counted and did not affect the result of the 2020 General Election [in] Fulton County, which were confirmed as accurate by the risk-limiting audit. The purpose of the risk-limiting audit was to confirm whether the results of the original tabulation of ballots were accurate, which the audit confirmed.

Trump wrongly claimed the order was evidence of “A LOT OF CRIME.” The order says the settlement reached “is a civil settlement and has no criminal ramifications” and that there is no admission of guilt by the Fulton County election board.

The consent order was subsequently approved by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners and the State Election Board in June. In an Aug. 1 meeting of the State Election Board, its chair, William Duffey, provided an overview and timeline of the whole process.

Asked about the negotiated agreement in July, Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, (#7)“The investigation specifically found that any data entry errors committed by Fulton did not affect the results of the 2020 election. The case is now closed.

Take aways from the link.
1. Audits are done before recounts. Audits can check the original tabulation is correct, identify issues to be checked before a recount or like in this case, trigger a recount. Their vote totals are not used in vote tallies.
See #1 and #2 above.
2. An audit is not a recount and is done before a recount.
See #3 above.
3. The initial recount is done on the voting machine as well as
the second recount. See #4 above.
4. Results are certified. See #5 above.
5. Human error caused audit problem, not machine. See #6 above.
6. Georgia officials closed this case last summer. See #7 above.

Remember, your ignorance or disbelief doesn't replace or refute facts (like those facts in the link Tiny supplied). Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
That is very clear and lucid presentation. Unfortunately them donny&co crowd will react as follows:

But hey! IMO, if you ain't a registered voter of the Peach State, you ain't got nothing to say. This is all about States Rights with the way they choose to vote there. Last time I looked, all them rightie rights were all over States rights.

They just can't accept facts like Tig has shown.
... Hee Hee! ... ... So we're back-to "fact checks"
to justify your "beliefs" that there's NO voter fraud with
the 2020 election, yes? ... And "" from UPenn??

Really? ... Aint UPenn where Joe hid classified documents??

Let's unpack some o' this - as Tigbitties38 has a few things lacking
in his review there.

First-off, I don't believe I even mentioned Donald Trump's claims
about this... I mentioned Mr. Rossi's work, which surely showed
that the original count WAS WRONG! ... you DO understand that, yes?
The audit was WRONG - overcounted ballots... Which Rossi noticed.
THAT was the reason for his complaint.

... So simply put, the RLA audit was WRONG. ... Which led to the
Gov. Kemp's office forcing the GA State Elections Board investigation.

... Let's understand now that WITHOUT Mr. Rossi's "audit"
NONE o' this would have even been discovered. ... Just one more
case of "human error" in vote counting slipping thru the cracks.

... So I didn't see the "fact check" mention much - if anything
about the voting machine tabulations... Hmmmm... why is that?

So the mis-counting had nothing to do with the machines "reading"
the same lines twice or three times - it was surely due-to
"human error" during the counting - which had noting to do with
any Voter Fraud? ... THAT'S the "OFFICIAL" finding? ... How nice.

... So mis-identified and duplicated tally sheets were NOT
intentional misconduct (oh, of course not couldn't be)
and "No Evidence" to support criminal behavour.
Blimey! What a relief! ... For half-a-mo there I was surely fraught
with worry that someone might just suggest that mis-counting
ballots might be criminal!

Funny that the point of the RLA audit or whatever "new" audit
was done was NOT to actually get a solid and true "official number"
of just how many "extra counted votes there" Joe actually got,
but onley to ensure that Biden "won" the state of GA.

Hmmmm ... So getting the actual numbers correct never seems
to mater - does it? ... We see that more and more.
So whether Joe "was given" a extra 3000 or 4000 votes here
due to cheating or "human error" - you can rest assured that
The GA election people got to the centre of the issue to
address Mr. Rossi's complaint.

... And that NONE o' those "extra ballots counted" were included
in the New "OFFICIAL" ballot count (two and a half years later)
- even though their audit can't exactly be sure how many
"human error" ballots their were. ...

.... But no voter fraud found - just "human error" and
surely "Nothing criminal"... Thanks fer the fact check, mate.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Not sure I'm following completely what Salty is suggesting here?

Is it that Joe got 3 or 4k votes more than was actual?

Or...that the audit says counts are inaccurate in total?

Or that Kemp is trying to undo Raffensbergers certification of those votes??

Does any of the above change the outcome of the deficit of 11700 plus votes that Biden had over Trump in GA?

The word salad above is a bit confusing, so just trying to gain a little clarity to the OP post.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like folks present cogent, fact based arguments the OP refuses to consider. The OP repeats the same unfounded theories ad nauseum.

Maybe the OP should wait for the results of this case because there is no discourse here.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Seems like folks present cogent, fact based arguments the OP refuses to consider. The OP repeats the same unfounded theories ad nauseum.

Maybe the OP should wait for the results of this case because there is no discourse here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Love it!!