Am I seen as a Pimp?

austinkboy's Avatar
Why, did he add you to his stable and I have to go through him to get to know you now? Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Hell no, my door don't swing that way! He just happened to ask a similar question that you asked last time I saw him. I thought maybe he put you up to it.

So what are you doing posting in a Austin thread way out there from LA? Are you headed this way? Do you want me to put in a good word with Whispers to see if he can hook you up while in Austin? He works for free...
Whispers's Avatar
Hell no, my door don't swing that way! He just happened to ask a similar question that you asked last time I saw him. I thought maybe he put you up to it.

So what are you doing posting in a Austin thread way out there from LA? Are you headed this way? Do you want me to put in a good word with Whispers to see if he can hook you up while in Austin? He works for free... Originally Posted by austinkboy
What did I tell you about talking to the clients directly without going through me Kboy?

I'm telling you man... That Kato Outfit and a few of your patented martial arts moves in a short video as your Avatar and I'll fill your schedule and our pockets......

That's what quality Representation is about man! Pay the Retainer and get out of the way and I'll fill your dance card.....
Eh, I used to work in Austin a while ago and so even though NOLA is home I feel most comfy with Austin's I don't have to worry about pissing off the locals with things I might say!

I wouldn't mind visiting Austin again after I get a longer break from the place. lol.

Hell no, my door don't swing that way! He just happened to ask a similar question that you asked last time I saw him. I thought maybe he put you up to it.

So what are you doing posting in a Austin thread way out there from LA? Are you headed this way? Do you want me to put in a good word with Whispers to see if he can hook you up while in Austin? He works for free... Originally Posted by austinkboy
Whispers's Avatar
Eh, I used to work in Austin a while ago and so even though NOLA is home I feel most comfy with Austin's I don't have to worry about pissing off the locals with things I might say!

Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
I've been known to follow girls to other boards to finish conversations darlin!.... Plus I have the Patented Attack Pack Mailing list that now has 97 Posters ready to go to work on the next transgressor!


I'm smart enough to realize that Austin is on the way to New Orleans and your posts here MAY have an ulterior motive...

In which case...... seeing those eyes..... and that subtle coyness in one of your other poses....

I'm waiting for the unasked question to be popped.....

Yes. There would be some interest here!
Eh, I used to work in Austin a while ago and so even though NOLA is home I feel most comfy with Austin's I don't have to worry about pissing off the locals with things I might say!

I wouldn't mind visiting Austin again after I get a longer break from the place. lol.

Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Nashville previously?
Not yet but I've been thinking about it.

Nashville previously? Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
LOL you guys have some crappy memory.
I'm just happy someone finally seems to remember me...I told whispers my old name in a message and I have some of the same pix even and're the first person to show any sign of remembering me at all.

LOL you guys have some crappy memory. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
eglrdr's Avatar
LOL you guys have some crappy memory. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
How soon they forget!
Nice to see you are enjoying Eccie and you seem to have got a bit of use out of p411...I was always wondering if you'd send me a gift basket for the introductions. LOL
How soon they forget! Originally Posted by eglrdr
eglrdr's Avatar
Nice to see you are enjoying Eccie and you seem to have got a bit out of use out of p411...I was always wondering if you'd send me a gift basket for the introductions. LOL Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
If I could have found you I would time you're in town I'd be happy to show my appreciation..

Sorry for the hijack Whispers
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Why, did he add you to his stable and I have to go through him to get to know you now? Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Hell no, my door don't swing that way! He just happened to ask a similar question that you asked last time I saw him. I thought maybe he put you up to it. Originally Posted by austinkboy
AKB, did you switch teams?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I'm just happy someone finally seems to remember me...I told whispers my old name in a message and I have some of the same pix even and're the first person to show any sign of remembering me at all. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
I remember those eyes.

Though, when I see a name change, I try not to be obvious about it since the change could have been driven by security needs.
Exactly. I don't mind you guys pming about it or even saying it in Locker Room but I'd rather it not be turned into a situation where a search of my old name turns up my new name for the general public.

Oh and to keep this remotely on topic- whispers is Kboy's pimp but he only rents him out to very discerning ladies willing to pay top dollar for a gentleman of his caliber.

I remember those eyes.

Though, when I see a name change, I try not to be obvious about it since the change could have been driven by security needs. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
governmentguru's Avatar
If the wheels on your car cost more than the car itself... you might be a pimp.
If your car stereo sets off car alarms WHEN ON THE LOW VOLUME SETTING... you might be a pimp.
If you don't own a suit that isn't a color in the rainbow... you might be a pimp.