Are you a God Fearing Christian?

Oh c'mon, the answer is obvious. The people who are attacking and demeaning are LIBTARDS. It is a compulsion. They have a compulsive need to feel superior to anyone and everyone who's not on board with their so-called "progressive" agenda. So they seek to smear all believers as backward-looking conservative fundamentalist creationist anti-science neanderthals who live in the swamps. If anyone questions this silly caricature, they sneer and tell them to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird. Then they fly to San Francisco and give speeches to their snobby filthy rich atheist elitist far-left supporters at $10,000-a-plate dinners where they bitch and moan about all the hillbillies back in Pennsylvania who "cling to their guns and religion". Originally Posted by lustylad
So, exactly why do you stay on the attack? To feel inferior? What you fail to see in your blind rage, is that you're merely talking about two sides of the same coin. You opined about democrats smearing republicans... by smearing democrats yourself. Are you so blind you don't see that? You can't even have a conversation where you don't call someone a faggot or a retard or cunt. That says a lot about you. If you feel inferior, perhaps a look inward would be beneficial, instead of lashing out and blaming others. If you know even basic science and anything about evolution or geology and still believe in an earth that's 8K years old, you deserve to be ridiculed. Science has spoken. It's not about being progressive. It's as simple as this; I want to believe as many true things and as few false things as I possibly can. Religion has lost. We know enough about human nature and our sociology to understand why things like religion were created in the first place.

If someone is going to come on here and proclaim, more than once, that they are a god-fearing christian, while simultaneously having 70-plus reviews on whooores they've banged, I'm going to call that person a piece of shit. Their entire purpose as a christian is to try and get other people to be christians. Why in the fuck would I want to be a christian when I see a piece of shit like that who's just going through the motions. They're the ones choosing to play the game. I'm simply pointing out the fact that they aren't playing by their own rules. If you don't want to follow the rules, don't play the game. It's that simple.
Masturbation I guess would be considered a sin-because it would involve lust.

To COG, DIRTY DOG AND OTHERS- I guess by your definition no one on earth should use the term :"God-fearing Christian" because everyone sins in some form- is that your belief? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Why should you fear your god? that's a better question. He creates you, supposedly, and because he's all everything, he knows you will be a complete wretch who will need his salvation, so he impregnates his own mother, with himself, so that he can be born, die and offer you salvation for your shitty soul? How does that shit even make sense? Just read that and tell me how it doesn't sound batshit crazy.
It's a lot closer to the rest of America than I thought it would be.

Religion is pretty much irrelevant now.
Or because it is a hooker board..
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why should you fear your god? that's a better question. He creates you, supposedly, and because he's all everything, he knows you will be a complete wretch who will need his salvation, so he impregnates his own mother, with himself, so that he can be born, die and offer you salvation for your shitty soul? How does that shit even make sense? Just read that and tell me how it doesn't sound batshit crazy. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It makes as much sense as one day a big explosion occurs- and instead of chaos/confusion you get order- and it so happens that life is produced- but amazingly life is produced in which for most living things everything is in pair. Still further- all those "pairs" that were created- oops I meant "evolved" happen to have the right organs to reproduce.
So Underconstruction I mean WombRaider do you really believe you came from an ape? Did our first ancestors evolve as an infant or was our first ancestor an adult- it had to be one of the other right? As the old adage goes- what came first the chicken or the egg?
  • shanm
  • 04-27-2015, 07:16 PM
It makes as much sense as one day a big explosion occurs- and instead of chaos/confusion you get order- and it so happens that life is produced- but amazingly life is produced in which for most living things everything is in pair. Still further- all those "pairs" that were created- oops I meant "evolved" happen to have the right organs to reproduce.
So Underconstruction I mean WombRaider do you really believe you came from an ape? Did our first ancestors evolve as an infant or was our first ancestor an adult- it had to be one of the other right? As the old adage goes- what came first the chicken or the egg? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

None of what you said is even remotely true.

The big explosion (big bang) did not create life. It merely created, as an infinitesimally small part of its aftermath, conditions where life could evolve and be sustained (i.e. the Earth).
The big bang IS NOT the first event in history, it is merely the first event in this universe's history and the farthest point of time that scientists have been able to go back to and from where the creation of all matter started. Before the big bang there was only energy and no matter, because there were no atomic particles from which matter could form. The cooling down of high-density energy created the first subatomic particles which later formed into matter and much much later into everything we have today.

In short, we didn't get from nothing to something in a matter of days. Try to understand, with relation to time, how long a BILLION years is. Now multiply that by 13-14 and you've approximately got the age of our universe. Matter creation and expansion takes place every single second (even though time is relative too) in our universe. It is observable and therefore the big bang theory is the only one that offers theoretical proof of our creation. The Bible, Quran, Torah, (obviously) don't.

Also, we didn't come from apes, we are apes. We are just a different species of ape that evolved faster and turned out to be much smarter than others. So saying that just because gorillas exist disproves evolution is actually really fucking stupid. We have always been apes and we still are apes from the Homo genus.

and instead of chaos/confusion you get order-
Can you honestly say that this world has order?
It makes as much sense as one day a big explosion occurs- and instead of chaos/confusion you get order- and it so happens that life is produced- but amazingly life is produced in which for most living things everything is in pair. Still further- all those "pairs" that were created- oops I meant "evolved" happen to have the right organs to reproduce.
So Underconstruction I mean WombRaider do you really believe you came from an ape? Did our first ancestors evolve as an infant or was our first ancestor an adult- it had to be one of the other right? As the old adage goes- what came first the chicken or the egg? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Please tell me you aren't dragging out some of the oldest, most tired creation arguments of all time. Second law of thermodynamics; the old 747 in a junkyard. That's been refuted SO many times.

Listen. I don't want to hurt your feelings. I really don't. Evolution is as much a fact as gravity. It's been studied. It's been tested in laboratories MANY times. Not to mention that we have the fossil record, showing how natural selection contributed to the most beneficial traits being carried forward. It's simply not up for debate. Now, I know that you aren't going to hear this on sunday from the pulpit. But would you rather get your scientific information from a scientist... or a preacher, who has a vested interested in keeping your butt in that pew?

Scientists LIVE to prove each other wrong. It's what brings recognition, medals, etc. Trust me, if evolution were anything but rock-solid fact, the scientist who could prove that would be hugely famous. The problem is that they all know it's not crap and it's been proven over and over and over again.

Now let's move on to your misunderstanding of the second law of thermodynamics. This is your out of chaos comes order argument. The second law says that entropy, which is what scientists call disorder, cannot decrease in a closed system. The key word there is CLOSED. Parts of the system however, are allowed to become more orderly, as long as other parts become less so.

Humans didn't descend from apes. We have a common ancestor. That means two distinct lines of lineage. Fossils have been found that are early hominids. Lucy is probably the most famous. She lived a little over 3 million years ago. They've actually found an even older one, Ardi, who is over 4 million years old. He was a hominid, like us, walked upright BUT he had an opposable toe, which is usually found in tree-climbing primates.

As for did our ancestor evolve as a young child or an adult, that doesn't make any sense. These changes occurred over millions of years. Your mistake is in thinking they happened fast. It may have taken millions of years for us to form our eyes as we now know them.

I know it's a lot of take in, but I haven't said anything in this post that isn't scientific fact and you're welcome to go research any of it yourself.
None of what you said is even remotely true.

The big explosion (big bang) did not create life. It merely created, as an infinitesimally small part of its aftermath, conditions where life could evolve and be sustained (i.e. the Earth).
The big bang IS NOT the first event in history, it is merely the first event in this universe's history and the farthest point of time that scientists have been able to go back to and from where the creation of all matter started. Before the big bang there was only energy and no matter, because there were no atomic particles from which matter could form. The cooling down of high-density energy created the first subatomic particles which later formed into matter and much much later into everything we have today.

In short, we didn't get from nothing to something in a matter of days. Try to understand, with relation to time, how long a BILLION years is. Now multiply that by 13-14 and you've approximately got the age of our universe. Matter creation and expansion takes place every sin

gle second (even though time is relative too) in our universe. It is observable and therefore the big bang theory is the only one that offers theoretical proof of our creation. The Bible, Quran, Torah, (obviously) don't.

Also, we didn't come from apes, we are apes. We are just a different species of ape that evolved faster and turned out to be much smarter than others. So saying that just because gorillas exist disproves evolution is actually really fucking stupid. We have always been apes and we still are apes from the Homo genus.

Can you honestly say that this world has order? Originally Posted by shanm
Saying that we came from apes, so why are there still apes is like asking why your father is still alive after you're born. One has nothing to do with other.

And even nothing, isn't really nothing. Even nothing has weight. You can remove everything and it still has weight. That's one of the big reasons the LHC is fired back up. They're looking to find out what dark matter is. They only know it's there because it reacts gravitationally to other matter, but it doesn't interact with light, so we can't see it. 90 percent of the mass in our galaxy is made of elements OTHER than what make us up.
  • shanm
  • 04-27-2015, 08:01 PM
Saying that we came from apes, so why are there still apes is like asking why your father is still alive after you're born. One has nothing to do with other.

And even nothing, isn't really nothing. Even nothing has weight. You can remove everything and it still has weight. That's one of the big reasons the LHC is fired back up. They're looking to find out what dark matter is. They only know it's there because it reacts gravitationally to other matter, but it doesn't interact with light, so we can't see it. 90 percent of the mass in our galaxy is made of elements OTHER than what make us up. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I thought dark matter was closer to 30% rather than 90? Unless you're talking about only the matter that exists on Earth and other observable places. I'll have to look it up, it's been a while.

I think dark energy might be......the force!
To the naysayers:
"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."

I thought dark matter was closer to 30% rather than 90? Unless you're talking about only the matter that exists on Earth and other observable places. I'll have to look it up, it's been a while.

I think dark matter might be the force.
To the naysayers: "I find your lack of faith disturbing..."

Originally Posted by shanm
In Lawrence Krauss' book a universe from nothing, I believe he says it's 90 percent of our galaxy is made of matter other than what makes us.
  • shanm
  • 04-27-2015, 08:11 PM
In Lawrence Krauss' book a universe from nothing, I believe he says it's 90 percent of our galaxy is made of matter other than what makes us. Originally Posted by WombRaider
yes, that is correct sir! The observable universe and everything we are made of is made from less than 5% of the kinds of matter that actually exist.

Of the remaining 27% is believed to be dark matter, while 68% is considered dark energy.

I got it from here:

It's amazing how we can pretend that the universe was made for us when we, as human beings, make up less than an infinitely small percentage of all matter. That is the height of arrogance.
dirty dog's Avatar
Because they claim to be a God-fearing Christian while banging whooores. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well as I pointed out I understand the reason in the case of the GFC monger, but I am referring to other cases not related to this.
dirty dog's Avatar
[QUOTE=wellendowed1911;10566574 61To COG, DIRTY DOG AND OTHERS- I guess by your definition no one on earth should use the term :"God-fearing Christian" because everyone sins in some form- is that your belief?[/QUOTE]

Personally I could give a good shit what you call yourself. What you are or arnt is not my concern, why would it be, I am not sitting in judgment of you unlike you. When you present yourself as holier than thou, are you so simple minded to think your not going to be called on it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
None of what you said is even remotely true.

The big explosion (big bang) did not create life. It merely created, as an infinitesimally small part of its aftermath, conditions where life could evolve and be sustained (i.e. the Earth).
The big bang IS NOT the first event in history, it is merely the first event in this universe's history and the farthest point of time that scientists have been able to go back to and from where the creation of all matter started. Before the big bang there was only energy and no matter, because there were no atomic particles from which matter could form. The cooling down of high-density energy created the first subatomic particles which later formed into matter and much much later into everything we have today.

In short, we didn't get from nothing to something in a matter of days. Try to understand, with relation to time, how long a BILLION years is. Now multiply that by 13-14 and you've approximately got the age of our universe. Matter creation and expansion takes place every single second (even though time is relative too) in our universe. It is observable and therefore the big bang theory is the only one that offers theoretical proof of our creation. The Bible, Quran, Torah, (obviously) don't.

Also, we didn't come from apes, we are apes. We are just a different species of ape that evolved faster and turned out to be much smarter than others. So saying that just because gorillas exist disproves evolution is actually really fucking stupid. We have always been apes and we still are apes from the Homo genus.

Can you honestly say that this world has order? Originally Posted by shanm
You didn't find it a bit odd that everything is here for us to survive? Oxygen, various other elements, water, etc???? Doesn't this look like a design rather than some random chance?
The Crocodile has been here for billions of years unchanged, but we don't see Crocodiles building cars are teaching at universities- give me one reason why of all the species on earth it appears that human's intelligent has exploded to astronomical levels in just the past 10 to 50,000 years and other species remain the same? Why? Also, Womb when you get a second google the Mimic Octopus- and tell me how the creature could have possible been in a result of evolution- :

It has been known to mimic the following animals:
Sole fish: The sole fish is a flat and poisonous fish. The mimic will draw all of its arms together to form a leaf-shaped wedge and move forward using jet propulsion.[16]
Lion fish: The lion fish is a large predator with poisonous fins. The octopus mimics it by swimming with its arms spread wide and moving around the body near the sea floor.[17]
Sea snake: The octopus copies this animal by changing its color to imitate the yellow and black stripes. It also sticks six of its arms into the sand and waves two arms to give the appearance of a snake. [18]
Sand Anemone: While not confirmed, it is assumed that the octopus imitate these sand anemones who are armed with stinging nematocysts. To copy them, the octopus sits on a sand mound and raises its arms in zig-zag shapes.[19]
Jellyfish: Although also not confirmed, it is believed that the mimic will swim towards the sea surface and float down with its arms waving around below it to impersonate the jellyfish.[20]
In addition, this octopus is believed to mimic the stingray, star fish, giant crabs, lionfish, seahorses, anemones, flounder, and mantis shrimp

Tell me how evolution can explain the existence of this creature- How does that can get passed on in the DNA? Or would a better explanation be intelligent design?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Personally I could give a good shit what you call yourself. What you are or arnt is not my concern, why would it be, I am not sitting in judgment of you unlike you. When you present yourself as holier than thou, are you so simple minded to think your not going to be called on it. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Dirty dog please quote me where I have passed judgement on anyone here or said that I am holier than thou...? Is it a crime or sin for that matter for someone to say they Love God/Jesus/Allah or whoever? I didn't say that anyone here is going to hell or not? WombRaider is an atheist/agnostic who thinks the Bible is a fairy tale- I have never told him he's going to hell. If someone comes on here and say they love Satan that's their business.
If in my heart I love God that's my business - I will answer to God for my sins when the day comes- it was that old fart COG who made himself, judge/juror/executioner and decided who is a God fearing Christian and who isn't- by his rationale every person who visits this site can't possible love God.