Provider / Hobbyist Fantasy List?

CanDo01. 'Nuff said!
mikahranae's Avatar
Neotek...quit promoting your doubles partner.

Eros...can't wait to see ya babe.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Great thread, Poppy. That's the only reason I go to socials, to meet providers. Clicking is a big deal for me. I can't go to evening socials because most of the providers arrive past my bedtime, but the nooners are good for interaction in more ways than one. In addition, most of the time I'm on this board I'm searching for personality. That, and just about that alone, determines who I'll visit...or ask to visit. I rarely get PMs from providers wanting to see me (wink!), so I have to search for them. But such is life.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 06-10-2010, 02:33 PM
Well, i knew guys have list, shit, i carry mine in a little black book in my back pocket...the list just keeps getting longer and longer...

What, i guess surprises me is that I guess i never thougth the ladies had a fantasy list too...

go figure

rock on
Mine in no special order would be:

Hanna of Dallas
Brooke Daniels

Hell, I would he happy as a clam to meet up with any of them.....
verygood69's Avatar
MISS REESE FOSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many super ladies in DFW. I enjoy reading posts and fantasizing from there and I also tend to get some good advice from a couple of lads on the boards, who have never sent me in a wrong direction. Based on such sage advice, Lexy Laye is on the list BUT, given my recent run of hobby inactivity, I have several of my favs that I need to revisit first.

Such a problem. Need the market to go up... Originally Posted by Judge Smails

hi poppa im Juici in new around this forum so touch me gently...

i see you mention bout a first visit to the garden?
tsrv4me's Avatar
My list is not long but exclusive .....Victoria Westin,Dragonfly,and Cathy .......
TexRich's Avatar
eh. I cant think of anyone here. Perhaps I should read some of the other forums on this board more often.
haha thats funny TEXRICH!! perhaps you should find another hobby!! cause if you dont have any providers here that you fantasize about or at least arouse you.... hm... makes me sad for you cause there are soo many in dallas who are amazing!! People in other cities will glady trade with you, cause TEXAS in general has soooo many AMAZING women to attend to their EVERY NEED!! Perhaps backpage and cl will be more appealing?
hope you find somebody soon.. seems like you need some loving in your life i hope you have a wonderful day and MUAHHHH !! Tons of kisses for you handsome

TexRich's Avatar
I do remember a quite outspoken provider from another board and another time here in Dallas and she traveled a lot around Texas and the continental U.S. At first she was the flavor of the month when she first came onto the scene and she seemed to be on her way up. But, unfortunately for her, she was too full of herself, immature, a drama queen and eventually ran off that board.

She had the same initials of my board persona, TR. But, that's just conversation, and not to mention a waste of bandwidth.

If CPI reads this, I am sure he knows who I am talking about. ha ha.
MISS REESE FOSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by verygood69

I have a long list of hobbyist that I would love to meet, just based on their postings. Obviously, I am not their type since they have never contacted me. That is life, I guess.
Obviously, I am not their type..... Originally Posted by reese foster
so..... they don't like smoking hot women?
Texrich, like I said. i hope you do find somebody you soon can fantasize about. Cause you, and everybody else deserves to feel like a king. As for watever girl your talking about... thats really sad to hear. Sucks that women become that way, but thats good because that leaves more men for the women who truely love their job and love themself.

Enjoy your Sunday

Reese SHUT UP!!! your amazingly beautiful and if they havent contacted you its because their either nervous, saving money, or waiting for the right time~ !!! IM still looking forward to a double with you !!! I think we would be amazing working together!!

LOve yall! and STAY SMILING

Berkleigh,Brooks Cumsalot,Infamous BJ all 3 at once!!!!