Would Trump have rushed in to save the kids?

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I don't know if the CIC would've run in, however there is no doubt in my mind if the CIC were at the school, deputy sheriffs wouldn't be sitting on their asses outside.
You watch to many Bruce Lee movies, in real life martial arts we are trained not to kill or injure anymore than necessary. In the case of these two knuckleheads with knives, I only had to hit one of them once, he never saw it coming, once they realized I had no fear of them and wasn’t leaving they were more concerned about escaping than fighting. I could have ran them down but I was more concerned about the lady.

You deplorables would probably have shot them in the back as they ran away. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I've studied Aikido for quite a few years. You can't tell me about the Martial arts dumbass. I was also a High School and Collegiate Wrestler. I am not the one in here to bullshit about these subjects. Now what techniques did you use to subdue two subjects with a knife? One punch yeah right, You think you're Bruce Lee, lol.

.. but what these fools do is cut portions out and leave off the qualifiers so it looks like an emphatic statement .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
IMO that's 99% of the press. Badger the hell out of someone to get a quote/comment, then only use a SNIPPET of it, just to push their agenda.
LexusLover's Avatar
IMO that's 99% of the press. Badger the hell out of someone to get a quote/comment, then only use a SNIPPET of it, just to push their agenda. Originally Posted by garhkal
That's what is happening on Trump's comments about "going in," because he qualified his comments by (paraphrase) saying that we don't know what we would do until "tested" (he used that word!) and he said .... "I think" I would go in with or without a weapon to "help the wounded" ...

The same misquoting and distorted interpretations occur in this forum in order to demonize, marginalize, and attempt to quiet posters who have differing views.

BTW: That's what is happening with this Party "Memos" about what happened before a FISA Court ... "classified" proceedings? How do any of the authors know what happened?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2018, 07:27 AM
That's what is happening on Trump's comments about "going in," because he qualified his comments by (paraphrase) saying that we don't know what we would do until "tested" (he used that word!) and he said .... "I think" I would go in with or without a weapon to "help the wounded" ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So Trump does not know what he would do but call the Deputy a coward before all the facts have come out.
So Trump does not know what he would do but call the Deputy a coward before all the facts have come out. Originally Posted by WTF
People say inappropriate things, Presidents are no different. Obama made a comment about a Cambridge Officer acted stupidly and took some heat over that statement. It's nobodies place to second guess the actions of Police Officers including Presidents, let their Departments handle that area.

I've studied Aikido for quite a few years. You can't tell me about the Martial arts dumbass. I was also a High School and Collegiate Wrestler. I am not the one in here to bullshit about these subjects. Now what techniques did you use to subdue two subjects with a knife? One punch yeah right, You think you're Bruce Lee, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
When , in reality, he's Bruce's lesser known white cousin UG Lee !
When , in reality, he's Bruce's lesser known white cousin UG Lee ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Think I've read enough of your posts to be able to venture a guess that if they were armed, with only their c*cks in their hand - then, yes - you would rush in. Otherwise.... I be think'n NO!

There is nothing much to consider - kids were dying. WTF would you do? I'd go in and certainly any cop, not afraid would go in would. And who want's scared cops anyway?!?

I doubt that Trump can run.
I am not sure how I would respond to entering a building with the sound of rapid fire and no clue how many shooters, I assume one would have to try to comprehend the situation before acting. Problem is with these types of weapons the damage is done so quickly it’s hard to respond quick enough.

I never faced gunfire however once I walked upon 2 guys assulting a student with a knife. I didn’t even think about the danger and just acted, I had to take out both men and help the woman escape. However had these guys been standing there with automatic weapons I am not sure how I would have responded, I would like to think the same way but the danger level would have been so high, I am not sure what the right response would have been.

My point is the officers at the school had a lot to consider in a short period of time, it would be very difficult to do. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The Motley Fool's Avatar
He also told the radio host that he was terrified of blood.
“I’m not good for medical,” he said in a 2008 interview. “In other words, if you cut your finger and there’s blood pouring out, I’m gone.”
He told Stern about an old man falling from the stage during a benefit at his Mar-a-Lago club.
“I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” Trump said. “I didn’t want to touch him … he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. ‘Oh my God! This is terrible! This is disgusting!’ And you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy.”
Trump said that Marines at the benefit came to the aid of the fallen man, and the future president kicked into action.
“I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ ” said Trump. “The next day, I forgot to call to say he’s okay.”

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politi...z&ocid=U221DHP Originally Posted by WTF

Hell no!! not on his many deferments for fuckin' bone spurs!!!

5 guilty pleas and DOZENS of indictments!!! Mueller making America Great Again!!! MAGA=Mueller Ain't Going Away...
MT Pockets's Avatar
We all know the only building Trump is going in without protection is a girls dressing room.
We all know the only building Trump is going in without protection is a girls dressing room. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Is that like when YOU go into the HEB without LUBE's protection ?
MT Pockets's Avatar
Is that like when YOU go into the HEB without LUBE's protection ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
No. more like when you go to the cockfights without a Depends Adult diaper on.
Hey I saw your daughter the other day she ask me to send you a message. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnVV8YrLgJI
We all know the only building Trump is going in without protection is a girls dressing room. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Not unless several girls are lactating then he'll need a raincoat or a bucket, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
No. more like when you go to the cockfights without a Depends Adult diaper on. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Do you change your own Depends or do you have to get someone else?

You really need to start growing up and maturing.