43% of Repblicans believe President Obama is a Muslim

Is there any evidence that he's not ? Originally Posted by Happyfella
That's not how the burden of proof works. If you're going to make a claim, you need to be the one to prove it, not the other way around.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keep drinking the kool aid - you are the only one who believes that Barack article that you posted a million times is legit. However, there's an old saying keep telling a lie long enough and eventually you will believe the lie.
Barack is a Christian - if anyone in this forum knows it - it's me - I am a born again Christian and I know for sure Obama is no Muslim. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
you .. know .. for .. sure .. that .. Obama .. is .. no .. Muslim?
i had to put that in a format your pea brain can understand. so tell me, how exactly do you know this? post your photo of you and Obama chillin'. show me a photo of the two of you studying the Bible together. throw in the Rev. Wright and you'll look even dumber than you already are.

i suppose this is just a Freudian slip of the tongue? that's a clear sign of a liar. they forget their own lies and utter the truth.

just how many times can the mulatto muslim in chief slip up and tell the truth about his real beliefs before you idiots will get it?

if he's a christian why does he slam Christianity yet defend Islam at every opportunity?

show me one speech, article, anything where this muslim dares to criticize Islam.

Keep drinking the kool aid - you are the only one who believes that Barack article that you posted a million times is legit. However, there's an old saying keep telling a lie long enough and eventually you will believe the lie.
Barack is a Christian - if anyone in this forum knows it - it's me - I am a born again Christian and I know for sure Obama is no Muslim. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Hussein attended the Church of "Come Hate Whitey Those Chikens Gotta Roost".
Just like you weewiener...

Plenty you idiot - you guys can't even get your lies correct - you have Obama grief for going to Pastor Wrights church - so what practicing Muslim attends a church? Also, in Islam if you are Muslim and convert to another faith you could be met with death - has anyone seen him coming out of a mosque ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Do y'all wear costumes like this at your church, weewiener? If so you might be a mooslum

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Keep drinking the kool aid - you are the only one who believes that Barack article that you posted a million times is legit. However, there's an old saying keep telling a lie long enough and eventually you will believe the lie.
Barack is a Christian - if anyone in this forum knows it - it's me - I am a born again Christian and I know for sure Obama is no Muslim. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
and yet you are a whore monger. defend that born again hypocrite.

maybe instead of being born again you shoulda just stayed dead?

so enlighten us heathens will ya? what epiphany caused your "return" to faith?

a good christian never shies away from such a topic. they are always thumping their bibles and extolling their religious piety.
I guess you have a point. I mean, look how dumb living in Oklahoma has made you It sure seems to have had an influence on your intelligence. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Like you've got room to talk as " The Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas " . What Walmart did for expanding their brand for retail shopping, you'll be doing with the 'holes ! Will you be playing the " rusty trombone" and untying some " rusty balloon knots " at all of the grand openings of your franchises ? :woot_ju mp:
wellendowed1911's Avatar
you .. know .. for .. sure .. that .. Obama .. is .. no .. Muslim?
i had to put that in a format your pea brain can understand. so tell me, how exactly do you know this? post your photo of you and Obama chillin'. show me a photo of the two of you studying the Bible together. throw in the Rev. Wright and you'll look even dumber than you already are.

i suppose this is just a Freudian slip of the tongue? that's a clear sign of a liar. they forget their own lies and utter the truth.

just how many times can the mulatto muslim in chief slip up and tell the truth about his real beliefs before you idiots will get it?

if he's a christian why does he slam Christianity yet defend Islam at every opportunity?

show me one speech, article, anything where this muslim dares to criticize Islam.

SHOW ME. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You do know he was sworn in twice with his hand on a bible you fucking idiot- in Islam that would be considered blasphemy you jerk
But Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity’s guiding principles–what the church calls the “Black Value System”–included a “Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.’”


Would it bother you if he was? After all he spent most of his formative years in Indonesia, which is about 90% Muslim. There's a very good possibility he was a practicing Muslim at one time in his life.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
No, there is not. You are a fucking nut.
Sheer stupidity.

http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefi...ma-is-a-muslim Originally Posted by timpage

Timmy is this you?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You do know he was sworn in twice with his hand on a bible you fucking idiot- in Islam that would be considered blasphemy you jerk Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
which makes his "Oath" a joke. like you.
Iffie, you live in your own little world dude. Completely disconnected from reality.

Timmy is this you?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, there is not. You are a fucking nut. Originally Posted by timpage
yes there is. you deny fact and believe in the fiction of the Mulatto Muslin in Chief. i thought i told you ..


yet you worship this incompetent asshole. why?