The Truth about the Unemployment rate.

dirty dog's Avatar
Just playing devil's advocate here but the right is not immune to this either, some still blame Clinton or even Carter for what's going on or for something that has happened way after they were out of office. (But I'm not saying you are doing this, don't take it that way.) Originally Posted by Kaboom
Some do and I say the same thing to them, this need to have a villian to blame is ignorant. Determine the problem, solve the problem, then look for the cause and correct it.
Kaboom's Avatar
Some do and I say the same thing to them, this need to have a villian to blame is ignorant. Determine the problem, solve the problem, then look for the cause and correct it. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Now that's what I like to hear.
Problem is those that are trying to fix the problem have never worked in a job where they had to solve problems. One government job to another does not make a problem solver. And by "those" i mean both parties not just one or the other. When you are in congress for all your working life you have no clue how real business works or how to solve real problems. Its all about making a deal with the guy over there so he will agree with your deal next time.

TERM LIMITS for all and maybe we can fix this. But its going to take time -
dirty dog's Avatar
Problem is those that are trying to fix the problem have never worked in a job where they had to solve problems. One government job to another does not make a problem solver. And by "those" i mean both parties not just one or the other. When you are in congress for all your working life you have no clue how real business works or how to solve real problems. Its all about making a deal with the guy over there so he will agree with your deal next time.

TERM LIMITS for all and maybe we can fix this. But its going to take time - Originally Posted by 1963Cobra
I fully support term limits, its time to be rid of the professional politicians.
The subject of the thread is 'truth about unemployment'...

I've read lots of articles, and listened to several economists who have their own version of the 'truth about unemployment'. They claim that unemployment numbers are actually higher than reported, because people have given up looking for work. They also cite stats about underemployment...we have alot of that going on in my neck of the woods - reduced hours, re-positioned to lower paying jobs etc.

Its a big problem...the giant elephant beating on a drum in the room....

...and the administration's best response is "its Bush's fault anyway, and it could be worse"?!?

I wish somebody in washington would get serious about it. Frankly, its not going to be Obama, so somebody else needs to step up.