Trump and russia

pussycat's Avatar
Yew have faith

An' Ah have a phat boner thet wuld fit rite inna Vladischmeer Pootin's purdy mouth.

Suck it, Commie scum! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I always admire your posts. You are the common man America claims to love.

Now as for Trump and Russia:

1.The DNC/Podesta hack preceded Trump's nomination
2.When the Russians perpetrate a hack they do so as to be unattributable.
3.It is easy to rig a hack to look like someone else did it
4.It is impossible to know what Putin's personal role is or might be
5.CIA and FBI are politicized
6.Trump is warming up to Putin because it will allow him to influence him later. This is classic strategy. After a honeymoon Trump's Generals now in charge will set out some hard measures for the Russians. There will be negotiation and compromise. But Trump's strategy is to be their friends now and then clobber them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like you're reading a fairy tale, Junior.
lustylad's Avatar
Sounds like anyone who expects an intelligent reply out of me is reading a fairy tale. I am a junior high school dropout. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FTFY, asswipe.
pussycat's Avatar
This was not "cyberwarfare" or interference in an election. The DNC and Podesta hacks revealed corruption in the Democratic Party which every American should know. We should thank whoever did it. When it happened Trump wasn't even the Republican nominee LOL! Obama needs to shut his lying mouth and get the hell out of town and retire to his millionaire's compound in southern California where he can spend the rest of his meaningless life playing golf in the sun. He will never have to return to the cold of Chicago where he claims he found a home for his prior life as a community organizer helping the needy and disenfranchised when in reality he was living in a million dollar home in Hyde Park nowhere around the south Chicago ghetto he claimed to be part of. He was a fucking liar and fraud from day one.

And now Hillary is on that same bandwagon - blaming Putin for her election loss because he has a grudge against her - no Hillary- you lost the election because nobody likes you.
Sigh - I mean really girl- you are grasping for straws there.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I always admire your posts. You are the common man America claims to love. Originally Posted by pussycat
An' don't nunya all roundt h'yar fergit it!!!
nuglet's Avatar
LOL screw em all. If someone doesn't have the ability to keep a secret, then who's to blame? THE ONE THAT WROTE whatever it was whatever was supposed to be a "secret". This day in age, with all the tech we have and even the world's governments can't keep something from being snooped upon, screw em'.. all's fair in love a war, and this planet hasn't been without war in it's entire written history, and even before.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha way Ah sees it, if'n ol' Vladischmeer Pootin anna Rooskies take o'er 'Murica, shore we'll be a slave state to our pseudo-commie o'erlords, but onna bright side thar's gonna be mo' jobs fer e'ery buddy than yew kin shake a stick at 'cos worldt dommie-nayshun izza labor-intensive thang. Plus, ya git ta kick tha livvin' shee'yit outta a whole lotta smelly furrinners. An' kickin tha shee'yit outta furrinners is whut made 'Murica great inna furst place!

Ah blames Obama.
pussycat's Avatar
Tha way Ah sees it, if'n ol' Vladischmeer Pootin anna Rooskies take o'er 'Murica, shore we'll be a slave state to our pseudo-commie o'erlords, but onna bright side thar's gonna be mo' jobs fer e'ery buddy than yew kin shake a stick at 'cos worldt dommie-nayshun izza labor-intensive thang. Plus, ya git ta kick tha livvin' shee'yit outta a whole lotta smelly furrinners. An' kickin tha shee'yit outta furrinners is whut made 'Murica great inna furst place!

Ah blames Obama. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
You should run for public office immediately! Ted Cruz's Senate seat should be yours . You could mop the floor with that jackass in any debate, or at least let's say you have the common touch voters will go for. We need your kind of clarity!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And now Hillary is on that same bandwagon - blaming Putin for her election loss because he has a grudge against her - no Hillary- you lost the election because nobody likes you.
Sigh - I mean really girl- you are grasping for straws there. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Actually, since Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million, more people like Clinton than Trump. But only the electoral vote matters so Trump is President-elect. Unlike others who for 8 years have blasted Obama on every issue, I support Trump and hope he lives up to his many commitments to the American people. If he fails it does no one in this country any good.
No, what I mean is people voted for Hillary because they voted the party line - they liked Bernie better. She had no energy,no excitement,no message,ect. But yes, I agree, if Trump fails - the country loses. And nobody wants that.

Actually, since Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million, more people like Clinton than Trump. But only the electoral vote matters so Trump is President-elect. Unlike others who for 8 years have blasted Obama on every issue, I support Trump and hope he lives up to his many commitments to the American people. If he fails it does no one in this country any good. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Oopsie, dubble post.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
You should run for public office immediately! Ted Cruz's Senate seat should be yours . You could mop the floor with that jackass in any debate, or at least let's say you have the common touch voters will go for. We need your kind of clarity! Originally Posted by pussycat
Bin thar, dun thet, an' LOSZT. Tha lyin' muthafukkin' seecr't Commie Castro-luvvin' Cooban sleeper cell leader lied his way inta tha Senate seat thet wuz s'pposed ta be mine! If'n ya don't bee-leeve meh, jus' ask ol' Dick Cheney.
lustylad's Avatar
Bin thar, dun thet, an' LOSZT. Tha lyin' muthafukkin' seecr't Commie Castro-luvvin' Cooban sleeper cell leader lied his way inta tha Senate seat thet wuz s'pposed ta be mine! If'n ya don't bee-leeve meh, jus' ask ol' Dick Cheney. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Goshdarn, David D! Methinks you need a few lessons in WINNING! Why don't you send a PM to Yssup Rider? Over in the Political Forum, he is acclaimed as the only 3-time winner of the Eccie Dipshit of the Year Award! He may be able to pass along some of his secrets to you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Stalker cain't hep hissef.