Is the MSM reporting this about the attackers who killed 6 Jews and a Policeman?

I B Hankering's Avatar
So ethnicities were killed at their place of worships, and you weak sisters are arguings over what the Congress member said like that’s the outrage. I suppose escaping blame for typically characteristic behavior is a win for the Trumpholians.

You’re 10-ply, boys.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Pointing out the racist bullshit spouted by the left is a public service.

BTW, Behar isn't a jackass congress woman. She's a jackass TV personality with a large pulpit and megaphone to feed pablum to the likes of you.
HoeHummer's Avatar
I haven’t seen her programme Hanky.

But it sures seems like yous have, Hankie.

The racists bullshit is pretty thicks here, eh? Who needs the tv when we’ve gots ECCIE!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I haven’t seen her programme Hanky.

But it sures seems like yous have, Hankie.

The racists bullshit is pretty thicks here, eh? Who needs the tv when we’ve gots ECCIE!
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
It seems you don't watch news that would keep you honestly informed about your ilks' racist stupidity. That you don't says much about your character.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Fuck you Hansky! That programme isn’t on Box here’s and what the fuck does that have to do with racist elks, anyway?

You’re still sore from that time when you were buggered by Dennis Rodmans. Still denying that too???
rexdutchman's Avatar
LSM isn't reporting the incident 24 /7 simply because it doesn't fit the narrative ( deplorable Rep shooting things up) and stolen guns, felons with guns ( NJ very strong anti gun laws , not working as normal) / Black Panther off shoot hiding in church. ( god forbid the fbbi looks into ) On and sadly on
Sad really the LSM is hiding the truth by omission ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
So in your unimpeachable editorials judgment, Rexsy, what should the American media’s be reportings about? Or are yous just ruffled that you can’t get that flamethrower you always wanted? Maybe Sante Claus will brings you one to the institution where you currently live...
Fuck you Hansky! That programme isn’t on Box here’s and what the fuck does that have to do with racist elks, anyway?

You’re still sore from that time when you were buggered by Dennis Rodmans. Still denying that too??? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
So yous appears to be triggers by the US, but yets have no actual insights into whats yous is trying to comments on. You don't get to see Behar, eyes call bullshits. Haves a goods days.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fuck you Hansky! That programme isn’t on Box here’s and what the fuck does that have to do with racist elks, anyway?

You’re still sore from that time when you were buggered by Dennis Rodmans. Still denying that too???
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

You're the cock-sucking clown that's dreaming about RODman while intentionally choosing to remain stupid and uniformed.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING you Mr. Hanky! You are the cocksucker in residence here, chooch. Maybe yous should take your show on the road... yous are a true son of the Great White South.

Just how far “south of Chicago” are you, son?

Ones could only assumes that someone who supports Trump like yous would think it makes sense to take a walk down the dirt road with Rodman, just likes Trump takes it in the back door from Rodman’s friend Kim.

Maybes you needs a checkup from the neck up. I sure oebsy and Whackoff can helps you with that
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:18 AM
YR - enjoying the murders in Jersey - and still bending the Facts to the DPST narrative.

Shows what kind of character has the DPST's - None!
I B Hankering's Avatar
LOLLING you Mr. Hanky! You are the cocksucker in residence here, chooch. Maybe yous should take your show on the road... yous are a true son of the Great White South.

Just how far “south of Chicago” are you, son?

Ones could only assumes that someone who supports Trump like yous would think it makes sense to take a walk down the dirt road with Rodman, just likes Trump takes it in the back door from Rodman’s friend Kim.

Maybes you needs a checkup from the neck up. I sure oebsy and Whackoff can helps you with that
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Your characteristic lack of intelligence and your delusions suggest serious brain trauma brought on by having your cerebellum seriously jostled around by the aggressive oral and anal action you enjoy as some rod-man's bottom boy.
If you didn't know, why post? Because you like to stir up crap here with un-informed opinions. I wasn't glued, but I didn't base my opinion on a report that probably came out while the incident was still ongoing. As I said, the info I gave came out that evening of the shooting. Again, why did you wait 4 days without learning more? But you must have gotten more info. The race of the attackers came out later, as did their ideology. So instead of trying to be factual, you ran with the early report, then added the race & posted this mess.

As for the guns. Who cares. Long or short, they killed 4 people. Originally Posted by papadee
You're hilarious. I seriously didn't know. Other people didn't know. I'd ask the mods to clean up my post but at this point it's too late. I did learn more after the early report, that's why I posted it. I didn't know more than you evidently. Did I dispute your facts? No.

Congresswoman Tlaib blamed it on white supremacists initially.

She looked stupid doing that. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Her constituents don't care. Many probably believe that they are still white supremacists.

As for the guns, I read today that an AR-15 style rifle, a shotgun, and 2 handguns were found at the scene. I'm not a gun person, but I believe the AR & shotgun counts as "long guns". Originally Posted by papadee
Thanks. Long guns are basically rifles and shotguns. I wonder why the media didn't stir up the usual AR-15 shit.

LSM isn't reporting the incident 24 /7 simply because it doesn't fit the narrative ( deplorable Rep shooting things up) and stolen guns, felons with guns ( NJ very strong anti gun laws , not working as normal) / Black Panther off shoot hiding in church. ( god forbid the fbbi looks into ) On and sadly on
Sad really the LSM is hiding the truth by omission ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I agree: It doesn't fit the narrative. Several narratives in fact.
So ethnicities were killed at their place of worships, and you weak sisters are arguings over what the Congress member said like that’s the outrage. I suppose escaping blame for typically characteristic behavior is a win for the Trumpholians.

You’re 10-ply, boys. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No the bitch stuck her foot in her mouth before she knew anything about the incident and tried to pin it on Trump just like you ASSWIPE.
I haven’t seen her programme Hanky.

But it sures seems like yous have, Hankie.

The racists bullshit is pretty thicks here, eh? Who needs the tv when we’ve gots ECCIE! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Is that why you created a handle after being banned.
ECCIE poster with way more posts than just about everyone than you mention having spout your nonsense.
From the one and only ASSWIPE!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
The LSM is just going to let this story go away , because it doesn't if the hater narrative ,,,