Snide comments don't prove anything

Sunny Taylor's Avatar
I really really tried to refrain, but cant stand crybabies. Suck it up, or just go suck something.

I knew this topic needed your attention!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
London Rayne's Avatar
Starting a thread telling people to be respectful and nice in an open forum on the Interwebs is the height of's guaranteed to have the exact opposite time, know your congregation a little better before you try speaking to them from the pulpit... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Thread winner!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Do you think she was directing her post at you? Now, do I have to play referee with you two, lol. Now if I hear anymore of this I'll just have to request doubles with the two of youz. One of youz on each end of the room. I'll be in the middle. I'll blow a whistle and you both attack me. I think that would be cool. Originally Posted by acp5762
You better be glad I like you, acp5762 . All hell was just about to break loose in this thread.

I think Eccie needs a crying room like they have at the Catholic Church...just sayin. Originally Posted by London Rayne

This is even funnier because I can hear you saying it.

Irish, I don't read every national thread but you keep popping up with these types of comments. If you were openly attacked or directly insulted in a thread, I could understand your responding in that thread. I agree that if you have issues with someone, you should take it up with them, not the national forums. You are drawing uneccessary negative attention to yourself. My 2 cents for what it's worth.

Now let's talk about sex or wine or something. Originally Posted by heidilynnla

When you butt into a conversation and attack someone else then try to appear as the victim OR post some kinda side jab then try to play victim when the person makes a comment back what is that called? I know someone that repeatedly does this then complain that others are being mean to her. It's like fucking elementary school. I believe that anyone trying to gain sympathy or validation from a hooker board has some serious issues. That's all. If anyone is SERIOUSLY being attacked here, I HOPE they report it to the moderators. You can't combat negativity with negativity and that's what this thread is trying to do almost. It's almost like a "feel sorry for me" threAD. No offense Irish but that's what it looked like AT FIRST.
Naomi and Ed, may I sing at your wedding? I sing in 4 languages.
I heart you too my love. You find a way to make me smile/laugh everyday. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Mission accomplished!!
Naomi and Ed, may I sing at your wedding? I sing in 4 languages. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
You're not invited!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Naomi and Ed, may I sing at your wedding? I sing in 4 languages. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Only one I know is Karaoke...and French of course.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Only one I know is Karaoke...and French of course. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Please no more Karaoke ...though you really do have a great voice and looked like a movie star singing I can only take the Karaoke scene for so long
sorry but I don't need anyone's approval and like everyelse I am entitled to post my thoughts and I really could care less about those of you who disagree and if it makes you feel better go ahead and say what you want...I am a big girl and am to stand up for what I think.
I really really tried to refrain, but cant stand crybabies. Suck it up, or just go suck something. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
Weren't we talking about snide comments that don't prove anything??

I was just about to make one wasn't going to prove anything.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Heidi: My husband, Ed, is very picky but I would love for you to sing at our wedding.

Only one I know is Karaoke...and French of course. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I speak a little French. Now I'm too shy for Karaoke. I would have to hide behind you and SNL. LOL. *sigh*
______________________________ ____

This thread needed a little hijacking. The solution to "negativity" is not "negativity". This thread goes to show that communication is key. Some people are really at war with themselves.
A prime example of the purpose of this thread...You have a wonderful day
Starting a thread telling people to be respectful and nice in an open forum on the Interwebs is the height of's guaranteed to have the exact opposite time, know your congregation a little better before you try speaking to them from the pulpit... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
London Rayne's Avatar
I wonder if hijacking a thread that has NOTHING to do with the hobby, is against the rules?
Actually there are days I have time to read or post threads...There are some days or weeks I have no time...and I think if you review my posts alot of them have nothing to do with this topic...I have no issues with I hope that clears some things up....I wish I knew how to do multiple quotes would save me alot of day I will figure it out...Have a great day...
Irish, I don't read every national thread but you keep popping up with these types of comments. If you were openly attacked or directly insulted in a thread, I could understand your responding in that thread. I agree that if you have issues with someone, you should take it up with them, not the national forums. You are drawing uneccessary negative attention to yourself. My 2 cents for what it's worth.

Now let's talk about sex or wine or something. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
I wonder if hijacking a thread that has NOTHING to do with the hobby, is against the rules? Originally Posted by London Rayne
Don't you already know the answer to that question......Miss 90 days "suspended sentence"???