Do working girls care about looks of their clients?

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
If they did, then they would not be prostitutes in the traditional sense. They are being paid for the very reason of ignoring your looks. Otherwise, why not just walk into a bar and hook up with someone for a one night stand? That doesn't take money, that takes the ability to impress a woman with appearance and charm of various sorts. Whether that's smooth talking, being a talented dancer, wearing well recognized brands of clothing or jewelry, etc... Any number of alluring things. If you are missing even one of those two factors you will probably go home alone.

That being said, you will find some girls who do not see men of certain races, or morbidly obese men, etc... Most of the traits outside of excluding certain ethnicities are not common. Pretty much everybody is bothered by poor hygiene, but that's not an appearance issue; even a "Fabio" looking stud could neglect to shower, despite his muscles.

So in my mind the answer to that is "no" well over 95% of the time. Because if someone is looking for traits other than money, then that's what you call a "girlfriend or wife" or someone who could potentially be one. 95% of the time they are looking for things in addition to me, be it certain religious values, an advanced degree, etc... But probably most commonly "good looks." Mind you, 95% of the time they want money to go with it... That's often times what makes sex workers superior; the potential complicating factor being they don't tend to stick around long, or get too deeply involved. But hey, isn't that often what guys are looking for? Originally Posted by Pangolier

1000% accurate!

Being a hobbyist, you don't need to dress fancy, have any seduction skills or be a good looking stud. The ladies get paid to overlook these aspects and give a guy BCD pleasure without all the drama associated with it. As long as you have the proper donation, pass her screening and whenever you see her in person for a session, you respect her person, her physical boundaries and her time, you are golden. Other persuasions aside, and we all know what some are, THAT is the overall idea of the regular hobby anyway!

All you have to do is go to a strip club where the majority of the clientele there are old, fat and physically ugly or any combination of the three. But, if they have money, they are getting the dances from the strippers and get taken care of as if they were the stud muffin they wish they were until that money runs out that day, the guy leaves and the dancer moves on to their next conquest.

Whenever you read reviews or comments on threads and see a guy talk about how awesome the provider said he was, how cute he is, how well he dresses, how many times he made her cum, ect. I hate the burst those guys' bubbles, but that is what you are paying her for. It is called an act of ego stroking customer service to keep you coming back for a future visits and more money and her bank account. I can pretty much assure that after they leave her, she immediately goes to the bathroom, maybe to throw up, but definitely to take a long shower and brush her teeth vigorously with lots of mouthwash.

But, who gives a shit what the ladies do after you leave? As long as the next time you contact her, she again sets an appointment and waits with anticipated open arms for you to arrive and give you another outstanding BCD time.

Anyone who disputes this is fooling himself.
The question was, do providers care? Some of you are confusing caring about looks versus understanding that their job often requires them to work with guys they would ignore in real life.

There is huge difference between the two. And since the providers who have responded say yes, they care, I will go with their responses.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I recently asked a very good friend of mine about this and the answer was something to the tune of...

"Hell yes I want them to be hot but I don't get paid to care about that" and that made sense to me. No hesitation, no thought process, just rolled on off her sexy ass tongue immediately after I inquired.

After all, men are from Mars and women or from Venus....
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2023, 11:59 PM
After all, men are from Mars and women or from Venus.... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
It took me a lifetime to figure that one out, we're just different
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The question was, do providers care? Some of you are confusing caring about looks versus understanding that their job often requires them to work with guys they would ignore in real life.

There is huge difference between the two. And since the providers who have responded say yes, they care, I will go with their responses. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
There are some providers who care about looks when it comes to seeing a potential client, which is why they ask for a picture as part of their screening process. However, going by looks is going to greatly diminish the clientele that she could have.

Most providers tend to overlook the physical looks, that is why the old, fat and ugly fellows get to see them for sessions, not to mention, the strip club example that I gave in a previous post in this thread and I'm sure the old fat guys will attest, because even though the guy is not aesthetically pleasing, if he passes her screening, has the proper donation, clean hygiene and respects her, he gets to have one on one sexual relations with a girl who otherwise would not give him the time of day. And no matter how you wish to argue the point, that is a fact.

If you do not believe that and think you are a God's gift to women, I encourage you to contact a known P4P provider and tell her that you would like to see her for a BCD session, however, because you are so cute, you don't need to have any money to see her. Any bets on how fast she cuts off the communication with you?
There are some providers who care about looks when it comes to seeing a potential client, which is why they ask for a picture as part of their screening process. However, going by looks is going to greatly diminish the clientele that she could have.

Most providers tend to overlook the physical looks, that is why the old, fat and ugly fellows get to see them for sessions, not to mention, the strip club example that I gave in a previous post in this thread and I'm sure the old fat guys will attest, because even though the guy is not aesthetically pleasing, if he passes her screening, has the proper donation, clean hygiene and respects her, he gets to have one on one sexual relations with a girl who otherwise would not give him the time of day. And no matter how you wish to argue the point, that is a fact.

If you do not believe that and think you are a God's gift to women, I encourage you to contact a known P4P provider and tell her that you would like to see her for a BCD session, however, because you are so cute, you don't need to have any money to see her. Any bets on how fast she cuts off the communication with you? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Gee, I think I said that in about 10% of the words without descibeing myself as an example to prove the point that they wil see any one if you have the money.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Gee, I think I said that in about 10% of the words without descibeing myself as an example to prove the point that they wil see any one if you have the money. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing

Some will but most won't whenever it comes to just seeing a guy because he has money only. I have seen multiple providers post over the years that all money is not good money. But those who only care about money, could care less about your physical looks, good thing for a lot of these ugly ass tub a lard guys!. I have to laugh whenever I read these old fat guys' who constantly post on how they successfully interact with P4P ladies by using their supposed suave personality and seduction skills and tell others that they need to do the same. Those are the guys that I tell to contact a provider and try to get the ladies to see them BCD or even socially on a date and tell the lady that they have no money.
Dude you win. No matter how many times people post basicly the same thing, you always have to repeat yourself, beating that poor dead horse, just so you have the last word. You win. Happy now or are you going to yet again post the same exact drivel?
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Agreed! I've had and still have extremely attractive clients. All kinds of men hobby. It's not limited to a certain style or look at all. Originally Posted by Peyton Daniella
There are some people here who are really, really insistent that guys who pay to play only do it because there’s no choice. I could waste my evening at a loud bar, pretending to care about a girl’s awful music tastes while obnoxious douchebags try to start fights or I could skip all that and bang a provider.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There are some people here who are really, really insistent that guys who pay to play only do it because there’s no choice. I could waste my evening at a loud bar, pretending to care about a girl’s awful music tastes while obnoxious douchebags try to start fights or I could skip all that and bang a provider. Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy88
Giving the choices you just described, if you want to get laid and not have to worry about it, putting on a seduction routine, then paying a provider is more logical. You do have to admit though, there are many guys who if they didn't pay for it, the only way they would get off is they would be jacking to porn.

I have been to many socials in the past and I cannot recall a guy who looks like a bodybuilder and/or stunningly handsome. Again I say, when a provider tells you how gorgeous of a man you are, how well you dress, how fantastic you are BCD, ect. you pay her to make those statements. The ego stroking comes with the paying of the donation. If you get a provider who has an attitude or lacks giving personal affirmations when you are together, well, that would be another thread subject.

As far as this thread topic is concerned, the vast majority of providers do not care about your physical looks. As long as you are clean and respectful, you will get the prize you paid her for, so to speak. I assure you that under normal conditions, if you were not paying her, a provider would not give you the time of day, no matter how suave your seduction skills and how cute you think you are.
ROFLMAO. I knew you could not resist posting the same drivel again.

Providers, for the most part, do care what you look like. They just care what your money looks like more.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The question was, do providers care? Some of you are confusing caring about looks versus understanding that their job often requires them to work with guys they would ignore in real life.

There is huge difference between the two. And since the providers who have responded say yes, they care, I will go with their responses. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Ok-- I'll be on the opposing side. I do not care about physical appearance. Age, race, etc-- is pretty much immaterial to me.

However, attitude and how one presents themselves via email/text/chat is a huge factor. If how you present yourself tells me that we might not get along well-- I'll decline rather than waste your time.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
What do you say wen the guy ask you if he handsome and he's a ugly duck

Oh Oh I know, you are paying me so I have to say your handsome lol
Grace Preston's Avatar
In 15 years-- I've never had any man who knows he's not traditionally handsome-- ask me that question.

Men aren't stupid.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2023, 03:36 PM
In 15 years-- I've never had any man who knows he's not traditionally handsome-- ask me that question.

Men aren't stupid. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Even if the tall tale was true, probably not something you want to share about your clients. That's why they have the reputation they have. SMH on the intelligence level