Edward Brooke, the first African-American elected to the US Senate has died. .

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Changing the subject again, mope?

Didn't you read what I wrote above?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

These examples of left wing bigotry do not mitigate your own. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I don't believe he is changing the subject nor asserting (I like that word today, for some reason - maybe because it makes me seem erudite) that two wrongs make a right.
I believe he is protesting the high handed and haughty manner of the left when they accuse the right of bigotry as if they haven't been fucking low born bigots, also.

May I refer you to the immortal words of the beloved WTF, "All of the motherfuckers on this god damned planet are racists, including you teawipe and left wing assholes, as well as the stupid turds on the right. Fuck, even I'm a racist, though not as bad as most of you faggots"

Might I add, "Well said, WTF. Hear, hear!!"

* http://grammarist.com/spelling/hear-hear/

Hear, hear (usually with a comma and set apart as a self-contained sentence) is the conventional spelling of the colloquial exclamation used to express approval for a speaker or sentiment. It’s essentially short for hear him, hear him or hear this, hear this, where these phrases are a sort of cheer.
Here, here is widely regarded as a misspelling, although it is a common one, and there are ways to logically justify its use. But for what it’s worth, hear, hear is the original form (the Oxford English Dictionary cites examples going back to the 17th century) and is the one listed in dictionaries. English reference books mention here, here only to note that it’s wrong.
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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2015, 09:55 PM

May I refer you to the immortal words of the beloved WTF, "All of the motherfuckers on this god damned planet are racists, including you teawipe and left wing assholes, as well as the stupid turds on the right. Fuck, even I'm a racist, though not as bad as most of you faggots"

Might I add, "Well said, WTF. Hear, hear!!"

. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Me thinks you missed my point...

Those like JD who never seem to acknowledge their racism, ageism, sexism will never be able to work on fixing said bias.

I mean come on....if JD does not think his "He fucked a white woman " comment is not race baiting ....well then the smoke from the burning cross he just planted in his black neighbor's yard is sneaking up under the pointy sheet covering his head and got him a little woozy.

I don't believe he is changing the subject nor asserting (I like that word today, for some reason - maybe because it makes me seem erudite) that two wrongs make a right.
I believe he is protesting the high handed and haughty manner of the left when they accuse the right of bigotry as if they haven't been fucking low born bigots, also. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If you think he was protesting the high-handed and haughty manners of the left, then please explain how his observation that Brooks "fucked a white woman" served that end.
If you think he was protesting the high-handed and haughty manners of the left, then please explain how his observation that Brooks "fucked a white woman" served that end. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Fuel for thought:

Could it be that JDIdiot doesn't realize that the "fucked a white woman" statement is racially charged? He might not see anything wrong with it.

When he and his Klan, errr Clan, are sitting around the dinner table, phrases such as that are probably a regular part of the vernacular.
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If you think he was protesting the high-handed and haughty manners of the left, then please explain how his observation that Brooks "fucked a white woman" served that end. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Indelicate phrasing suitable for a SHMB, but not appreciated in more polite society. The left brought it up more subtley, JD just said what one can reasonably assume they were thinking. I imagine two liberals saying something like this:

Liberal # 1. "Let's try to remind the asshole Republicans that this guy is black so they will vote for our guy."
Liberal # 2. "OK, let's remind them that the ni$%#@ is fucking that white whore Barbara Wa Wa - that will piss them off and make them say something stupid in public! However, we need to say it in a high handed and haughty manner so we can say our hands are clean."