Fuck It!!! He broke the law. Impeach him.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Congress was notified. You skipped the first paragraph didn't you?

President Barack Obama on Tuesday defended his decision to release five Afghan detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for an American soldier's freedom, saying his administration had consulted with Congress "for some time" about that possibility. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Then why did Odumbo find it necessary to apologize for not notifying Congress, flighty?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- "The White House has apologized to key lawmakers for not notifying them in advance about the exchange of five Taliban detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (boh BURG'-dahl).

"Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Democrat and Republican respectively on the Senate Select committee on Intelligence, said White House officials called them Monday to say the lack of notification had been an oversight. Feinstein said she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken.

"The White House did not immediately comment on the calls.

"The White House damage control comes as Republican lawmakers accused the White House of putting U.S. service men and women at risk by releasing the five top Taliban members being held in Guantanamo in exchange for Bergdahl."

rodog44's Avatar
Americans are considered innocent till proven guilty, except in the minds of the far right. Peckerwood retards. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just like I said, there is no hope for you libs.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
As he constructs a straw man argument and repeats his worn out talking points.

Are you aware what the stock market closed at? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Considering the killing I've made off the stock market, I'm well aware of it. Obama hasn't been running those companies, has he?
While you liberal fuckheads were making stupid arguments, I bought aamrq at 3.29.
That was a ten bagger.
Look it up, bitch boy
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2014, 09:11 PM
Not your thumper argument again. Stop highjacking threads and trying to out members. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Another reading impaired Wacko, are you? Go back and try reading again--this time for compression. I was quoting 2Dogs. 2Dogs brought up the Thumper point.

As far as "outing", you are just another lying fool who shows he is willing to ignore reality to attack someone. Carry on Gonad.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you and the other libs on this board can defend this pres after this, then there is no fucking hope for any of you. Burgdahl is a traitor and so is the communist motherfucker that made the deal to let these killers out of jail. As a matter of fact that makes you ignorent libs traitors by association. He can let killers go to kill americans but cant pick up the phone and get our marine out of Mexico. ALL OF YOU LIBS ARE NOTHING BUT SORRYASS PIECES OF SHIT. Originally Posted by rodog44
Fuck yeah!!!
As he constructs a straw man argument and repeats his worn out talking points.

Are you aware what the stock market closed at? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You should steer clear of these threads... Mr Airborne

Just like I said, there is no hope for you libs. Originally Posted by rodog44

tNo hope for you commies either. You are so far right everything else looks like a lib. Idiot.
flghtr65's Avatar
Oh, I read it. In lawyer speak this is muddying the waters. His administration said one thing, he says another. From your healthcare posts its pretty obvious Obama could shit in your mouth, call it candy and you'd agree.

Then why did the Obama administration give formal notification Monday to Congress after the transfer had happened? Originally Posted by gnadfly
From all of your posts it's pretty obvious any repubtard could shit in your mouth, call it candy and you'd agree.

The Pentagon notified the committee on Saturday 5 hours before the swap, that it was going to take place. The formal was given on Monday because congress was not in session on Saturday you idiot. Go back and the read the link.

Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee said the Pentagon notified the panel by phone on Saturday that the exchange was occurring in the next five hours.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Considering the killing I've made off the stock market, I'm well aware of it. Obama hasn't been running those companies, has he?
While you liberal fuckheads were making stupid arguments, I bought aamrq at 3.29.
That was a ten bagger.
Look it up, bitch boy Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
We've all made millions of dollars.
Lie all you want, JINO-bitch.

All we heard about was how fucked up the economy was and that it was Obama's fault.

Now all I want to hear is that little "cukh" sound of your uvula snapping up out of the way. Don't worry. I'll be quick. I don't want to delay you from your own personal mile of dick you are going to suck. Stop wasting our valuable time and get to it.

Now hold still...open wide....think of your uncle Yakov....and "cukh!"
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You should steer clear of these threads... Mr Airborne

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You posted a youtube video. How original! How unrelated.

Let's leave a guy over there based on what some people in one of your videos says.

Mr. Airborne says bring him home. We will deal with him here in what ever way is appropriate. We'll do it here.

Not even you deserve to be left there.

But those ramps drop so suddenly. And you know a punk ass bitch like iffy would never listen to safety instructions.
Hookin' up is for liberals. I don't need a reserve for the business I'm in were iffys last words.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That is the problem with you libtards. You believe that all conservatives are bible thumpers that think they are pure. The failure to understand that there are far more that believe that the government is too large, taxes are too high, and the government needs to get out of our private lives than there are those that believe that we should be a theocracy. There are a great number of conservatives that lean more to the libertarian principles than you would understand. Many "conservatives" are beginning to come around to the libertarian way of thinking. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Amazing. No sense of irony as he tells us what we think about them.
Next he wants the gov out of our private lives....except for the group that forces you to have a child. They harass you right up to the moment you give birth. Then you turn around and it's as if they were never there. Of course the baby born without a spine is still there.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What is there to argue about here. The White House admitted that they broke the law. Obama was the one who signed it into law. The apologized for doing it but that does not change the fact that they did it. So you can lie and hyperventilate all you want, Obama broke the law and has admitted it.
So what do we do about it? We have to gather evidence. Why did they break the law? Politics obviously. Despite the DOD and NSA saying that this five should never, under any circumstances, be released, Obama did just that. So why? White House reporter and democrat, Chuck Todd, said that the reaction expected by the White House was "euphoria" about getting PRIVATE (I don't care if they promoted him while he was gone) Bergdahl back. Politics! Plain and simple. As one of our own stated, Obama is doing the small things to make people love him like awarding Medals of Honor (which he had nothing to do with) and getting POWs back. (of course the Army never classified him as a POW until his imminent release).

Forgotten are the men who were killed trying to rescue Bergdahl and the men who were killed capturing this five murdering terrorists that were just released. Those men are still dead and don't our lefties think they deserve the same attention that Bergdahl's parents got? A day in the Rose Garden and a photo op with Barry? I don't think many of them would really show up but shouldn't the White House make the offer? Then we find out that, YES, Bergdahl is probably a deserter. In wartime that is a firing squard offense. Now there are reports that Bergdahl may have helped the Taliban (according to Obama 2008, we will never negoiate with Taliban) in planning ambuses and making bombs. Not that a private has a whole lot of information but isn't it strange that we have all these people from the NSA and the Army betraying their country under Obama? It must be the climate of corruption around him.

No, the plot is thickening just like the sauce is thicking for Obama's goose to be cooked in. He traded, get this, five leaders for a deserting private. Can you imagine trading the head of the SS, Deputy Fuehrer Hess, Minister of Armaments and Production Speer, Feld Marshal Erwin Rommel, and Otto Skorzeny for Private Ryan? While on the topic of Private Ryan, Mad Magazine has weighed in and it is explosive.

The important thing to remember is that Obama knowingly broke the law. He got a bad deal and has endangered American lives. He has knowingly made our people in the military less safe and subject to kidnapping. He sent Susan Rice out again to lie to the American people. He has committed high crimes against the people of the United States and this has to end. Our Constitution has the means to do this; impeachment, conviction, expulsion, and prison.
JD is so ecstatic his hands shake when he types.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2014, 06:21 AM
JD is so ecstatic his hands shake when he types. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I wonder how much JD is willing to bet therprisoner QUOTEmpeachment over this? My guess is this is a much bigger picture than this prisioner release. We are getting ready to do business with these folks. How many prisioner did bush release ? Anybody?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
We've all made millions of dollars.
Lie all you want, JINO-bitch.

All we heard about was how fucked up the economy was and that it was Obama's fault.

Now all I want to hear is that little "cukh" sound of your uvula snapping up out of the way. Don't worry. I'll be quick. I don't want to delay you from your own personal mile of dick you are going to suck. Stop wasting our valuable time and get to it.

Now hold still...open wide....think of your uncle Yakov....and "cukh!" Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
As usual, I can prove it to be true. I could dig up old statements, show you the time and date when I made the purchase, show the sale, the account gain - but dick sucking jackasses like you would just say I faked the numbers.
I could get my accountant to call you, show you my tax returns (assuming it wasn't inside an IRA and tax is only relevant when distributions are taken) and demand a 10,000 escrow account deposit, winner take all, but you, just like the little pussy Dipshit of the Year, would just obfuscate, lie, deflect, and fling shit.
So why don't you just fuck off, ye who makes homophobic slurs, just like the Hollywood liberals, with all their fake-ass sympathy for whichever stupid left wing cause of the moment the support.