Where have the Austin mods gone?

black sunshine's Avatar
Nobody gives a damn what you think.

But you have been banned for OUTING someone, the worst offense that can be done in the hobby.
YOU are the lowest of the low!
So this is another thread hijacking by Toyz and Windstorm? If there is anyone deserving of being banned it's you two paranoids that hijack every thread breaking the guidelines. Originally Posted by black sunshine
You do realize that you have four unrelated posts in this thread and I have only one but in true RR fashion clueless as always.

Anyway why is everyone so concerned about where the mods are? Who gives a shit? It's an anonymous fuck board not a board meeting.

This place sank beneath the waves eons ago. They just decided to say "Hit the lifeboats. Fuck that ship. Let the passengers deal with it."
black sunshine's Avatar
So who are you again he WhoHidesBehindANewHandle?
Several have called you Whispers!
So who are you again he WhoHidesBehindANewHandle?
Several have called you Whispers! Originally Posted by black sunshine
Hijack #5
black sunshine's Avatar
Actually responding to post above me, so how can it be a hijack, might want to learn what one is first.
You and Toyz are determining the topic of the thread after your hijack.
Actually responding to post above me, so how can it be quite hijack, might 2nd to learn what one is first.
You and Toyz are determining the topic of the thread after your hijack. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Hijack #6
black sunshine's Avatar
See post 35
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

black sunshine's Avatar

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

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Old 11-09-2014, 11:41 PM #1

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Default Whispers and The Christmas Fundraiser

First off let me apologize to Whispers for causing problems for his fundraising efforts.
I spoke out against something that I really have no idea how it operates. I have tried to lend a hand the last 2 years, and everyone always had a good time. I was speaking falsely about allegations of fraud. I know nothing about anything to do with the fundraising, other than I contributed to the raffle that occurs. I struck out at him for personal reasons. I feel awful that I did that, but at the time I was desperate, and that was the only way I knew how to hurt him. Unfortunately I hurt others that depend on his generosity. There are a few that picked up the actions of trying to discredit it while I was gone, I hope you people will realize I struck out at him for personal reasons, and not because I had knowledge of misdeeds. I know of no such misdeeds, fraud or anything of the likes of that. Please leave these efforts alone, do not talk falsely about them as I have.
Whispers I hope this helps, because I'm sorry that I attacked something you care so much about, it was wrong.

The mods must be in the same place they were at as when this whiny bawling tear-jerker of a heart-felt humble I'm so so so sorry boss man was posted.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-12-2015, 10:14 AM
Nobody gives a damn what you think.

But you have been banned for OUTING someone, the worst offense that can be done in the hobby.
YOU are the lowest of the low! Originally Posted by black sunshine

WHO is this person I supposedly outted?
black sunshine's Avatar
WHO is this person I supposedly outted? Originally Posted by Toyz
Supposedly? Ha I think not, here is the exact post that got you banned 90 days for OUTING the guy.
You know this stuff never goes away? It's the Internet.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-12-2015, 11:03 AM
Supposedly? Ha I think not, here is the exact post that got you banned 90 days for OUTING the guy.
You know this stuff never goes away? It's the Internet. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Thank you for the setup Ricky...

Lets review the facts...
  • A monger (Slinkky/Kingman) was RAPING & BEATING SEVERAL of our girls (we had multiple documented incidents)
  • He was identified
  • He was (note WAS) coming on the board & basically telling everyone "yes I am, but you can't do anything about it"
  • SEVERAL board members became involved to get him out of the hobby
  • He is no longer a threat
  • I served a TEN DAY (not 90 like you are currently on) vacation. TEN DAYS is what eccie MODS & ADMINS determined it was worth
  • YOU and your mentor/idol waged a non stop WAR to attack anyone who thought Slinnky/Kingman should face punishment
NOW listen closely to this next part...

What you did by your actions was to show a BLUEPRINT for how to rape & injure providers. Showing that ANYONE who actually tried to do something would be attacked and those attacks supported by the incumbent moderation group.

Hence, we now have the Marine and others copycatting Slinnky/Kingman by fucking and then walking on our girls.

YOU guys taught them HOW to do it...

Again, thanks for the forum as I'm merely responding to attack and accusation with my version of the story.

Also, completely off this topic, but in rebuttal to something else you said regarding my "life". I make a pretty valid assumption that you know a bit about me as I do you.-not to discuss details on this forum but... Are you HONESTLY comparing my life with YOURS?

Come on man, we know the truth don't we?

Please continue to Stooge until a MOD finally kills all your fake bandles & you have to create some more...

Lastly, this is the point where you can use a lifeline...poll the audience (oh you already did that)...phone a friend...something...cause you are getting destroyed.
illuminati's Avatar
Nobody gives a damn what you think.

But you have been banned for OUTING someone, the worst offense that can be done in the hobby.
YOU are the lowest of the low! Originally Posted by black sunshine
And how would you know that if you just joined a few months ago? Oh! Let me guess... You used to be a lurker before you signed up, right?
Boys boys BOYS!!!


I'm black sunshine.
