Kathy's Kovid Kamps--Coming Soon

I may be one of the first after

Wegmans drops the dime and turns over

The video footage of me swiping my shoppers club card

joelove69's Avatar
I`m I the only guy here that thinks our Governor is kinda Sexy as MILF. I would love to taste her Kitty and give her a Huge FACIAL... Maybe I`m Crazy
Next Best Thing's Avatar
People who support this garbage have mental problems and should be examined by neutral scientists.

This is the same basic concept as putting the January 6 patriots in solitary confinement while at the same time celebrating the only black lives matter terrorists.
elghund's Avatar
People who support this garbage have mental problems and should be examined by neutral scientists.

This is the same basic concept as putting the January 6 patriots in solitary confinement while at the same time celebrating the only black lives matter terrorists. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
But it’s fun watching you white supremacists get your panties all wadded up……

Next Best Thing's Avatar
But it’s fun watching you white supremacists get your panties all wadded up……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
But it’s fun watching you white supremacists get your panties all wadded up……

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Riiiiiiiight. Everyone who disagrees is a "white supremacist". The quick leap to ad hominem attack indicates an inability to present a clear and cogent argument. What you think is "snark" is in reality childish invective and about as powerful.
elghund's Avatar
Riiiiiiiight. Everyone who disagrees is a "white supremacist". The quick leap to ad hominem attack indicates an inability to present a clear and cogent argument. What you think is "snark" is in reality childish invective and about as powerful. Originally Posted by Withnail
Heh…..you all are three pages into a dead end bill from years ago, that never would have had a sane person vote for it……only someone with an extremist point of view……..

Personally, the dope who thought the original bill up was an idiot. No different that exiling lepers to colonies, as opposed to finding and giving a treatment to those who need it.

But it is fun watching certain people get all freaky about either extremist point of view…..

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I find exiling lepers out of civilized society and into isolated colonies to be fine as leprosy is a highly contagious and gruesome disease unlike the sniffles.

That said I further find that elg is probably a white supremacist himself. Otherwise why bother mentioning it.

Hopefully elg comes back to defend his awful hate speech.
So the rest of the cuntry is relaxing roolz.... and Kathy the Kunt is doubling down on stoopid.....

Hochul announces 'Winter Surge Plan 2.0', encouraging double-masking

No telling how many masks you might need if you don't have three fuckin vaxxes.....

Me?? I'll be extending my finger to the in over her head guv....
She's panicking. She's an unknown quantity here in NYC. No ties to the ethnic mafias. Primary may bloody her. Hopefully, Zeldin will swoop in.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
She's panicking. She's an unknown quantity here in NYC. No ties to the ethnic mafias. Primary may bloody her. Hopefully, Zeldin will swoop in. Originally Posted by Withnail
This is a good, positive sentiment and there could definitely be enough racist NYC elitist scumbags who view The Hochul as a shitkicking upstate hayseed to undermine her and fuck her up.

On the downside she's showing a real eagerness to prostitute herself to communist ideology and hates the white race enough that she may squeak by. The truly committed racist pos AG dropping out early was a little ominous. They may believe The Hochul is somehow capable of even worse.
Yes--as you wrote, Andy Boy pulled her in for geographic ballast. I don't see the hardcore Left here flossing her bigass choppers. Plus--DeBlasio is going to announce and may pull enough Leftie Noo Yawk votes from her in the primary to do damage.

It's an opportunity for the NYS Republican party to wake up and do something. Problem, as we know, the Repubs in NYS are a bunch of pre-Trump golfers.
Oilrig's Avatar
racist pos AG dropping out Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Letitia James has thousands of Emails,Texts and internal memos she subpoenaed while investigating Cuomo. Hochul said publicly she had no idea what was going on. James will release documents when the time is right
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Yes--as you wrote, Andy Boy pulled her in for geographic ballast. I don't see the hardcore Left here flossing her bigass choppers. Plus--DeBlasio is going to announce and may pull enough Leftie Noo Yawk votes from her in the primary to do damage.

It's an opportunity for the NYS Republican party to wake up and do something. Problem, as we know, the Repubs in NYS are a bunch of pre-Trump golfers. Originally Posted by Withnail
The biggest issue with these doofus democrat party scumbags is that they inevitably replace one shithead with a second, more destructive shithead.