Is LetmeSleepfortheLoveofGod Patrick Bateman????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Awww man, I'm in tears over here!!! This shit is funny as hell!!!
Cynamon's Avatar
Oh Angel. Wtf is wrong with you dude? Your a robot. You don't have bad feelings. Tsk tsk

LOL @Cynamon if saying you'll do a session for $220 even after I said I would wait till I got back to see her for her $275 (her normal rate)... then she INSISTING saying, "I'll come just for you this once..." NOT TO MENTION keeping in contact over 6 hours just for that session... and then pull the "I am uncomfortable because you can't donate my normal rate of $275" even though I said I would WHEN I GO BACK... yet I wasn't demanding or pushing to see her that day... Ummm I DIDN'T MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE! LOL $55 did... and if $55 did she never should have agreed. But as many have said on this post and through PM... if you can't handle a HONEST review or encounter... and then get defensive... then maybe the ROBOT... or dare I say psychopath's... who are obviously delusional and only read and see what they want... are YOU and the ones that share the same sentiment.

oh yeah...

tsk tsk tsk....

LMAO!!!! This has been hilarious as hell! Some people just really take this that seriously... lol yet are not serious. HA
Duthgar1976's Avatar
Dallasgent just move on man- she changed her mind last minute for whatever reason(s) life goes on- let it go! Plus if you look at her ad on the 18th and the ads she posted prior all say 275hr- what made you think she was giving you a special rate of 220? You could have simply looked at her AD and know what her rates are- if I was going to schedule with her- the first thing I would do is look at her AD and know what I am paying for in terms of rates and service.
You kept bringing up that she made a big deal about $55 dollars- her rates are her rates- if I went to Best Buy to purchase a TV that I thought was $900 and in reality it was $1000- I can bitch all I want but I can't demand or expect the store manager to give it to me for 900 dollars and I could tell the Store Manager you are not being professional because you are losing a customer over 100 dollars- which to a big company like Big Buy is nothing, but I still would be in the wrong.
Please just get over it! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Here here my good man. this is so very accurate. now just becasue you tried to pull one over on a provider and she didnt go with it your dick hurt. go find some bp girl that will touch you for less or man the fuck up and pay what the providers rates are.
Cynamon's Avatar
LOL @Cynamon if saying you'll do a session for $220 even after I said I would wait till I got back to see her for her $275 (her normal rate)... then she INSISTING saying, "I'll come just for you this once..." NOT TO MENTION keeping in contact over 6 hours just for that session... and then pull the "I am uncomfortable because you can't donate my normal rate of $275" even though I said I would WHEN I GO BACK... yet I wasn't demanding or pushing to see her that day... Ummm I DIDN'T MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE! LOL $55 did... and if $55 did she never should have agreed. But as many have said on this post and through PM... if you can't handle a HONEST review or encounter... and then get defensive... then maybe the ROBOT... or dare I say psychopath's... who are obviously delusional and only read and see what they want... are YOU and the ones that share the same sentiment.

oh yeah...

tsk tsk tsk....

LMAO!!!! This has be
en hilarious as hell! Some people just really take this that seriously... lol yet are not serious. HA Originally Posted by dallasgent
Actually....what I said was a inside joke. Calm down. She probably got uncomfortable with the fact that you type 560000 words a second and thought you most likely fuck that way as well. Damage Control baby. Perfectly excusable rationalization.
Yes, she has a great reputation, and yes, she has the right to cancel if she doesn't feel safe. And yes, she is hot.

But the OP also had the right to be upset and state his points. Thanks, OP.

But for all you jerks telling the OP off, grow up. This is information exchange. Take it for what it is. People have bad days (or in this case cancel for security reasons). It doesn't offset her positive record, but is an experience different than everyone else, and the OP should be commended for sharing his bad experience (apparently accurately) on an obviously popular provider.
LOL Thanks @Barry... the thing that I don't get is asshole's like Duth, Cynamon and others who have posted on this post have just straight up cussed me out when they don't know the situation and like you said I SHARED an experience.

@Duth... grow the fuck up? LOL really? For anyone to get so defensive and resort to cussing someone out based on an experience when they weren't even involved tells me a lot about THOSE type of people. 1. They like drama. 2. Have no real life and live for this online BS 3. Are ES looking for clients... lol because the same ones that were talking ISH in this post PM'd me saying... Ohh I'm sorry ANGEL RYDER did you like that but you can see me! LOL PUUUUUUU LEASE!!!!

THIS SHIT IS FOR THE BIRDS FOR REAL!!! I just love the entertainment value I am getting from this and simple-minded folks who have the audacity to just GO LEFT... lol
Cynamon's Avatar
LOL Thanks @Barry... the thing that I don't get is asshole's like Duth, Cynamon and others who have posted on this post have just straight up cussed me out when they don't know the situation and like you said I SHARED an experience.

@Duth... grow the fuck up? LOL really? For anyone to get so defensive and resort to cussing someone out based on an experience when they weren't even involved tells me a lot about THOSE type of people. 1. They like drama. 2. Have no real life and live for this online BS 3. Are ES looking for clients... lol because the same ones that were talking ISH in this post PM'd me saying... Ohh I'm sorry ANGEL RYDER did you like that but you can see me! LOL PUUUUUUU LEASE!!!!

THIS SHIT IS FOR THE BIRDS FOR REAL!!! I just love the entertainment value I am getting from this and simple-minded folks who have the audacity to just GO LEFT... lol Originally Posted by dallasgent
I didn't cuss you out. Lol. Hahaha.

And I didn't send out any unsolicited message to get a session with you. Not implying you meant I did. But, just so everyone knows. I am, however, shamelessly using your post as a marketing outlet.

Hey...Hi!! 141 good reviews here. Can suck a golf ball through a water hose. Holla. ****wink****
Duthgar1976's Avatar
LOL Thanks @Barry... the thing that I don't get is asshole's like Duth, Cynamon and others who have posted on this post have just straight up cussed me out when they don't know the situation and like you said I SHARED an experience.

@Duth... grow the fuck up? LOL really? For anyone to get so defensive and resort to cussing someone out based on an experience when they weren't even involved tells me a lot about THOSE type of people. 1. They like drama. 2. Have no real life and live for this online BS 3. Are ES looking for clients... lol because the same ones that were talking ISH in this post PM'd me saying... Ohh I'm sorry ANGEL RYDER did you like that but you can see me! LOL PUUUUUUU LEASE!!!!

THIS SHIT IS FOR THE BIRDS FOR REAL!!! I just love the entertainment value I am getting from this and simple-minded folks who have the audacity to just GO LEFT... lol Originally Posted by dallasgent
um i no cuss anyone out sir.
txman123's Avatar
I just have to get in on this, even though it's a few days old.

IMO OP stated his case clearly, even though some PM info was deleted. Gave me good info.
I would be pissed (frustrated) too, we all would. Looking forwward to a date with a beautiful sexy lady, then getting cancelled at the last minute.

OP did the right thing by offering to pay AR her standard donation at a later date.

Maybe, just maybe, AR decided to go for the reduced rate against her better judgement???
Maybe she wanted to honor her prior commitment, even if she was unsure about the commitment??
Maybe she did not truly believe his story about the ATM tapout, who the hell knows, only AR.
If she says she had legit reason, that's good enough for me.

Now we got two things going on that need attention:
OP knows AR is a bit uncomfortable re the donation.
AR (maybe) lets her agreement to a reduced rate, influence her later decision to cancel, maybe??.
AR, I say this based solely on the info in this thread. I got no idea what you told OP and I can not read anyone's mind.

IMO, AR, and the client, have every right to cancel, or stop the session at any time, even if the session has started.
Hell, someone could get rough, or become paralyzed and just lay there like a rag doll.

The hard part that we'll never all agree on is what to do once re the donation once the session, or potential session has been cancelled or
aborted. We can discuss that on a different thread.

As far as this specific occurance goes - my judgement is that this is a collision at home, play ball.
If you do not get the analogy, here it is: there is a baseball rule that states an offensive player (ex base runner) may not interfere with a
defensive player (ex catcher) making a play. Making as play requires posessing or be in the act of fielding the ball. There is a rule that
states a defensive player (ex catcher) may not interfere with an offensive base runner legally advancing. There is no 'must slide rule'.
So what happens when the ball and runner arrive at home at the same time? A collision. The result then depends upon if the runner is tagged
before touching home and the catcher has possession of the ball when the tag is made.

All the fuckers that are accusing OP of being butt hurt, etc, get fucked.
ECCIE means Escort Client Community Information Exchange. Any of you dumb asses know what info exchange means?
OP exchanged info.
AR also exchanged info.
Play ball.

This post, in and of itself, will not influence my decision re seeing AR, nor my credence paid to OPs posts.
...what concerns me the most about/in this thread, is the couple of times "dallasgent" felt the need to say that escorting isn't a profession...I may be the only one, but it honestly made me feel like he belittles escorts - like we are "less than", etc.

So, because he made this wonderful statement for all of ECCIE to see...Angel Ryder, I think you made a wise decision love.
txman123's Avatar
...what concerns me the most about/in this thread, is the couple of times "dallasgent" felt the need to say that escorting isn't a profession...I may be the only one, but it honestly made me feel like he belittles escorts - like we are "less than", etc.

So, because he made this wonderful statement for all of ECCIE to see...Angel Ryder, I think you made a wise decision love. Originally Posted by bambigirl
Bambi, I have to admit that the 'profession' refs did not register with me.
As far as I am concerned, you ladies are without doubt, for the most part, consummate professionals. You know more about human nature than most university psychology professors.
To each... his/her own on the "profession" statement I made. In a "professional world" you don't back out on a business deal when the terms have been met and agreed upon. But that is me being analytical.

I choose not to call "escorting" or "sex workers" a profession based on the simple fact (and most reviews I have read from other members) that the "service" being provided is more of a physical/emotional service that technically can't be handled in a "business like" environment. Both parties invite each other into a personal and intimate setting... and I don't know about you... but the term "don't mix business and pleasure" was coined for a reason.

The day I can literally buy stock in"escorting" on the NYSE... then two things will have been established. 1. Escorting is an official profession with 401ks and benefits. 2. You can buy and exchange PEOPLE for services... I wonder what that would be called.... hmmmm...

@TXMAN... your opinion and interpretation of what I was trying to convey was spot on.

LOL let the post continue and the PM's fill up!
Ohhh and no... I don't mean to "BELITTLE" anyone. I'm not better than the next person. I just personally don't see it as a profession. No animosity or hate or whatever someone might want to spin it. I just don't see it.