I had high hopes for Raven Temptress Lucy

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
OK now I know this is none of my business... And I hope and pray my mouth doesn't effect my business (negatively that is). This is a good thread, guy had problem, vented, the respondent defended herself, a little back and forwards whatever, whatever but IN MY OPINION repeat and add quote "IN MY OPINION" leave it here. If the mods didn't see fit to tag this to her profile, why would a person take it upon themselves to tag this to her recent reviews??? IDK i just feel that is a little excessive..... JMO please nobody hate me for it. Originally Posted by cleopatraVIP
I disagree. Some guys only look at reviews for intell. There is no other way to let guys who look at reviews for info on a lady to know that there has been more than one issue with reliability. Be it a justified or not. Some guys may not mind taking a chance on a ncns. Others don't have time to waste and don't want to take that chance. We should be able to make our own opinions and choose the ladies we want to see accordingly. And I don't hate you for having an opinion different than mine, lol.
  • FW_ed
  • 09-02-2012, 12:31 PM
Sigh. Another thread that reminds me of one of the several reasons why I do not find ECCIE too valuable. The average hobbyist on ECCIE is a self-absorbed jerk. Sorry guys, but horny hobbyists with a couple of hundred dollars to spend are dime a dozen.

I did find one good thing from this thread. I need to add Lucy to my ATF search list. I find something oddly enticing about a lady with a sense of self-worth.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Sigh. Another thread that reminds me of one of the several reasons why I do not find ECCIE too valuable. The average hobbyist on ECCIE is a self-absorbed jerk. Sorry guys, but horny hobbyists with a couple of hundred dollars to spend are dime a dozen.

I did find one good thing from this thread. I need to add Lucy to my ATF search list. I find something oddly enticing about a lady with a sense of self-worth. Originally Posted by FW_ed
You found all that out in less than two months? Hang in there and give it time. When ya learn what to look for, you can tell what's real and whats just one pissed off guys bullshit, you can see patterns emerge with some that tell you to proceed with caution. Its very valuable if ya use the big head to make decisions. Some guys just like the girls that find themselves in the drama.
daty/o's Avatar
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
"Starfish whisperer" now that's fukin funny.
  • FW_ed
  • 09-02-2012, 08:32 PM
"Starfish whisperer" now that's fukin funny. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Been a lurker for years. ASPD-Dallas used to be somewaht useful around 2002-2004. I gave up on ASPD when a new group of moderators moved in after in got hacked around 2007 or so. I have wandered in and out of ECCIE since its inception.
cinderbella's Avatar
ncns happens to providers too! If we cried and complained about it we'd waste alot of time that you can use to either bring in someone else or take advantage of the free time. As a provider, I wouldn't dream of complaining or calling someone on it. It's called dealing with the public and it happens.

When I first joined eccie, I was getting emails from a guy in another state. He starts out friendly, found something we had in common and ran with it. He started emailing waaay too much. Before I knew it, he was telling me, "gosh you are sooo nice, not like other providers". Then it was, "I don't have alot to spend, only $". At this point,
I'm not looking forward to our impending date that's a week or so away. THEN he tells me, "By the way do you do ANAL?' Click. Stick a fork in it, I am done. He creeped me out and I ignored him. Mr. Charming proceeds to fantasize about our so called appointment, and never realized I had no intention of seeing that piece of work. I ended up with a bigtime whiner afterwards, he was a jerk about the whole thing when he went back to where he came from, sad and bewildered. Sooo, now when someone irks me and I'm not interested, I straight up tell them "Ain't gonna happen, not seeing you!"

There has also been more than a few times where either a client has walked into my incall and was called away to take care of a family issue or they called me when on the way claiming they had to go back home. I never complained or said anything other than "thanks anyway". Anything else is just unreasonable.

Lesson learned, lifes not perfect and neither are we. Unless cash was exchanged and clothes hit the floor, both parties are free to come and go as they please. Just don't whine about it online or prepare to get tried in eccie court I guess!

Guys get crabby and whine alot when they get their hopes dashed I noticed. But if they cancel then they expect us to understand.
Sensei's Avatar
NCNS and unexcused cancellations should be frowned upon whether from a client or provider. Sometimes RL gets in the way, and most of us understand that. But some effort should be made to inform the other party in a timely manner so other plans can be made.
cajunfan's Avatar
yaddayadda's Avatar
Now lets see....

547 - 1 = 546

Simple math.
Wow, Can you black list me too please?
Aw come on!! Dont blame the pits!!
Sleepy363's Avatar
Since someone bumped an old thread, let's talk about the most important question on this thread, and that is: Is Lucy Spiderwoman?

Is she a vigilante catching criminals in her down time away from the hobby?

I see a resemblance.
ManSlut's Avatar
Wow, Can you black list me too please? Originally Posted by Bigtex69
Now that's funny !!

Add me too...I can hear it now Bigtex, "I won't waste my time. Between the 2 of you you've written 5 reviews!!"