Is it my Sayonara? maybe, maybe not.

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Say it isn't so Originally Posted by CanDo01

sign of the times I suppose, CBJ and no DATY will eventually be the norm. safety first!
It takes huge metaphorical balls to make a post about a change that might not be easily accepted. Kudos to you for being so up front, open, and honest. I've always admired you and this only increases my respect for your quality of character. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Thank you Carrie, you're are one of the few ladies I would totally like to meet in person. For what I've heard about you, we have a lot of things in common. You're not only classy but you're super funny and clever, I love your witty posts!!
Change is constant and change is good for all.

Plus, as I have just found out about this, there is now a new strain of gonorrhea that is untreatable. I'm going to start doing my research and afterwards, and once this knowledge gets out in the mainstream public, you might find more ladies changing their ways!

Good luck, Nina!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
OMG! are you serious??? that's bananas!!! well, just in time for a change... wow!

Thanks for the 411 Elisabeth and please post anything else you can find out about this topic. I should do more research myself!