
elcid180's Avatar
Hey Mina you let me handle you. LOL. With that said Lea was right lets keep on track.
I've discovered that the bathroom counter is my favorite lately.. I think every single one of us ladies will go to the restroom before actually starting the session to primp and such, so it's convenient and discreet to have it waiting for me when I go

WhenYouAreReady, you're a super sweetheart, I can't imagine you doing anything to piss me off enough to say a single course word to you! Don't let it phase you, some chicks are just WAY too uptight.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Thank you for your kind words. You are an awesome lady whom I hope to revisit one day.

The person (I can no long call her a lady) wrote me a really "ugly" letter.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I would honestly just suggest reading the lady's showcase or website and go from there.

If she doesn't mention it why not put it in a hallmark card and place it in plain view? Who is going to complain about receiving a beautiful card with money inside? I have a visitor who makes it a point to pick out a special card for me each time we meet. Makes me smile.