
boardman's Avatar
You hear that dearhunter? I get to call you an ashole 11, 10 more times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
carkido45's Avatar
The Mods do a better job here than what I witnessed on ASPD.
I think I got some points here from someone hmmm I forget.
boardman's Avatar
It helps when they understand cats........I'm just saying.
dearhunter's Avatar
It helps when they understand cats........I'm just saying. Originally Posted by boardman
I don't get it................
ferdburf's Avatar
Can I bring my points from the old SHMB? This sucks not having any points!!! I feel so . . . innocent!
boardman's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
ferdburf, call carkiddo "manpussy"........that is how I got mine...........I can't remember what I called horsefly.........whatever it was, it was true.
I don't get it................ Originally Posted by dearhunter
Moderating in Houston is like hearding cats, at least that's my take
on it.

Thinck the Fucking prophet missed that meeting!
notanewbie's Avatar
horsefly is an asshole, I did not know carkido was a manpussy...hmmmm. Interesting Points.
TexasGator's Avatar
Points DO expire. In 6 months. In other words, if you can behave for 6'll have 0 points. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Cool! So it's like getting Probation with Deferred Adjudication. Do we have to report to our P.O. monthly, or do community service, or attend any meetings? I'm just askin'

On a serious note (momentary lapse, I assure you), I for one appreciate the differing approach and encouraging member participation, off color as it sometimes may be. Thancks, St.C, and others involved in those decisions.

Take "manpussy" for example. We had a Mod who issued points for the use of the term.........quite silly, actually. Originally Posted by dearhunter
ferdburf, call carkiddo "manpussy"........that is how I got mine. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I love you guys....I really do.
We don't want any of you to be gone for 3 months. Would become a boring place around here. There's not a single one of you I would wish that on......I dig the dynamics of our Houston forums. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
I don't know about you, dh, but that looks like a serious case of manlove to me.

I wonder what the penalty for calling an Owner a man.......

Don't do it, dh! Do not take the bait!

Personally, I wouldn't give a ratboyjam's ass if you got a vacation, but carkido wouldn't make it 3 months without you. You've got to think of your following.

I've got nearly 10 months to go and they were issued 14 mods ago. Originally Posted by boardman
Gotta give credit where credit is due. That was fuckin' hilarious as shit. Originally Posted by St.Christopher

True dat.
I wonder why I can't get the song "Abraham, Martin & John" out of my head

Moderating in Houston is like hearding cats, at least that's my take
on it. Originally Posted by SP Hunter

And we're damn proud of it!

Guess the fuckingprophet missed that meeting! Originally Posted by SP Hunter
He misses a lot more than meetings, SP.

I can't help but wonder, though, doesn't one's probation get revoked if he misses a meeting? Or is he on double secret probation now.?

It's times like these when I really wish I had a copy of Sofia's Instruction Manual. Where the hell is Paul when you need him?
we are without a doubt fucktards of the highest degree.
TexasGator's Avatar
we are without a doubt fucktards of the highest degree. Originally Posted by Big Jake
I thinck calling yourself a "fucktard" is permissible, but using the term in conjunction with "we" includes others, so don't be surprised if someone hits the RTM button.

Speaking of the RTM button, where's Joanie been lately?

I wonder what the penalty for calling an Owner a man.......

Don't do it, dh! Do not take the bait!

Originally Posted by TexasGator
boardman's Avatar

Speaking of fucktards, where's Joanie been lately? Originally Posted by TexasGator

There, I fixed it for ya.
TexasGator's Avatar
Originally Posted by St.Christopher
There, I fixed it for ya. Originally Posted by boardman