SHUT IT DOWN.................

Yssup Rider's Avatar
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
For a change, IBIdiot posts NOTHING worth quoting.
Funding for the DHS (dept. of homeland security) runs out the end of this week; democrats refuse to pass a bill that fully funds the DHS (except for Obama's amnesty).

The GOP shouldn't cave. Shut it down (all essential DHS operations will continue).

The last shutdown didn't hurt the GOP. This one won't either.

Should the GOP cave, and Obama's illegal amnesty stands, the GOP base will be less energized to support the GOP in 2016. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

GOP goes forward on a clean bill without GOP blackmail bullshit utterly unrelated to DHS and that makes us look like a dysfunctional central american backwater. Fuck you whirly.
GOP goes forward on a clean bill without GOP blackmail bullshit utterly unrelated to DHS and that makes us look like a dysfunctional central american backwater. Fuck you whirly. Originally Posted by timpage
Whirlytard? Silence? Have you moved on to your next bullshit lying troll-post after this one collapsed on you?

I'll go check the one you threw up about the US shooting down Israeli war planes next....or, is that dead in the water too?

TrendingIdiot's silence is deafening!

I first noticed it shortly after we learned with 100% certainty that:


I suspect that you will not hear a "peep" from Trendy!
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 03:57 PM
GOP goes forward on a clean bill without GOP blackmail bullshit utterly unrelated to DHS and that makes us look like a dysfunctional central american backwater. Fuck you whirly. Originally Posted by timpage
Speaking of, since when is shutting down a federal department in order to blackmail the president acceptable? Eventually, the retardlicans failed because their own house is still just as impossible to work with as it was when the dems had the senate. Boehner should be kicked to the curb for being such a dirty fucker.

What is this idiot doing?
Speaking of, since when is shutting down a federal department in order to blackmail the president acceptable? Eventually, the retardlicans failed because their own house is still just as impossible to work with as it was when the dems had the senate. Boehner should be kicked to the curb for being such a dirty fucker.

What is this idiot doing?
Originally Posted by shanm
He really is as stupid as he is orange
You are behind the curve TrannyTim............

I already posted (weeks ago) that the GOP Leadership would cave on amnesty..........

Whirlytard? Silence? Have you moved on to your next bullshit lying troll-post after this one collapsed on you?

I'll go check the one you threw up about the US shooting down Israeli war planes next....or, is that dead in the water too?

Maroon. Originally Posted by timpage
I B Hankering's Avatar
Federal Judge Blocks Odumbo’s Amnesty
2:25 AM 02/17/2015
You are behind the curve TrannyTim............

I already posted (weeks ago) that the GOP Leadership would cave on amnesty.......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Please post the link were you posted that:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of, since when is shutting down a federal department in order to blackmail the president acceptable? Eventually, the retardlicans failed because their own house is still just as impossible to work with as it was when the dems had the senate. Boehner should be kicked to the curb for being such a dirty fucker.

What is this idiot doing?
Originally Posted by shanm
Actually, there is no bad reason for shutting down a federal department, ShamWow. I'll go along with any reason, as long as they follow through and shut the damn thing down.
  • shanm
  • 03-05-2015, 12:52 AM
Actually, there is no bad reason for shutting down a federal department, ShamWow. I'll go along with any reason, as long as they follow through and shut the damn thing down. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think you missed the point OldGay. I was pointing out how Booner and the repubtards are using that TO BLACKMAIL THE FUCKING PRESIDENT! You need to go up a number on those reading glasses old man.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I didn't miss the point, ShamWow. Ask the orderly on duty to explain that to you. Blackmailing the President is a perfectly good reason to shut down a department. Like I said, there is no bad reason for doing so. As long as it shuts down.
It's come to this COG: the American left is so corrupt that they now think Congress exercising it's power of the purse is "blackmail".....
It's come to this COG: the American left is so corrupt that they now think Congress exercising it's power of the purse is "blackmail"..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I am still awaiting all the wonderful things this new republican congress promised. They were going to show us how to get things done.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good luck finding anything in the court record naming someone ODUMBO, IBIDiot.

For a change, you LIED!