Why do BBW'S think they can command the same or similar rates as SPINNERS?

RandB fan's Avatar
I just chime in on "fat" threads because I don't like the INNER person of Jade Rose. Somehow a "fat" tread always has her involved.

I'll have to do some MIDI work on one of Randy Newman's songs...

.... got no reason
Still Looking's Avatar
My oh my. Where to begin to address such a gratuitous insult to BBWs?

BBW does not mean old, fat and ugly. Big does not mean fat. I've wondered for years what some guys see in scrawny, flat-chested waifs commonly known as "spinners." And I am especially awestruck by the rates some guys will pay to fuck them. I tried fucking a spinner once. Could hardly get it up to finish the job. It turns out i'm a slave to my evolutionary imperative to fuck members of the opposite sex who LOOK like members of the opposite sex - complete with big ol' tits for nursing, and big ol' hips for birthing.

As for the rates ... I'll pay whatever it takes to fuck the kind of women who appeal to me. You couldn't PAY ME to fuck most things that pass for spinners. Meaning no disrespect to spinners, but most of them could pass for little boys in the right clothes. If that appeals to you, great. It doesn't to me. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Best we don't drag the TS'S (Dudes) into this...to each his or her own!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Why do BBW'S think they can command the same or similar rates as SPINNERS? What do BBW'S have that SPINNERS don't? Originally Posted by Still Looking
H'yar's tha thing. Yew'll pay top $$$ fer a spinner. Yew mite not realize it, but preferrin' a spinner is a kind of a fetish. If sumbuddy kinda-sorta is only intr'sted in a speshul par-tick-yew-l'r type o' sexy-time hoogar, thet's tha daffy-nishun o' a fetish. Fetishists is a-willing ta pay top $$$ ta git whut they want.

Ah don't wanna evah have a filly piss on meh. An' Ah shore as hell ain't gonna pay a gott-damm red cent ta a filly fer ta piss on meh. But thar's fellers out thar thet don't want nuthin' else but fer a pervider ta piss on 'em. An' they'll pay top $$$ fer it. Thar's a whole lotta utha fetishes out thar thet Ah cain't unnerstand, but regardless o' meh bein' able to make sense o' them, tha fetishists keep on' a-keepin' on payin top $$$ ta git thar needs met.

Them high $$$ BBW perviders is also basickly a-tryin' to cater ta sumbuddy's fetish. Yew cain't see thet 'cos yew don't give a goodt got-damm 'bout tha BBW fetish. All yew see is a fat chick. But thar's fellers thet pop an extry-hard boner fer a BBW.

If'n thar wharn't enny o' them guys thar'd be NO SUCH THANG as BBW porn out thar on tha interwebs. Ain't no porn sites a-gonna waste bandwith an' storage space on BBW porn if'n nobuddy was a-clickin' onnit an' a-watchin' it.

An' thet's jus' how tha wurld works. Differn't strokes fer differn't folks. Ah don't try ta unnerstand 'em. Ah jus' try ta stay outta thar way an' not let ennythin' splash on' mah shoes.
mastermind238's Avatar
Best we don't drag the TS'S (Dudes) into this...to each his or her own! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Agreed - especially to that last part! And let's give thanks for the variety we have on eccie. Life is too short.
Raikage's Avatar
more people need to complain about bbw's so I can chime in about "fat shaming" and get free sex from providers. I am so jelly.
Still Looking's Avatar
more people need to complain about bbw's so I can chime in about "fat shaming" and get free sex from providers. I am so jelly. Originally Posted by Raikage
I just chime in on "fat" threads because I don't like the INNER person of Jade Rose. Somehow a "fat" tread always has her involved.

I'll have to do some MIDI work on one of Randy Newman's songs...

.... got no reason Originally Posted by RandB fan
I'm sorry, but who the FUCK are you again!? I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing you know about anything to do with me, besides seeing my photos and showcase. I do know ever since the shit show of a thread SL started you have been following me around coed singling me out for WHATEVER fucking reason. I've never even seen or talked to you before. Keep on self alerting and making yourself look like a complete witless ass clown to everyone on the board, though. Your silly jokes lack the depth required to generate even an entertained reaction from me.
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Actually Jade it appears all the attention you are receiving was initated by you.
RandB fan's Avatar
$300 roses Superwoman

300lb Superwoman


and for the TS crowd here is your Superwoman

avalanche16's Avatar
need less of both and more curvy fit women...kim kardashian body types!
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm sorry, but who the FUCK are you again!? I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing you know about anything to do with me, besides seeing my photos and showcase. I do know ever since the shit show of a thread SL started you have been following me around coed singling me out for WHATEVER fucking reason. I've never even seen or talked to you before. Keep on self alerting and making yourself look like a complete witless ass clown to everyone on the board, though. Your silly jokes lack the depth required to generate even an entertained reaction from me. Originally Posted by JadeRose
I'm glad you enjoyed the thread. Can't you just be nice?
Still Looking's Avatar
$300 roses Superwoman


300lb Superwoman

Dante0322 / Mike Vronsucky ATF

and for the TS crowd here is your Superwoman

Hummmmmm that sure looks a lot like Rockerrick...

Originally Posted by RandB fan
Actually Jade it appears all the attention you are receiving was initated by you. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat

Hahaha! Cool story. Yeah, that's sure what everyone will start to believe if you post it enough times.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
For Accuracy

$300 roses Superwoman
Pics SL Marco would ONLY take

300lb Superwoman

Looks like SL Marco


and for the TS crowd here is your Superwoman

SL Marco's SO

Originally Posted by RandB fan
I think the question is flawed. If they are active in the business they don't "think" they can, they are in a position to know.

You might look at someone and think "$300/hr for her age/weight/hotness/menu is too much", but you are obviously assuming a whole bunch of things to reach that conclusion that you really have no way of knowing are true.

She on the other hands knows with reasonable precision based on day to day experience what the real world result of that price is and if she uses it, is presumably happy with those results. You really think your advice could help?