Get out your pitchforks gents

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well, it' is normal for a certain percentage of the population to be gay. Always has been, always will be. I don't get why people would be angry at that. How does acknowledging that some folks are gay and selling a few products that cater to them negatively effect anyone else? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I don’t disagree with that, but also don’t presume to know what’s important to others. This is America, we’re supposed to be able to express our views, regardless of what someone with the opposite viewpoint thinks.

You asked a question. I answered it in what I feel was an honest and accurate manner. You disagreeing with the opinion of others is irrelevant.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I'm done repeating myself to you. You're triggered by pride merch at Target. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to justify the anger towards it. Period. The end. Originally Posted by tommy156
LOL. It appears that you actually do need that grammar lesson. Learning the first law of holes may be a good idea as well.

I never stated an opinion on the gay displays, nor did I attempt to justify the opinion of others.
Because it normalizes a lifestyle that people find abhorrent, and that they don’t want their families subjected to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, it' is normal for a certain percentage of the population to be gay. Always has been, always will be. I don't get why people would be angry at that. How does acknowledging that some folks are gay and selling a few products that cater to them negatively effect anyone else?
I have friends who are recovering alcoholics. Grocery stores selling beer and wine have a much greater potential to negatively effect them, yet I don't see them getting all bent out of shape over grocery stores selling beer and wine. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I don’t disagree with that, but also don’t presume to know what’s important to others. This is America, we’re supposed to be able to express our views, regardless of what someone with the opposite viewpoint thinks.

You asked a question. I answered it in what I feel was an honest and accurate manner. You disagreeing with the opinion of others is irrelevant. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You agree? So is it normal for a percentage of the population to be gay? Is it abnormal? Is it abhorrent?

That's what I don't get. Why be mad at something that's natural and doesn't do harm to anyone? It's like being mad at all gingers, or being mad at all albinos.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sure I agree. Everyone had that kid in high school who you knew was going to grow up light in the loafers. Clearly it’s abnormal, abhorrent is a matter of opinion which varies from person to person.
I never stated an opinion on the gay displays, nor did I attempt to justify the opinion of others. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Just like a trumper to completely deny things that were typed out in plain English for all to see. Lol. This is why we call it a cult.
I'm done repeating myself to you. You're triggered by pride merch at Target. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to justify the anger towards it. Period. The end. Originally Posted by tommy156
... YOU are missing the point.

Now IF "threats have been made" against Target employees
and "damage was done to store displays" then by all means
turn videos and information TO THE POLICE, so they
can surely investigate the incidents.

By the point that YOU seem to be missing there, mate
- is THE FACT that Target's own customers will be the
ones to decide WHERE they shop - and WHAT they perchase.

Can't sell much "pride gear" - if any - if there aint
any shoppers coming to the Target shoppe.

... I hope this revelation helps the liberal lads
to understand things. ...

#### Salty
Can't sell much "pride gear" - if any - if there aint
any shoppers coming to the Target shoppe.

... I hope this revelation helps the liberal lads
to understand things. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lol. It's cute how conservatives think their little butthurt boycotts will amount to anything more than a drop in the bucket against big corporations. Nike, the NFL, Carhartt, Budweiser, Target, etc etc are all doing fine, and will continue to do fine long after you've forgotten why you were even mad at them in the first place.

You see, most people in this country are either cool with gay pride or, at very least, don't give a shit. It's the ones who get all bent out of shape and cry the loudest who are in the tiny minority and think they have way more buying power than they actually do. Target won't miss a beat because a few thousand trumptards stop shopping there. Go to Wal-Mart. Nobody cares.
Sure I agree. Everyone had that kid in high school who you knew was going to grow up light in the loafers. Clearly it’s abnormal, abhorrent is a matter of opinion which varies from person to person. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What I'm confused about is why some people are so angry at something that's natural and doesn't have a real negative effect on anyone.
What I'm confused about is why some people are so angry at something that's natural and doesn't have a real negative effect on anyone. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
They're obviously just miserable people who hate to see other people happy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Just like a trumper to completely deny things that were typed out in plain English for all to see. Lol. This is why we call it a cult. Originally Posted by tommy156
Your inability to understand plain English is the problem. Clearly, you can’t grasp the difference between first and third person pronouns, which is kinda sad. That’s not ‘calling out’ or a personal insult, only a simple truth.

I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, writing it off as flailing attempts to lend credence to a blatantly incorrect statement, without pulling up and diagraming the sentence like a 4th grade teacher. You can do that yourself, hopefully, but it’d require coming to terms with your inaccuracies so I’m not holding me breath.
Lol. It's cute how conservatives think their little butthurt boycotts will amount to anything more than a drop in the bucket against big corporations. Nike, the NFL, Carhartt, Budweiser, Target, etc etc are all doing fine, and will continue to do fine long after you've forgotten why you were even mad at them in the first place.

You see, most people in this country are either cool with gay pride or, at very least, don't give a shit. It's the ones who get all bent out of shape and cry the loudest who are in the tiny minority and think they have way more buying power than they actually do. Target won't miss a beat because a few thousand trumptards stop shopping there. Go to Wal-Mart. Nobody cares. Originally Posted by tommy156


... Hee Hee! .... ... Hey mate, I surely reckon that
it doesn't matter what I and the other conservatives think.

But what the Bud Light brewers and the Target owners do
IS IMPORTANT. ... And they have seen LOST REVENUE.

Their stakeholders are NOT PLEASED.

The news media - BOTH conservative and liberal - are reporting
that the Bud Light "woke" decision has been A DISASTER!

And that Target is LOSING MONEY with their "pride" debacle!

... So that's that! ... ...

#### Salty
J still playing dumb. Oh well. Can't say I ever expect intellectual honesty from him at this point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What I'm confused about is why some people are so angry at something that's natural and doesn't have a real negative effect on anyone. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
That’s an opinion that you have, which may or may not be the opinion of others. Some may feel that it does have a negative effect, and their opinion is just as legitimate as yours. That’s how all of this works, and one of the many reasons we’re blessed to live in this country.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
J still playing dumb. Oh well. Can't say I ever expect intellectual honesty from him at this point. Originally Posted by tommy156
Says the guy who can’t interpret a simple sentence.
That’s an opinion that you have, which may or may not be the opinion of others. Some may feel that it does have a negative effect, and their opinion is just as legitimate as yours. That’s how all of this works, and one of the many reasons we’re blessed to live in this country. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What quantifiable negative effect could Target selling pride shirts have on anyone? You want to brush it off as "oh it's just their opinion," but remember, things like slavery, segregation, women not being able to vote, etc. were all matters of opinion.