New thread by FieryJade saying ASPD is closing

I'm a's experiences has taught me that's an excellent character flaw.

I won't forget the exciting experiences that happened for me by being an active member on aspd........I tip my hat and salute the experience I enjoyed on the site.....the end is almost unacceptable.

Many of us cut our hobby teeth on's an ultimate WTF to see it close........for the serious sex addict ( not me of course....)'s like coming to work one day and you're told to go home because the company went out of business.

However, the King is Dead........long live the King!...been through a few of those!

An unknown brethren brought me here...thank you!

I've been lurking here for some time and have yet to see many typical web site 1 upman ship comments......maybe some light hearted banter........but not the high school kid type post insulting fellow members so prevalant on aspd.......we'll see......let's hope it stays that way just feels better without friction.

So......with my teary eye........I've got an e-mail request in to get fucked today....let's see how that goes!
Chevalier's Avatar
This one is a request to the experienced hobbyists/providers - e.g., ck1942, cpi3000, logan, sphunter, taylor (not sure which ones of you are on ECCIE and will read this). You have some excellent threads on hygiene, etiquettes, abbreviations, review writing, club hopping, DATY do's and don'ts, etc., very useful and informative for newbies and infrequent hobbyists/posters like myself. Is it possible to grab them from ASPD and put somewhere on ECCIE. Hopefully there will not be an issue on copyright violations or other legal stuff. Originally Posted by AgoodMess
Not on your list, but will I do? I spent an hour or so finding some favorite threads to cut-and-paste into Word. Of course, Dallas-centric and things that I enjoyed or particularly remembered, and CASG. (Review guides, 32Flavors' primers, DATY and hygiene tips, Apatz' tips, madddog's explanation of the blues, Deacon's hoax, those two reviews by the scot, etc.). Over 100 pages worth in Word. Will try to get some more. Entire threads take up a lot of space, though, so it's mostly single threads.

May I respectfully suggest that instead of the chaos of a lot of folks grabbing and posting here immediately, that we talk to ECCIE about the best way to add these there? Just dumping a lot of old threads, with perhaps a lot of duplication if several folks grabbed the same threads, into current discussions.

Mods/admins? TBONE? Becky?
big al dfw's Avatar
I'm here now to those few that i have met......
ASPD will be missed, that is how I cut mu hobby teeth. I lurked for a long time and saw the site evolve over time.

I feel for the family and what they have gone through, but I will be honest to say that the posts and overall change that has taken place over the last few weeks and months has turned me off and I am glad I found ECCIE. Almost to the point where I have no interest in a shadow site.....

It is not personal, just business and natural selection and the markets are dictating who is moveing forward in 2010. I hope to see all my friends from ASPD here as soon as possible.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 01-01-2010, 04:21 AM
Not on your list, but will I do? I spent an hour or so finding some favorite threads to cut-and-paste into Word. Of course, Dallas-centric and things that I enjoyed or particularly remembered, and CASG. (Review guides, 32Flavors' primers, DATY and hygiene tips, Apatz' tips, madddog's explanation of the blues, Deacon's hoax, those two reviews by the scot, etc.). Over 100 pages worth in Word. Will try to get some more. Entire threads take up a lot of space, though, so it's mostly single threads.

May I respectfully suggest that instead of the chaos of a lot of folks grabbing and posting here immediately, that we talk to ECCIE about the best way to add these there? Just dumping a lot of old threads, with perhaps a lot of duplication if several folks grabbed the same threads, into current discussions.

Mods/admins? TBONE? Becky? Originally Posted by Chevalier
Chevalier, this is a very nice question. Becky and I have put much thought into this, of course, over the past day or so, and felt it best to create an ASPD tribute forum for our members to enjoy long into the future.

[ame=]The Time Capsule[/ame]

We have done alot of the work for you, but I'm sure there's still plenty of great threads to be added. I will have the staff keep a close eye on the forum so that we can keep it clean and free of duplicates....preserved in a classy and useable way.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 01-01-2010, 06:41 AM
The boards are vehicles, and like any vehicle, they wear out and get traded in. For many, ASPD was their initiation board, but in reality ASPD was simply one wide spot in the road. In the 90's, escorting moved into the virtual world via the text-based "newsgroup", and since then various boards have come and gone. The hobby will survive, but the boards are ethereal.

The effort, dedication, and work required to run and operate message boards has steadily increased as the virtual world has grown in size and sophistication. 12-14 years ago most of the boards were hosted on free servers and the bandwidth utilized was miniscule by comparison. Now the number of users and the graphics-rich content have made them (to me) overwhelmingly complex.

ASPD's time is past, and it has been past for several years, with mostly its momentum and lack of a quality alternative keeping it alive. ASPDers can thank a few of the mods and admins there over the past few years for doing what they could to keep the sinking ship afloat with scant recognition and zero financial reward.

With ECCIE we have new, dedicated ownership who have software, tools, sophistication, and commitment poised to move the community toward what I believe has the potential to be a much improved level. I don’t think there is a board in the USA with the kind of high-quality ownership and commitment found here at ECCIE.

I do miss Sweet Sarah of Escort America...... she was a great friend. I miss some of the old timers from The Big Dog board. I miss the Amber I knew back in 2001 or so. But honestly, I’m really not going to miss ASPD any more than any other board whose time has come and gone. I can only thank TB & Becky for their timely creation of ECCIE, and their HUGE financial and time commitment to this new venture.
cookie man's Avatar
I also am a loyal person and believe in dancing with the one that "brung ya". I didn't know Amber but did enjoy ASPD. Sadly so much of the site was dependent on her, and when she drifted away so did the quality of the site.

I am thrilled that ECCIE has come along with a quality group and owners who seem reasonable and dedicated to keeping the hobby moving in a positive direction. It would be a blessing if they continue to grow and move in the right direction. Time will tell. I am glad to be here and glad there is a place to be.

ASPD as we know it had a great run. I am hopeful that Deuce and Angel can get it reincarnated and reborn to a glimmer of it's old self. There's a lot of information in their base, and it would be a shame to lose it. Is it the end of ASPD or just a needed restructuring? Again time will tell. It all depends on the leadership and dedication. For the sake of those who have worked so hard and been so loyal, I hope so.

In the mean time, "Let's roll!".
ANONONE's Avatar
Welcome to the Club John-John.

I was in the process of transferring my reviews and lost access by getting banned for voicing similar opinions. I am glad I found this place--it is everything the NEOASPD IS NOT.

This place is awesome--very sleek and sexy.

ASPD was once a fantastic place and will be remembered fondly.

RIP, Amber. Sadly the new ad hoc leadership running the board is leaving some with a bad taste in their mouth.

I just wish I could have finished getting my old reviews. In fact, if anyone get bored on the cold winter weekend, do me a favor and cut and paste them into a PM for me.

JohnJohn's Avatar

Even if they do set up another mirror/clone ASPD site, how many are gonna be quick to pay for BCD after they just quit and took a lot of paid BCD memberships and threw them in the toilet. There are some who lost much more money than I so it's not too bad for me.

Here's a thought: Suppose they do come up with another ASPD and 6 months later say, "Sorry people, we really tried our best but we will have to close it down." How many more will lose money again? Umm, no thanks..."Fool me once..." and all that.

Of course, those of us who had the audacity to ask about our money were quickly and underhandedly silenced with a ban. That tells me a good bit about how much class the new owners DON'T have. Uh huh, I'll be chomping at the bit to help them out...NOT!

ECCIE rules!!!
dallasdavetx's Avatar
Just got signed up here --- glad that it looks like most everyone will migrate to a common site, look forward to being a part of the community.