To all the Veterans on the Board

TAE: is that the best Pimp slap you got?

Heck, Marco could do better. Originally Posted by harkontume

I'm a lover, not a fighter.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Okay let's go over this again one more time....

You are former military who works as a private security guard and also is a reserve officer/deputized private citizen with the Williamson County Sheriff. You share information with them about providers, including myself. In a fit of blind rage in order to try to frighten me you made a post where you made numerous cryptic references to a magazine article about a crime story in which I prevented the deaths of several people but my name was not used.

Ok, listen, since you want to insist on this nonsense, we can keep going.

While you may want to pretend that it was about you "saving lives" that was NOT the theme of the story.
It was, quite simply, about an 18 year old Freshman who was "bullied" one night by 3 other college kids and let that incident traumatize him for the rest of his life.
It was about a guy who at the time couldn't stand up for himself and let that eat at him for years and years until his ego finally found a way to get even. By sending a reporter, 25 years later, to the Men's houses that were involved. Men who at the time of the incident were college students themselves. That's what it's about! A man who took money from those men and agreed to let things drop but just couldn't. So he puts it all out to the media 25 years later. Then proceeds to brag about it on an escort site and tells people who don't know better that it's about his days as some dark, secretive intelligence agent type. Yep, shows a lot of "character" on your part.
Now if you give me permission, we can post the link to the story and let the readers decide for themselves.

Now here's the thing. You would THINK that someone who made the claims that you did in that magazine, would be the last person to use "bullying" tactics on girls that simply wanted to leave his business (in the past). Yet the very thing you claim to find so reprehensible in others, you had no trouble perpetuating on others. THAT is why I have a low opinion of you, besides the falls claims of "covert action" etc. THAT is why the story was relevant. At the end of the day, you're no better than the ones you accused. Or do you think it's okay to do it to women?

I know you're angry. It's understandable. If you're capable however of writing such insightful posts as
"M.I.T., the C.I.A., and the mind of God" maybe you should be able to look at this simply as "Karma" coming back around. Maybe for the girls you mistreated and tried to intimidate in the past. Maybe you just ran into a guy who doesn't like posers. Maybe it's for pretending to be another poster in order to get people in trouble. Posting false alerts. It could be a lot of things. If thinking that it's "LE out to get you" helps you sleep better at night, by all means, go on thinking that then. Karma works in mysterious ways. Maybe that wasn't in the lesson plan at MIT.

Only law enforcement knows that the person written about in that article, and in which my pictures appear, is the same person posting here as "The Austin Escorts."
I've been a provider for three years and the article was ten years ago. To link the pictures in the article to me the provider without help from LE would require know what I look like, and 2.that you read that magazine regularly and when you saw me today [which you never have] that you recognized me from seeing the pics in a magazine article ten years earlier. I submit that's more than unlikely....more like impossible.

I submit that you're an idiot. You bragged about being written about on an ESCORT SITE! You bragged about it to Providers and others! Hence, the link. Get it? Maybe, just maybe you thought that no one would look but as I've said, you made your share of enemies along the way by the way you treated some of your former "employees". Take responsibility for your actions, your ego and your stupidity. In those 3 things lie the key as to how all this came about. LE had jack to do with it.
But by all means, keep on believing that "LE" would come on this site, register, then get into WWII, Politics, Abortion, and other debates with you in order to "provide info".......LOL. Man, if you don't meet every single cliche about "MIT" types, I don't know who does. Lots of book learning but absolutely, 100%, NO common sense!
Kind of ironic for a guy who told a reporter: "I feel so fucking smart".


The only reason for mentioning it was to hint to me that you're LE connected and that therefore I should be afraid of you. Otherwise the content of that article has absolutely nothing to do with hobbying, military history, or anything else we debate about or discuss.

You're purpose was to attempt to signal to me that you're LE connected, and now you want to deny it just as you've unsuccessfully attempted to deny just about every simple observation I make regarding your "logic."

No as I've told you 1000 times. My "purpose" was to call BS on your claims of being a "covert agent" and having been in "combat". THAT was my "purpose". You're a poser, plain and simple.
But hey, why take my word for it. Let's look at your OWN words:

"I was never a candidate to do government work. But I have contacts" or maybe this:
"In my network of buddies all over the world, they think I'm a man of action"

Yeah, and I wonder where they got THAT idea from TAE!!

Any of the above ring a bell? Kind of contradicts EVERYTHING you spouted on this site about being a "burned out old intelligence hand" and having seen "covert action" and what else did you say.....Oh right....let's not forget...."I've worked with Delta Force, SAS and the French Foreign Legion".

THAT is what this is about. Exposing your ridiculous fantasies for what they are.

Georgetown is a hot-bed of hobby-haters. Everyone knows that. There's about 1,000 evangelical hobby-haters for every hobbiest in that town. That's where your from, and you also hate abortion, etc., and every other thing hobbiest are BY NECESSITY inclined to favor.

You have no answer for this. None.

I don't? I thought I was pretty clear in my previous post. You're a Pimp that NEEDS to live in a liberal town in order to operate your business. Your ENTIRE livelihood depends on it. I'm a guy that works overseas and treats this place as a part time diversion from "real" life. A "hobby" so to speak. Difficult concept for your MIT mind to grasp, I understand. That's because it deals with real life & common sense, not something your professors could teach you. I think that's pretty obvious to everyone by now.

Because you have no defense you try to change the subject and put me on the defensive with epithets and claims that I'm unpopular, a bad guy, and a poor speller.

Well let's just get to the nitty gritty then. Present ONE SHRED OF PROOF that I'm LE. Come on. Where I live and what my views on abortion are just ain't gonna cut it slick. You gotta do better than that!

Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Now if you give me permission, we can post the link to the story and let the readers decide for themselves. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
DTorrchia's Avatar
Cricket, cricket, cricket....the silence is deafening
  • Booth
  • 11-20-2011, 08:32 AM
Cricket, cricket, cricket....the silence is deafening Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Silence is a major upgrade around here.
Silence is a major upgrade around here. Originally Posted by Booth
I think so too but D'Torchia won't let things rest, so I'm going to have to waste more of my time to address him.

What D'Torchia is going to do is issue a full and total retraction for everything he's ever said claiming that I have never been involved in intelligence work, etc.

And this is how it's going to happen.

I've discovered that a retired CIA Station Chief I worked for, per written contract no less, is actually already known to D'Torchia.

Whenever D'Torchia is ready I will meet with him at his lawyer's office.

At that time I will provide the name of that retired Station Chief to him and his lawyer.

Then he and his lawyer can use the internet to find this retired Station Chief and call him.

That retired Station Chief will of course verify that he does know me, and that I worked for him per written contract.

After this is accomplished D'Torchia will issue a full retraction and apology.

Let's put D'Torchia and his neverending insults, epithets and accusations to rest.

D'Torchia is not a hobbiest as far as I can tell.

He's an evangelical far-right abortion/hobby hater who hates me because I run an escort agency. In addition he harbors particular resentment towards me because I've also been involved in government work/scholarship which he idealizes and fantacizes about. It vexes him that people who are involved in the kinds of government/security issues he idealizes are in reality the kinds of people who would also operate an escort service. This is the heart of the matter.

As I've said a million times, my former government work led to nothing. It is nothing I've ever boasted or bragged about to anyone. However it does inform me on certain matters of which I have personal knowledge, and my opinons regarding such have been featured in various media, usually to criticize government policy and point out how useless war and violence is. In one magazine article which D'Torchia was led to apparently from law enforcement, I intervened in my family's plans to kill three men who had been indicted by a Grand Jury for having assaulted me. Because of the nature of that assault my identity was witheld, and true to form D'Torchia is seeking to mischaracterize the content of the article entirely. He claims he learned of the existence of the article from a girl I worked with, but he can provide no name. To me it's rather clear that it was provided to him from the Williamson County Sheriff's Dept.

The Williamson County Sheriff's Office delights in setting up stings for providers. They've recruited private citizens and deputized them for the purpose of drawing Austin providers into their jurisdiction for stings. They collect information on the larger Austin providers.

Everyone knows this.

D'Torchia is a flag-waver who dishonors all real soldiers by using phoney patriotism as a morality smokescreen.

Let's get the phonies and haters off this board.
DTorrchia's Avatar
I think so too but D'Torchia won't let things rest, so I'm going to have to waste more of my time to address him.

What D'Torchia is going to do is issue a full and total retraction for everything he's ever said claiming that I have never been involved in intelligence work, etc.

And this is how it's going to happen.

I've discovered that a retired CIA Station Chief I worked for, per written contract no less, is actually already known to D'Torchia.

Whenever D'Torchia is ready I will meet with him at his lawyer's office.

At that time I will provide the name of that retired Station Chief to him and his lawyer.

Then he and his lawyer can use the internet to find this retired Station Chief and call him.

That retired Station Chief will of course verify that he does know me, and that I worked for him per written contract.

After this is accomplished D'Torchia will issue a full retraction and apology.

LMAO, o.k., so now it's NOT Delta Force, SAS and French Foreign Legion or "State Department" you've worked with. Now it's the CIA? Is that what you're saying? Is that your final answer? You are now saying you were a CIA agent/officer? I just want to make sure that you've finally decided on one job that you're actually going to stick with. I don't want any more confusion like with the "Diamond Courier" episode where you claimed to be one on this board, then when I repeated it you claimed never to have said it. It's all on the "Occupy what?" thread for anyone to see. So CIA case agent it is???? Final answer????
You know what's strange. When Valerie Plame was "outed" as working for the CIA....most of her friends and neighbors that were interviewed said they had NO IDEA what she did. Even after repeated dinners at the Plame house, no one could recall her ever mentioning ANY association with the CIA. Yet here you are.......MR........"my friends think I'm a man of action" .....given interviews to the magazine talking about your "intelligence" days......all in a pathetic attempt to bolster your image
after loosing your manhood. The writer in question listed NOT ONE SINGLE SOURCE in government that he made any attempt to corroborate your claims with.
In fact you offered me a few days ago to come participate in a "covert ops" with you in Europe. A "covert ops" with a guy that gives interviews to magazines, lets them take his picture, brags about his ties to "intelligence".....yeah....SOM E "covert action" guy you are, LOL.
Strange contradictions, don't you think?

LOL, listen TAE, as we've discussed on PM, I've already done all the research I need on you. Your bragging and boasting made it quite easy to dispel all the BS you've been touting on this board. I've told you on the board and I've told you on PM, you will be exposed for the fraud you are.
It won't be much longer.

Let's put D'Torchia and his neverending insults, epithets and accusations to rest.

D'Torchia is not a hobbiest as far as I can tell.

Well, let's just get to that part. I have challenged you REPEATEDLY to produce one shred of evidence to back up your claims. And the BEST, the BEST you can come up with TAE is the below? Really?
With every post you are confirming to more and more people just what kind of nut job you truly are, lol.
Talking about evangelism, (I'm pretty sure religion has never entered a single point I've made on any thread on this board but feel free to point out one where I did), abortion and ........what? You can't produce ONE thread where I claimed to lean toward any particular point based on religion. NOT ONE! But hey, keep talking TAE, by the time we're done, there won't be any doubt in anyone's mind just how batsh*t crazy you truly are.

Here's the perfect example of your "issues".....LOL.
He's an evangelical far-right abortion/hobby hater who hates me because I run an escort agency. In addition he harbors particular resentment towards me because I've also been involved in government work/scholarship which he idealizes and fantacizes about. It vexes him that people who are involved in the kinds of government/security issues he idealizes are in reality the kinds of people who would also operate an escort service. This is the heart of the matter.

As I've said a million times, my former government work led to nothing. It is nothing I've ever boasted or bragged about to anyone. However it does inform me on certain matters of which I have personal knowledge, and my opinons regarding such have been featured in various media, usually to criticize government policy and point out how useless war and violence is. In one magazine article which D'Torchia was led to apparently from law enforcement, I intervened in my family's plans to kill three men who had been indicted by a Grand Jury for having assaulted me. Because of the nature of that assault my identity was witheld, and true to form D'Torchia is seeking to mischaracterize the content of the article entirely. He claims he learned of the existence of the article from a girl I worked with, but he can provide no name. To me it's rather clear that it was provided to him from the Williamson County Sheriff's Dept.

Yes because AFTER you threatened and intimidated at least TWO providers who worked for you, I would provide you their names so you can harass them again? One was so scared she stated she won't even admit to others that she's worked for you because she thinks you're crazy enough to come after her again. So please, stop with the nonsense. We both know who and what you are and what you did. Not only do I have the names of the two providers, I also have someone else who you've tried these same tactics with in the past.

As far as the article in question, funny thing is.....I offered to post the article here with your permission. I offered to let the readers here decide if I "mischaracterized" the article. Since you won't give me permission to post the link yet accuse me of mischaracterizing it, I think I'll just post the link anyway. That should put an end to all the back and forth and confusion, don't you think??
So let's post it below. What do you think? Obviously you're proud of your actions in "saving lives", proud enough to give a magazine interview. So why don't we just post it below?

The Williamson County Sheriff's Office delights in setting up stings for providers. They've recruited private citizens and deputized them for the purpose of drawing Austin providers into their jurisdiction for stings. They collect information on the larger Austin providers.

LOL, and yet, YOU TAE are the only person I'm talking to here. No other providers, no other "businesses" just YOU.

If anyone related to the hobby would have something to worry about on this board, it would be from you. The fact that you were arrested earlier this year (as made known on a public website, a website that even Humpty has posted pics from on this site before), and given the fact that you've outed one of your past providers to her parents, I wouldn't put it past you to cook up some deal with the cops in order to get your record cleared and the charges put behind you. If anything, THAT'S what people need to be worried about.
You've had multiple chances to come up with one shred of proof that I'm LE. You couldn't. The best you've come up with is...."you're anti-abortion" or wait...."you live in Williamson County".....LMAO. Ok. You got me. I MUST be a "LE"

Everyone knows this.

D'Torchia is a flag-waver who dishonors all real soldiers by using phoney patriotism as a morality smokescreen.

Says the man who ADMITTED he's never served in the military yet claims on this board to have "worked with Delta Force, SAS and the French Foreign Legion". But you never brag, right TAE??!!

My DD Form 214 is a matter of record. You don't have one. I think the facts speak for themselves in these matters.
It's exactly BECAUSE I was a soldier that I take exception with your continuing attempts to dishonor Veterans and active duty soldiers by insinuating that the majority of them were cowards, by your false claims to have been in combat, by your statements that they "deserved to die for invading another country", by your false claims to have worked with elite special forces soldiers who you wouldn't even be worthy to scrape the mud off their boots, much less claim to have worked with them.

Let's get the phonies and haters off this board. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Ohhh, I'm SURE you want me off the board. That's why you've done everything from "offering to find me better work" (remember that offer you made a few days ago and my reply to it?). You've tried offering others "freebies" with one of your girls to get them to go away. That didn't work either. Everytime you can't bribe or talk your way out of the messes you create, everytime someone exposes you for the fraud you are, your next move is to try to get the person to leave the board. First, you don't have the personal ability or fortitude to get that done. Second, you don't have the juice to get others to do it for you. My facts speak for themselves. They are irrefutable and a matter of public record.
You've tried offering others "freebies" with one of your girls to get them to go away. That didn't work either.
Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Hey there 5 yr Navy Vet and 5 year current Navy Reservist here. I just discovered this after losing touch when ASPD went offline. Just dropping a line to see what's new around town.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Hey there 5 yr Navy Vet and 5 year current Navy Reservist here. I just discovered this after losing touch when ASPD went offline. Just dropping a line to see what's new around town. Originally Posted by BluejacketPO2
Welcome aboard, thanks for your service!
Hey there 5 yr Navy Vet and 5 year current Navy Reservist here. I just discovered this after losing touch when ASPD went offline. Just dropping a line to see what's new around town. Originally Posted by BluejacketPO2
This site is about sex, women, booze and rock and roll.

As you are aware I've posted many times that my status was non-officer/career agent CIA. I've posted many times that my primary case officer was Walt Rostow who taught at UT. I've posted many times that in the 1990s I worked with D. Strierr, the former head of counter-intelligence in Italy.

In that capacity I also interfaced with paramilitaries and other servicemen including Legonaires, Delta operators, UTD divers, DOE materials security teams, etc. etc. etc.....

Big deal.

It led to nothing.

Here I am now in Austin wasting my time dealing with a creature like you.

But regards myself and yourself this is what's happened....

1.You are refusing to verify that I worked for a now retired CIA Station Chief.

2.You sent me blurry photos of an unidentifiable soldier in training somewhere claiming it was you but with no way of verifying anything.

3.I offered to pay for your ticket to Europe so you could meet people who hire real spec. ops operators IF YOU ACTUALLY HAVE ANY MILITARY EXPERIENCE, which of course you refused to do.

4.I freely sent you my name and date of birth and you refused to reply likewise because you said you are afraid of me.

In terms of your activities on the boards....

1.You claim to be an anti-abortion hobbiest
2.You claim to be a pro-law enforcement hobbiest
3.You offer no evidence that you have ever seen any provider
4.You post blind alliance posts favoring Israel, which taken together with your law enforcement and abortion views make it a sinch you are a far-right evangelical.

No hobbiest fits that profile, but an UC officer does, and as we all know Williamson County recruits citizens and deputizes them to join P411 and sites like this to gather information and lure providers to their jurisdiction.
DTorrchia's Avatar

As you are aware I've posted many times that my status was non-officer/career agent CIA. I've posted many times that my primary case officer was Walt Rostow who taught at UT. I've posted many times that in the 1990s I worked with D. Strierr, the former head of counter-intelligence in Italy.

In that capacity I also interfaced with paramilitaries and other servicemen including Legonaires, Delta operators, UTD divers, DOE materials security teams, etc. etc. etc.....

Ohhh, I see. It went from "I worked with" to ...."I interfaced"......Because we all know that guys that are "non-officer/career agent" that are on the analytical and study side of things always "interface" with our military's top special forces units. You're still making yourself out to be more important than you ever were. We both know that.

Big deal.

It alll led to nothing.

But regards myself and yourself this is what's happened....

1.You are refusing to verify that I worked for a now retired CIA Station Chief.

2.You sent me blurry photos of an unidentifiable soldier in training somewhere claiming it was you but with no way of verifying anything.

3.I offered to pay for your ticket to Europe so you could meet people who hire real spec. ops operators IF YOU ACTUALLY HAVE ANY MILITARY EXPERIENCE, which of course you refused to do.

Listen simply can't get this through your head. I HAVE A JOB. I don't need a job from you, I don't want a job from you and even if I was unemployed, you would be the LAST person I would ever go to for my line of work. A guy that cries publicly in a magazine about getting his manhood taken (cries about it 25 years AFTER it happened) By the way, did you reach a decision about us posting the link to the story???...a guy who tells any and EVERYONE that he worked for the CIA, posts about it on the internet, talks about it on internet forums, posts his pictures and then says...."Oh, I'll pay for you to go on a covert ops mission with me in Europe"? Ahmmmm, yeah, I gotta say thanks but no thanks to that kind of job offer!!!
Hell, I'd have to question the sanity of any of these people you claim to know that "hire real spec ops" if they would take employment recommendations from a guy like you!

4.I freely sent you my name and date of birth and you refused to reply likewise because you said you are afraid of me.

Please, PLEASE post where I said I was "afraid of you". PLEASE point that out. The only thing I stated is that you have a reputation for "outing" people. Again, everyone knows what you are. No surprise there. You run an escort service. Are you somehow implying that I am the ONLY hobbyist on this site that values his privacy and prefers NOT to be outed by a guy like you? I've told you about a dozen times now and I'm telling you AGAIN in front of everyone on this board. First part of February, I WILL meet you in person as you have insisted many times on this board that I do. Nothing has changed in that regard. I'm certainly not going to quit my job right this minute. My leave starts in February and that is when you will see me. Try to stay out of jail until then. With 3 charges hanging over your head (public record), I'm still concerned what kind of deal you're gonna try and make and who you may try to throw under the bus to make it but hey, if you're out and about, you'll definitely see me.

In terms of your activities on the boards....

1.You claim to be an anti-abortion hobbiest
2.You claim to be a pro-law enforcement hobbiest
3.You offer no evidence that you have ever seen any provider
4.You post blind alliance posts favoring Israel, which taken together with your law enforcement and abortion views make it a sinch you are a far-right evangelical.

Funny how you think my views make me "fit" being LE. You are a self proclaimed "member" of the Sovereign Citizen Movement.
Let's take a look at THEIR agenda and then determine what that makes YOU in regards to the Hobby.
This is what you purport to be a member of.

Here's a small excerpt from the above link:
"The key distinguishing characteristic of the sovereign citizen movement is its extreme anti-government ideology, couched in conspiratorial, pseudohistorical, pseudolegal and sometimes racist language"....

Now if that doesn't fit you to a "T", I don't know what does TAE, Let's see, you're constantly on here weaving government conspiracy theories and you're constantly spewing anti-Jewish sentiments and......what was the last one? Oh yeah, you're a self proclaimed MEMBER of the Sovereign Citizen Movement which stands for the above views and other views listed in the link.

No hobbiest fits that profile, but an UC officer does, and as we all know Williamson County recruits citizens and deputizes them to join P411 and sites like this to gather information and lure providers to their jurisdiction. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
In case you ain't figured it out yet jack leg, no matter how many times you say it, nobody's taking the bait. Not a single person on this board.
That's because:
1. Through many of your posts you've proven to many members here that you're more than just a few cards short of playing with a full deck.
2. Your membership as a "Sovereign Citizen" says quite a bit about just how "out there" your views are
3. You have a track record of not treating some of your providers in the past too kindly. You've intimidated them, threatened them and even outed one of them to her family.
4. Any and everyone can see the many other threads I've mentioned and see for themselves your outright lies about who and what you claim to have been and the many inconsistencies in most of what you brag about.
5. Please point out where I tried to "lure" any provider to "their jurisdiction" wherever that may be??!
You also can't come up with ONE PLAUSIBLE REASON why YOU are the only one having these issues. No one else. I conduct myself as any respectful hobbyist would with the lady providers on this board. No TAE, it's JUST YOU. I'm pretty sure I've laid out ad nauseam why it is YOU that's on the receiving end of this. Hint: Disrespect you've exhibited toward veterans and active duty military, your pimp intimidation tactics with some of your prior girls, your anti-semitism, your arrogance and condescension towards others and myself on this board.
Nope, nobody else has gotten this level of attention from me, just YOU.

Finally, as I've stated above. According to public records, you're looking at a potential year in jail. We already know you outed one of your past providers. We already know what happened the last time you got around some alpha males, so I highly doubt you're going to take the chance on being placed in that kind of environment again.
No telling what a desperate man might do to avoid the one thing he's more frightened of than anything in the world. Just sayin'
Are you agreeing to speak to the retired Station Chief I worked for or not?

And after he verifies I worked for him what will you do?

Why are you afraid to tell me your name?

Why won't you meet me in Europe to meet my partners? I offered to pay your ticket.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Are you agreeing to speak to the retired Station Chief I worked for or not?

And after he verifies I worked for him what will you do?

Why are you afraid to tell me your name?

Why won't you meet me in Europe to meet my partners? I offered to pay your ticket.

Listen I know you think that all "hardcore mercs" or "covert agents" like yourself hang out in French and Italian street cafes but I gotta tell you....with conflicts still ongoing in places like Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other hot spots....jet setting to Europe is something I'll leave up to you. Apparently that's about as tough of an assignment place as you're willing to go to. I've offered you to come look me up in Kabul but apparently you've thought better of that.
Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
You are borderline psychotic. Did you NOT just read that I'm CURRENTLY EMPLOYED, CURRENTLY OVERSEAS and that you have OUTED one of YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES in the past?
I truly believe you'll find ALL THE ANSWERS if you read the above post carefully!