Just For Fun, Let's See What Happens When You Try To Order A Gay Wedding Cake At A Muslim Bakery

  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 07:15 AM
OK _ I found the video on YouTube and the Muslims who refused the service were polite and knew what they were doing. P.S. In the time it takes you to read this thread, another gay Muslim has been tossed off a building in a Muslim country...ijs
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He called her a "sperm burping faggot"... LMAO! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I figured you Mama abandoned you at birth when you refused to let he watch Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
OK _ I found the video on YouTube and the Muslims who refused the service were polite and knew what they were doing. P.S. In the time it takes you to read this thread, another gay Muslim has been tossed off a building in a Muslim country...ijs Originally Posted by DSK
Did you notice that at least one of the Muslim bakers recommended another bakery? That is the simple answer. Find another bakery!
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 10:01 AM
Did you notice that at least one of the Muslim bakers recommended another bakery? That is the simple answer. Find another bakery! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Amazing the Muslims understand free enterprise better than the privileged babies who grew up here in the former cradle of freedom.
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 11:37 AM
Actually, ShamWow, Lustylad is schooling you so completely I expect you to meltdown and need to be committed. Originally Posted by DSK
Really DSK? I thought we talked about this?

You are really letting it slip lately. You've put in so much hard work in the past few months, I would really hate to see it all go to waste.
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 11:46 AM
So it's ok for Muslims to refuse to provide a cake for a gay wedding, but it is not ok for a Christian to do the same. Is that right, Assup, err, ShamWow? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is a double standard, I'll give you that. I certainly don't agree.

I think the main reason is, like I've said before, Islam isn't the major religion in the U.S. Any bit of religious freedom that they get is already questioned and protested 24/7 by the media. That is probably why no one will question this "social experiment".

Also, like I said before, most of the segregation against gays in this country is done by Christians. Islam has no voice to be doing any actual harm. If they protest the Muslim Bakery what, exactly, will they have accomplished?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you are giving Muslims a pass, and demanding Christians conform. Nice. You lump all Christians together. I think most Christian bakeries would cater to gays, but you find one or two, and want to take their freedom away, while giving a pass to Muslims. You realize that the Christians involved have never called for the beheadings of gays, whereas Muslims do so daily.

You are an idiot.
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 12:15 PM
So you are giving Muslims a pass, and demanding Christians conform. Nice. You lump all Christians together. I think most Christian bakeries would cater to gays, but you find one or two, and want to take their freedom away, while giving a pass to Muslims. You realize that the Christians involved have never called for the beheadings of gays, whereas Muslims do so daily.

You are an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You realize that the Christians involved have never called for the beheadings of gays, whereas Muslims do so daily.

Would you like to provide a link as to where the Muslim Baker's in the video call for the beheading of gays?
I've posted this before, Uganda, with an 85% christian population, passed the anti-homosexuality bill(also called kill-the-gays bill) that essentially hands down a life sentence for being gay. So don't give me bullshit from countries outside the U.S.

So you are giving Muslims a pass,
When the FUCK did I say that? Stop putting words in my mouth, you can barely put any in your own.
I admitted it was a double standard, and I explained clearly as to why.
Most prosecution of gays (in the United States) comes from Christians. That is the issue at play here. Attacking a Muslim Bakery for a "social experiment" WILL NOT affect the progress on that particular issue. I've said this multiple times now. If you can't fucking read then just STFU.
lustylad's Avatar
Really DSK? ...You are really letting it slip lately. You've put in so much hard work in the past few months, I would really hate to see it all go to waste. Originally Posted by shanm

Leave him alone, shammytard. DSK is doing just fine. When are you going to do the hard work on yourself?

"Physician heal thyself!" (Luke 4:23)

Actually, ShamWow, Lustylad is schooling you so completely I expect you to meltdown and need to be committed. Originally Posted by DSK
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 01:10 PM
Leave him alone, shammytard. DSK is doing just fine. When are you going to do the hard work on yourself?

"Physician heal thyself!" (Luke 4:23) Originally Posted by lustylad
You should really keep your other handles in check lusty. Wouldn't want the "game to be up" now would we?

He did something similar in another thread; called out an ass-handing the wrong way. Barely caught his mask with the tip of his fingers!
lustylad's Avatar
You should really keep your other handles in check lusty. Wouldn't want the "game to be up" now would we?

He did something similar in another thread; called out an ass-handing the wrong way. Barely caught his mask with the tip of his fingers! Originally Posted by shanm

Hahaha.... you are such a pathetic loser! You have no powers of persuasion, so you whine and say everything is rigged against you. A lot more people on this board think YOU are the one wearing the mask, dickwad. When are you going to step out from behind the curtain, sperm burper?
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 03:20 PM
say everything is rigged against you. Originally Posted by lustylad
Did I say everything is rigged against me? hmmm I don't seem to remember saying that.....Is this the beginning or later part of your meltdown? Where you essentially push your own bitchy whining on to other posters? Like I said, we will talk once you get past this latest butt-hurt meltdown. Btw, while you recover, can you go through this again.

And if you can't show me those "millions of offended American Muslims", how about a dozen or so?

What, you can't even come up with a dozen? Ok, how about one? Originally Posted by lustylad
P.S. I'm still waiting for you to identify a single American Muslim who was offended by the Innocence of Muslims youtube trailer, let alone the "millions of our citizens" Odumbo claimed in his Sept. 2012 UN speech.

. Originally Posted by lustylad


Protesters gathered in the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn on September 22 and is claimed to be the first protest in America. The protest did not only condemn the film but also the extreme response in the Muslim world.[135] Protests were also organized in nearby, Canton on September 29.[136] Protesters demonstrated outside the United Nations building in New York on September 28. Similar protests were reported in Chicago and Philadelphia.[137] There were also demonstrations held in front of the White House.[138]

Originally Posted by shanm

"A lot more people" yes, I agree. There are a lot more conservative idiot hicks on this board than sensible liberals or even sensible conservative republicans (cptJohnstone seems to be the only one).
lustylad's Avatar
Did I say everything is rigged against me? hmmm I don't seem to remember saying that.....Is this the beginning or later part of your meltdown? Originally Posted by shanm

Actually I would call this the later part of your SHAMMYTARD PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC meltdown! You know, the part where everytime someone disagrees with you (which happens more and more frequently), you imagine that person to be lustylad!

You should really keep your other handles in check lusty. Wouldn't want the "game to be up" now would we? Originally Posted by shanm
lustylad's Avatar
Btw.... can you go through this again. Originally Posted by shanm
Asked and answered. Why do you enjoy being thrashed for the same stupidity in multiple threads?

Tired of being thrashed in the other thread, shamfucker? Is that why you moved the discussion over here, you cowardly dickwad? If you're looking for an apology, I already pointed you in the right direction. Ask our Apologist-in-Chief if you can accompany him on his next Apology Tour throughout the Middle East. You will hear all the mea culpas that your heart craves.

In the meantime, why don't we put everything back in proper context? Here is the question you keep ducking:

Which of the following do you think Americans were truly outraged at:

1) American James Foley having his head sliced off by Islamic terrorists.
2) American Stephen Sotloff having his head sliced off by Islamic miscreants.
3) American Peter Kassig having his head sliced off by Islamic extremists.
4) A youtube movie trailer for the Innocence of Muslims. Originally Posted by lustylad
For your information, sham-scam, the latest opinion polls show nearly 2/3 of all Americans favor sending GROUND TROOPS back in to pursue the ISIS miscreants who are beheading our citizens:

"Send in the troops and eliminate ISIS: The resounding hardline message from Americans..." said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

The polls reflect a sea change in public opinion over the past year. The Apologist-in-Chief is way behind the curve. He only gets annoyed if a beheading interferes with his golf game. But the polls are proof of just what truly outrages over 200 million Americans - and their anger has nothing to do with some stupid youtube movie trailer video, you dicksucking moron.


. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the FUCK kind of thread is this? Are y'all soft in the head or something?