Martin Luther King Day A Chance To Prove Your Not A Racist Deplorable!

How is it anytime you are critical of a liberal black you are
racists but anytime a liberal is critical of a conservative
black you are you are praised by the libtarts....hummmm
Referring to a black person as “uppity” is racist, liberals can be racist too, John Lennon was also investigated by the FBI for possibly being a communist, he also did a lot of protesting, never heard him referred to as a “uppity White man “. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Did the F.B.I investigate YOU for being a swishywalker after those " unwanted advances by a female co-worker "Perfesser Peter Puffer ????
Exactly. I thought Dr King was one of the baddest mothers to ever walk the planet. I have a picture of him hanging in my office. He KNEW he was going to get killed and yet went on with his work

Most blacks I know that were a part of Dr King, privatley feel as if they failed the black community

Dr King did his part, the blacks didnt do thiers

Whats happen to the blacks is the blacks fault, ( and maybe the meandering little faggott Japo Manville and his assorted ner do wells) Originally Posted by themystic
So you be Arrr-right wit " Reverend " JESSE JACKSON trading on Dr. Kings legacy and extorting money from corporations and agitating the Dindu Nuffins in Ferguson ???
Exactly. I thought Dr King was one of the baddest mothers to ever walk the planet. I have a picture of him hanging in my office. He KNEW he was going to get killed and yet went on with his work

Most blacks I know that were a part of Dr King, privatley feel as if they failed the black community

Dr King did his part, the blacks didnt do thiers

Whats happen to the blacks is the blacks fault, ( and maybe the meandering little faggott Japo Manville and his assorted ner do wells) Originally Posted by themystic
But , HEY, " moderate " LYING LIBERAL, what about Lyin' Lyndon Johnson proclaiming, after the passage of the Civil Rights Act , " We'll have those N-word-s voting for US for the next 50 years ! " Now, go ahead and LIE for him like YOU do for odummer AND the Clintons ! !!!
If Dr King were alive today, he would not be welcome into the NAACP, who's mantra has become, "judge people by the color of their skin and teach them to remain victims".

Dr Kings Washington DC speech was one of the most inspiring ever. Too bad the Black Community has lost sight of his ideals. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+ 1 million ! BRAVO !!!
I agree. Donald Trump wouldnt make a pimple on MLK's ass

Donald Trump and a whole lot of his followers are deplorables, traitors and Anti American Originally Posted by themystic
And YOU sure KNOW about pimples on asses, doncha mistake ! They sure must get in the way of YOUR dingleberry pickin' down at the 'holes !
Dr. King died on April 4, 1968. At that time the U of Texas had exactly zero black athletes on scholarship on the football team. Arkansas had zero. SWC teams had just started recruitment of black athletes. The SEC had 1 black player in 1967 and 1 in 1968.

In the mid to late 60s high schools in Texas and throughout the south were not integrated. Blacks could not drink at the same water fountains as whites, eat in the same restaurants, use the same rest room facilities, sleep in the same hotels. live in the same neighborhoods, etc.

I would say that conditions today are quite a bit different than 50 years ago regarding race relations in this country. Does racism still exist in this country? Hell yes. Every once in a while blatant racism rears its ugly head. But anyone who does not see the difference between the 1960s and today regarding race relations is blind. Thank you Dr. King. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why does Dr. King get all the credit? How about LBJ who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. LBJ was a racist Texan who's sole intentions was to get blacks to vote Democratic. The reason why racism rears it's ugly head every now and then is because Politicians and civil rights leaders keep reminding all Americans that blacks still haven't made it.

lustylad's Avatar
John Lennon was also investigated by the FBI for possibly being a communist... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Lol... what a dumbass you are! Communists don't own multiple apartments in the Dakota. Lennon was investigated because he was against the Vietnam War, not for being a communist. Nixon tried to deport him due to a pot conviction.

You're a fraud and an idiot, Professor Tinydick. Your knowledge of even recent history is muddled as hell. And you're too fucking lazy to google the facts before you post your bullshit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Where did you live?

The South was not as bad as the North. They still have riots. Originally Posted by pyramider
I grew up in N.Y. just outside of NYC. "They still have riots"??? When was the last significant "riot" in the north?

Yes, there was racism in the north. Blacks rarely lived in the same neighborhoods as whites back in the 50s and 60s. Blacks were restricted, and still are in many cases in both the north and the south, from joining elite private clubs such as golf clubs. My swim club was not integrated back then. But I went to school with blacks all my life, played on sport's team with and against blacks, they could eat alongside me in restaurants, and had most of the same freedoms that I had.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why does Dr. King get all the credit? How about LBJ who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. LBJ was a racist Texan who's sole intentions was to get blacks to vote Democratic. The reason why racism rears it's ugly head every now and then is because Politicians and civil rights leaders keep reminding all Americans that blacks still haven't made it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I wasn't trying to give Dr. King all the credit for the advancement of the rights of blacks over the last 60 years. He was in the forefront of the cause in my opinion but many others were there also. Whatever LBJ's intentions were, the Civil Rights Act was an important step forward. Many whites helped fight the racism in the south. And some died for their efforts.
I prefer Rev. Martin Luther (I'm a woman loving Christian) King.
I'm pretty sure if the man were alive today he would ask to be called Reverend.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Lol... what a dumbass you are! Communists don't own multiple apartments in the Dakota. Lennon was investigated because he was against the Vietnam War, not for being a communist. Nixon tried to deport him due to a pot conviction.

You're a fraud and an idiot, Professor Tinydick. Your knowledge of even recent history is muddled as hell. And you're too fucking lazy to google the facts before you post your bullshit. Originally Posted by lustylad
Those that protested against the Vietnam war were accused and suspected of being communist or at the least communist sympathizers. Lennon did not escape this scrutiny, You need to attend my classes dickhead.
Just out of curiosity what are the classes you teach?
Also as an educator, what is your opinion on the fact that as a result of today's education system, that the people that are so offended about the term Shithole Countries have no clue where they are located.