
I absolutley believe in Karma and it affects all aspects of my life, it keeps me in line so to speak, I live by the Do unto others as you would have them do unto you as Karma will get you if you dont. Treat someone rude, then you deserve to be treated rude & so on...if something bad does happen to me i feel i deserve it for perhaps something i did. So the saying goes ...Karma is a bitch!! So i truly try to do the right thing in all aspects of life for fear of it. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
i like the hypothetical idea of karma, but i think reality does not work that way. Because i have seen too many a-holes not getting what they deserve :-). that for one point, and the ๓ther point would be that karma is a little fascist since it implies when someone treats you crappy that you should have deserved it. That is the reason why in hinduist countries dogs get treated so bad, because only someone with a bad karma gets reborn as a dog.
Plus it is a bit a tricky topic when it comes to fascism and the jews and the holocaust. It kinda implies that what goes up comes down and vice versa . so it implies the jews had it coming somehow. I have poste din my private life about these t hings. here are some ideas: courtesy wikipedia:
"Karma has been used to rationalize racism, caste, "economic oppression, birth handicaps and everything else. Taken literally, karma justifies the authority of political elites, who therefore must deserve their wealth and power, and the subordination of those who have neither. It provides the perfect theodicy: if there is an infallible cause-and-effect relationship between one's actions and one's fate, there is no need to work toward social justice, because it's already built into the moral fabric of the universe. In fact, if there is no undeserved suffering, there is really no evil that we need to struggle against. It will all balance out in the end."
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  • WTF
  • 02-01-2011, 07:15 PM
..."No, thank you."...STILL the 3 most powerful words in the English language... Originally Posted by Sisyphus
And the three most debilitating "Is it in?"

Sisyphus's Avatar
And the three most debilitating "Is it in?"

Originally Posted by WTF
If she has to ask...that's her problem!

"Treat me like the studster!"

THAT...I can work with! Your command is my wish!!
I believe both in Karma and in God...they both repay.

I have also found most recently that being nice to people you would rather slap in the face is not for their benefit, but your own. It releases something inside you, and their slinging arrows go right past you. I try to practice this in my personal life, but lack on the boards lol. If you live with unforgiveness in your heart, it actually hurts you rather than the one you are angry with. It pollutes your mind just as jealousy, anger, rage, and envy do and that stops you from receiving the blessings you feel you deserve.

When you do good to others who hurt you, it forces God or the Universe for some to be able to operate. When you are too busy trying to repay your own enemies you block what could be done by a higher power...that power can usually do a better job of repaying than we ever could.

I tithe out of my need and in faith...meaning BEFORE my bills are paid, and it has never once left me without. When I can't afford to give, I give even more! If you give out of your need meaning what hurts to give up, you will be rewarded with more than you can possibly imagine. Keep in mind the "where" or "what" you give to does not matter. It's the compassion behind your giving that makes the difference. Just because a preacher is robbing people does not mean "your gift" will not be repaid. Originally Posted by London Rayne
love that post
Do I think sleeping with married men for money is wrong? Well yes, and I do it anyway. That is worse than a person doing it who does NOT think it's wrong I suppose, but it still does not justify it. I think too many people rationalize what they do in order to feel better about themselves. If you can convince yourself that killing people is not wrong, you won't have such a hard time doing it. Originally Posted by London Rayne

i don`t think i am responsible for the actions of other persons. i do not actively pursue married men (hell they can be quite pursuing and convincing by themselves) and i do think being an escort has nothing to do with marriages per se. If a married man wants to hire my services i do think its his responsibility to carry and not mine. That said i am not monogamous and never have been. I don`t believe in exclusiveness when it comes to sex. and love.
But i think escorting and marriages are like the horse and the carriage. it has always been intertwined and i think if we can make marriages happy its ok.
its a service same liky therapy. I think its way more complicated to be an alliance in a married man deceiving his wife when you are his private lover AND want him to divorce. I think that is bitchy and evil. :-)
i like the hypothetical idea of karma, but i think reality does not work that way. Because i have seen too many a-holes not getting what they deserve :-). that for one point, and the ๓ther point would be that karma is a little fascist since it implies when someone treats you crappy that you should have deserved it. That is the reason why in hinduist countries dogs get treated so bad, because only someone with a bad karma gets reborn as a dog.
Plus it is a bit a tricky topic when it comes to fascism and the jews and the holocaust. It kinda implies that what goes up comes down and vice versa . so it implies the jews had it coming somehow. I have poste din my private life about these t hings. here are some ideas: courtesy wikipedia:
"Karma has been used to rationalize racism, caste, "economic oppression, birth handicaps and everything else. Taken literally, karma justifies the authority of political elites, who therefore must deserve their wealth and power, and the subordination of those who have neither. It provides the perfect theodicy: if there is an infallible cause-and-effect relationship between one's actions and one's fate, there is no need to work toward social justice, because it's already built into the moral fabric of the universe. In fact, if there is no undeserved suffering, there is really no evil that we need to struggle against. It will all balance out in the end."
Originally Posted by ninasastri
oh and i think believing in karma also negates every responsibility to change something. somehow it caters to the social climate we live in today. we are all too concerned with ourselves and less concerned with others and political issues and issues of judgementality. just my POV. i do respect thought people who are trying to live a good life by not doing onto others what they don`t wish that would be done to themselves. but that is not Karma per definition.
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Hey, hey,hey,Hey, hey,hey,hey,hey Tonight
And the three most debilitating "Is it in?"

Originally Posted by WTF
Not if its by Eddie harris: