So Why Don't You Post?

Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Back on the old board days I found out most were lurkers.

Of the ones who D.E.W. sign up 80% never post at all, no reviews, no comments. They just use it to PM the ladies.

That leaves 20% who post and not all those post reviews.

I never fault anyone who doesn't post or do reviews but thank goodness for them because the board would be pretty useless w/o them. For the girls (who need a review every month or so to show consistancy- even more important since we are starting all over again) and for the guys needing to research.

To those who review, thank you.
Onceler's Avatar
Sometimes posting a review that just confirms that she is who she says and does what she says is a good thing. Most guys look for recent (<3 or <6 months) reviews. It is reassuring when doing the research to know that SexyProviderA is still at the top of her game. Originally Posted by ztonk
+1 ztonk!

I would encourage lurkers to remember how they selected their ladies. If you're like me, you read reviews, narrow your list and decide based on the collective feedback of others. I rarely even need to read BCD comments (not even BCD member), but seeing a woman with multiple reviews where gentleman confirm the provider is as she presents herself and gives "Yes" votes makes me move her up my list. I hope the fact that some members enjoy prose and eloquent reviews doesn't discourage others who think they have "nothing new to say". Sometimes all I like to see is additional confirmation that the lady I want to see next is still worth seeing.

I hope lurkers remember to give back information instead of just taking.

Onceler reviews and counting...
This is interesting insight from the hobbyist perspective. Thanks for sharing your feelings so frankly. It's actually pretty nice to hear that we as providers are making anyone giddy! Makes me feel better about my job. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Hell, Sophia, you make everyone GIDDY!!!!!!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Originally titled "Provider Hierarchy?"

I soon discovered there to be an unwritten, perhaps unspoken, self-imposed hierarchy amongst providers, and it would affect me. Individual providers would make screening decisions based on the other providers I had seen. Not what I had said about them, or them about me, but the fact that I saw them at all.

Provider1 cancels appt because she sees I went to what she considers a "high traffic" provider, and won't see customers who have been to any such lady. It was as if I was now damaged goods.

Provider2 declines appt because she believes a lady I have seen previously performs types of services she doesn't approve of, and thinks I would have expectations she is unwilling to fulfill. Heck, I didn't even know the lady did fetishes, let alone partake. Provider2 doesn't believe me and insists that is the only reason someone goes to the "fetish queen".

Provider3 (whom I had seen many times) reads an alert I posted about what I believed was an impending bust (and the next day it happened) at a spa, labels me a spa frequenter and won't see me anymore. On top of that, she made a point of being sure that if I used her as referral, she told the requesting provider to be aware I went to amp's. Thankfully, the new interest didn't care, and thought it strange enough to tell me. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
Sounds like too much worrying to me. Has the hobby become something that has to be manipulated, or even reduced to ways of conjuring up schemes to get the most out of it like wringing a towel out of every drop of moister? It has always amazed me on how one would be so concerned that one lady won't see you because you see another, yes if you are doing risky activities, and you present a danger to the community, then you should not be hobbying at all. Why not just hobby, post, don’t post, see ladies, don’t see ladies. I do not post because I do not have something to contribute, and when I do then I will, simple as that.

I hope lurkers remember to give back information instead of just taking.

The original post in this thread asked "So why don't you post?"
The answer is I was selfish. I was taking information instead of giving.
As I've said before I was a lurker on that old board until it died. When
Austin gravitated here, I joined and began to contribute. I've done three reviews of three excellent sessions with three well known, verified providers. Doing my homework paid off.
On the other hand, sometimes in the past I've had less than stellar sessions. Looking back I would say that one thing they had in common was a lack "A" level homework on my part. Sometimes not doing my homework was not in my best interest.
The moral of the story is that good information is a definite plus. And that information is best when it is current, accurate, and available. This requires a contribution. If there are no givers, I can't be a taker.
I've decided to be a giver as well as a taker.
Onceler's Avatar
If there are no givers, I can't be a taker.
I've decided to be a giver as well as a taker. Originally Posted by KisserSoze

...of a giving spirit...
jdean208's Avatar
Harley Guy,
I can tell you first hand -- I have only begun to post here. I was a lurker of ASPD, EROS, Provider posts, TER, Esco---- you get it. After becoming a member on ASPD, Initially, I lurked in the hopes of learning the lingo. As I became more aware of what has been reffered to as WK's or BK's or absolute lambasting a guy for an inadequate review or post. I decided I would not be a target for the same. I came to this site where the atmosphere is quite a bit different. I have found a spot, if you will, That will not send me into a rage over someones remarks. Sophia, Sarge, Ralphey Boy are all spot on, Even Whispers who occasionally may push a bit too far, is correct. You will have your moments, as we all do. I encourage you to get in, play well with others and when necessary stand your ground.
Metal Smith Originally Posted by Metal Smith
Wow. Nicely said, Metal Smith. I suspect your story is much like mine and many others who lurked for years before jumping in or writing reviews. You saved me from typing a long post (with 2 fingers).
Smart's Avatar
  • Smart
  • 03-06-2010, 01:39 AM
I did post a couple of reviews over at ASPD, but I definitely would classify myself as a lurker and not a very active contributor.

For me, it was honestly more about farming for information, and then reciprocating with my own reviews, than it was socializing and what not (ie. never posting anywhere other than the review boards). I always saw the benefit of posting reviews, even after there being up to 20 reviews of a particular lady I saw. Knowing how I do my research, even 1 "no", depending upon the story and the credibility of the hobbyist, is enough to sway me against seeing a provider, even if she has passed all of my other 90% insanely strict filters.

Now, I'm trying to open up a bit. Mostly out of general boredom, but I think getting to know hobbyist and providers as a part of the Austin community makes sense to me now.
Reviewing is "my way" of giving back to this community that has "given me" so many great "things" (wink!) to remember.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Looking to encourage the infrequent participant Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy

Whispers doesn't qualify for infrequent? Say it ain't so. OH the humanity

<-Psst whispers
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I used to post alot on ASPD, during the crash of 2005 I lost 2000 posts and 100 reviews. Now, what I have learned from my photo contest (Feb. 2010) is that less than 1/3 of my biz is from this board and Home2...combined.

So why spend lots of time reading/posting here when I can go work in the garden instead. Plus I have no desire to be beaten up by guys who have never seen me, never going to see me and they slam other providers for the way they conduct their biz. That is not cool in my book.

I don't need guys to say I have no right to protect my privacy or set my rates and tell me and others how to do my screening, because they/he wants cheap sessions w/o giving up info to make the ladies safer.

I spend most of my time making sure that I get back (quickly) to the ones who call make sure the place is clean and neat and that I provide the BEST session that I possibly can. THAT is what should make a difference to the REAL hobbyists.

The ones who who slam everyone here, they can D.E.W it w/o me.
I see the same gals over and over usually. They don't need my reviews or prefer UTR. So, there is not much to say. I love them all or I wouldn't bother to return and I don't like to kiss and tell. Once in a while, I think about seeing someone new if one of my sweeties is unavailable, but it doesn't happen very often. Once upon a time, I posted more than I do now, but it all seems redundant these days.
Well alrighty then...