Coming to you LIVE from Restoring Love at the Dallas cowboys stadium

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  • Doove
  • 07-29-2012, 08:20 PM
And Doove, what is wrong with going to a rally to be reminded of higher standards and ideals? Originally Posted by wolfeman
You're right, i mis-spoke. Anyone who goes to see Glen Beck is in need of being reminded.
ShysterJon's Avatar
TFF, Doove. Hahaha. There's nothing more fun than sticking a pin in a big windbag of hypocrisy. Here we are, talking about a rally to return to traditional [Conservative Christian] morality -- with the discussion taking place among whores and johns.

Hey, wolfeman! I'll think of your values rally the next time you post a review. Hahaha.
ShysterJon corrupter of young PIG Twat. Say Hi to Kayla for me. Thanks
ShysterJon's Avatar
ShysterJon corrupter of young PIG Twat. Say Hi to Kayla for me. Thanks Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'll say 'hi' to Kayla, but I'm telling you: joe bloe's wife's twat ain't that young. I mean, I saw Moses had carved his initials in that dusty, well-trodden va-ji-ji.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You mean that there was a Tennie-man rally at Jerryworld? Could everyone see the chalkboard OK? Hmmmm, not only did I miss it, I didn't even know it was going on. Too bad. But, since I was working over my 25y/o SB from 10am - 6pm you might say that I had a "prior commitment." One would think that in order to restore love there would have had to have been some there in the first place.

It's good for some of us, like SJ recently, to occasionally venture into the dark, dusty world of Ancient Teapunk Pigwife Twat in order to truly appreciate vibrant, wet warmth. I'm just concerned about how SJ can restore the missing IQ points he lost to the reverse osmosis of being in a building full of Tpunks. Fortunately, he has more than a few to spare and the effect was probably reversable as soon as he stepped into the light.

I hope that there was a lot of the Cock Bros.' cash for the event that went down that toilet. Did the attendees get their signs back?

Well, hmmmpf, so much for "live" from the rally. Glenna, you must be moving up in the TP hiearchy. Another undelivered promise prefaced by a disclaimer. Meh.