The Lies A Guy Will Tell to Get Inside Her Pants

This thread reminds me of a song....Kenny Chesney...Out Last Night.

Last night I was everything
When I got a few drinks in me
I was a doctor, a lawyer, a senator's son
Brad Pitt's brother, and a man on the run
Anything I thought would get the job done
TexasDave555's Avatar
I lie and tell them I am tall, good looking with a huge dick. Has yet to work, but I am ever the optimist!

I've found tears and begging don't work well..... so honesty may be next on my list.

In RL honesty usually works well though, women are born negotiators so they are usually willing to discuss it. If you have a shred of game in you, you stand a good chance of getting what you want if she does as well. If you don't over play honesty and end up in insincerity land, your golden.
CoHorn's Avatar
The funny thing is I am single, have a good job, and still wouldn't say that crap to a woman to get some.