Heartfelt musings from a robot.....

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar

We haven't met yet because I don't play that often and when I do, I usually play close to home. However, you and a half-dozen other providers on here, some of whom I have seen, have set a very high standard for the rest.

I love and cherish women. I feel totally privileged to be a part of this community. It's why I get so passionate when the 'posse' and guys just trynagetlaid abuse this community.

I hope you keep doing the magic that you do and I hope that you kick assholes to the curb as required.

pmdelites's Avatar
This is why there are the Super Secret meetings of the Horny Hawg Society. So they maximize their face time with the smallest monetary impact.

Fetish Originally Posted by The Fetishist
so, i guess i should join the porcine society in addition to the canine society [horndog].
I understand how you feel reese but i feel alot of it is also on what you give out. I treat people the way i want to be treated and carry myself with a charismatic, easygoingness that at times even the biggest jerk cant help but to crack a smile and relaxe. I have had a couple times where some had bad attitudes but you also have to rember you dont know what the last girl did. Therefore, if we just "kill em with kindess" maybe those that see us as robots will stop thinking robotically themselves and we can all get along!') great post Reese!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, Reecie, it's just like anything else, some are good and the majority are 100% out for ol' Numero Uno. Tape at 11.

You might be reading more into the general reaction to the influx of "trainees" into the hobby since the heat is up on CL and the other more public boards than there is when it comes to the "good" vs the "bad" and the downright "ugly" (metaphorically speaking). Their skills are pretty much limited to losing at chess to a box of rocks but, whaddyagonnado?
pmdelites's Avatar
and when it seems that there's too much b.s. or downer stuff on the board,
i suggest people post upbeat, sexy, or humorous things to read!!
I hope you keep doing the magic that you do and I hope that you kick assholes to the curb as required.
L4L Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife

I just loved this and wanted to say thanks for making me smile.