More Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Garage.

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  • 01-13-2023, 02:08 AM
But odds of Biden stealing documents to cover up his crimes and Hunters Crimes is probably the likely reason he took classified documents. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Odds of you being impartial and anywhere near corrects are slim to none.
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  • 01-13-2023, 02:13 AM
You sound just lie Joy Behar. Almost to the letter.

“We all know Trump lies and is a criminal, while Joe Biden is an upstanding civil servant who has given his life to public service”.

Biden is the figurehead of a criminal cartel that specializes in selling influence.
The big question is now that we know that Merrick Garland knew about these unsecured classified documents before the mid terms, why was it kept quiet.

While, mind you, every minute of news was covering Trumps hoarding classified documents at his home.

Go sell it somewhere else. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wtf are you doing watching Joy Behar? I wouldn't watch that show if you paid me. Suprised that shitshow is still on TV. I suppose there are a bunch of closeted viewers such as...

Is that where you get your news now? No God damn wonder your analysis is so far off.
Actually half of what Royamcr wrote was right. He wrote presidents are never convicted and removed from office. That part he got right. As you stated he was wrong about Presidents never getting impeached. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Note I wrote impeached AND convicted.... I didn't say a president can't be impeached. Trump proved that possible a record number of times.
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  • 01-13-2023, 02:58 AM

WTF watches too much far left news sites. i bet he gets his investment advice from Jim Cramer.

BAAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I damn sure don't get it from you!

My Lightening round says nothing will come of this secret document dump.
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  • 01-13-2023, 03:10 AM
Note I wrote impeached AND convicted.... I didn't say a president can't be impeached. Trump proved that possible a record number of times. Originally Posted by royamcr
Poor Waco has comprehension problems. Pay him no mind.

Our right leaning friends think these two events are the same. Trump lying about having secret documents and Biden turning them over once he became aware they were in his possession!

Which is to say they think getting struck by lightning and having a Lightening Bug land on you are one and the same because both have the word "Lightening" .
The coverup is always worst the crime

The first set of documents were found Nov 2 2022 and Attorney General Garland was notified on Nov 4 The story was hidden from the public just like the laptop.

It's going to real easy to impeach this lying scumbag with subpoenas from the House Judiciary

Statements on the record from Joseph R Biden
"I knew nothing about classified documents"
"I knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings"
"I knew nothing about FDA shutting down baby formula plant"
"The three generals in Afghanistan never told me they needed more troops for the withdrawal"
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Of course it is not the same.

Jesus, Jackie you're better than this.

Let me give an example Shirley you can understand...

It would be similar to your bank improperly crediting your account and another account.

Once informed , you immediately turn the funds back over to the bank.

This other asshole first denies there is any inappropriate funds in his account. Then tries to hide them , then claims they are his.

So as much as you may not like the fact that CNN was being truthful, the fact of the matter is, they were. Originally Posted by WTF
I get your analogy, but I look at it a different way...

Unfortunately, I've had to fire some people recently. A member of HR is always present with the forms for them to sign. HR takes their laptop to make sure they no longer have access to any documents on their computer and all access is immediately terminated.

Anyway, my point is the majority of the people decided to fire Trump's fat ass. He doesn't get to keep his laptop (relatively speaking of course) with confidential information. Biden still works for the company though. He just doesn't get to keep his laptop in his garage or wherever else his senile old ass keeps random shit in his house. LOL
ICU 812's Avatar
Regarding the security of that Corvet Stingray: Anyone ever see that movie "Gone In Sixty Seconds"?

Regarding these top-Secret documents and the appointment of a Special Counsel: I think the Democrats want to switch out Biden for someone else at the top (but not Harris). I think everyone on the left and right thought the Republicans would really sweep the id terms and Biden would decide not to run in 2024. To accomplish that, I speculate (without any supporting evidence) that VP Harris will soon be replaced. She will experience serious health issue or be involved with an "accident" . . .or something. "They" will then hand-pick and appoint a successor for the VP slot, much as Gerald Ford replaced VP Agnew during the Nixon administration.

With Ms. Harris out of the way, the Special Counsel investigation of who mishandled the documents (and when) will discover cross connections between Hunter Biden and corrupt business deals that ominously point to the witting involvement of President Biden. If he is smart, President Biden will allow himself to be encouraged to step down to avoid a serious scandal that would expose him to charges of genuine bribery at the level of treason.

This scenario, though only speculation, is not fantasy from a Grisham novel. This sort of thing actually happened during the 1970s in the Nixon administration.
Harris had a strong resume. Her resume was just as strong as Mike Pence's and a lot stronger than that of "Airhead" Sarah Palin. She was a district attorney of San Francisco, Attorney General of California and a two time Senator from Calif. Being put in charge of the border is a no win situation. As long as there are jobs in the USA and virtually no jobs in Mexico people are going to try to come. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Everybody knows that “Knee Pads Harris” rose up through the ranks as Willy Brown’s Sugar Baby.

Since then she has proven herself to be an incompetent fool.
The ancestors of Italian people are the Greeks. Aren't Greeks considered white? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Wrong as usual. The Sicilians have Greek ancestry not the Italians.
I find it curious that no one responds to the suggestion that what's good for the goose is good for the gander other than lame arguments about shades of gray.....fuck, they're both too gray for the office. Can't say Biden is at fault without also saying that Trump is at fault as well and vice versa.
Why is this taking up space on Eccie? Other than the fact that ALL politicians want to screw us, this is irrelevant.
adav8s28's Avatar
Wrong as usual. The Sicilians have Greek ancestry not the Italians. Originally Posted by Levianon17
From the wiki link in post #25.

Italians share a common culture, history, ancestry and language. Their predecessors vary regionally, but include the ancient Greeks in Magna Graecia, the Etruscans in northern Italy and,.....

Clearly it says Italians not Sicilians predecessors include ancient Greeks.

Did you put reading comprehension on pass/fail like your hero Bush43?

You know as much about the ancestry of Italians as you do M-RNA. Which means you know nothing.
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Members Are Encouraged to Return to the Original Topic . . .
ICU 812's Avatar
Thinking these things over for a bit now . . .and the scariest thing to me now is realizing that President Biden views the importance of securing Top Secret documentation to be the same as securing his car!