At it again

Handsomelake84's Avatar
A nut case, anything but that. This is so awful
Handsomelake84's Avatar
elghund, I knew I would piss off some members with past statements, and I just watch and laugh at the ugly old hobbyist that tend to stand out pretty quickly. Providers don’t even want to admit to knowing you outside of this review board, what does that say?
Handsomelake84's Avatar
  • rj317
  • 07-26-2024, 05:02 AM
HL you’re a RAT and a SNITCH in my book. Sending me pm’s talking about her and believing everything out of that piece of trash’s mouth. She is/was just using you to spoon feed her what people are saying and if you believe you’re different from anyone else you’re mistaken. All any of these girls like about any of us is the money. Stop paying this bitch, stop seeing her and stop paying for her only fans. There are 2 scenarios for this one, jail or worse
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I forward your PM you sent me, you look like an ass. You went to her and got robbed, thinking that wasn’t going to happen to you, only me. I know other people got it who know you, you think she was going to fuck you? You should listen to me
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I found that funny, you think you were getting service once donations were handed over and not me? I know more of you guys had it happen also, probably all four who hit liked, lol.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I don’t believe anything she says, it’s in my PM to you, ass. I forward it to like 5 people!!! No where in it do I say I believe her, it’s the opposite, LOL.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
Where does it say I believe her? Forward it to your four friends, ass
Handsomelake84's Avatar
My PM was attached to your PM, no where do I say I believe anything. You guys would have came forward if it happened before my review of the robbery. It shows that you were too embarrass to say anything after my review. “They” don’t admit to knowing you, but because of old reviews and comments, I know “they” do, it’s like I said, they don’t admit to knowing you outside of this review board
Handsomelake84's Avatar
She has ripped me off more than once, it got complicated, I’ve money. She would pick fights and tell me to leave. I know this, after my review of DreadLust, and it showed I’m not coming back after like three weeks or more and seeing someone else, she dropped off of X the next day. I figured it started then, anyone who seen her starting with the last day of two in February, you were getting robbed. She was leaving the area also, it gave her motivation to move on, after saying bye to everyone
  • rj317
  • 07-27-2024, 04:59 AM
I have deleted my pms, you messaged me out of the blue after a post not a review. but you said you talk to her on o.f. So you still support her financially and if you feel like you said you would cut that off. Told me that she had dumped the pimp, she was forced ect.. I was unaware it was her from the post I replied to. And it sounds like you tell her what’s being said here so I stand by my comment. Keep being her wk she will never be with you and she is just using you dude
  • rj317
  • 07-27-2024, 05:08 AM
And sent to my friends? Who would that be? You sound like you need a stay at 400 forest dude
The Drummer's Avatar
She has ripped me off more than once, it got complicated, I’ve money. She would pick fights and tell me to leave.

One of the oldest tricks in the book.
After trying to wade through this thread and others I think the mystery is solved as to why the providers are charging what they do these days!

Jesus Christ I am not sure any money in the world is worth dealing with some of you!
ben dover's Avatar
And the beat goes on.