RFK jr roasts Democrats

All you've said here is correct of course. The main issue is the 'Cover Up' by the Staff and Media as to the obvious (to everyone else) mental and physical decline of the President. It is both their moral and actual responsibility to discern the President's level of disability and protect the American People by taking action on it.
But the true actions were that of cover up, putting this Nation in direct peril for the express purpose of holding on to power.Even far Left Dems were hard pressed not to admit the obvious. He was, of course by this time an international laughing stock.
I'm 10 months shy of age 80, a Dr. level medical professional and Vietnam veteran. Watching Joe Biden and his chronic lying has been a hobby of mine since 1988 when he ran for President and journalist Sam Donaldson publicly called him out for his continuous stream of lies and outrageous fabrications about his record during his first run for the White House. You can find it on Youtube. But he never learned and has kept up those fabrications with barely stopping to take a breath his entire life.
Having had personal experience with someone in my immediate family, I can assure you that pathological liars tell the stories long enough that sometimes I think they could fool a lie detector. They can be that convincing about their lies, but only to themselves.These are some of the definition of a true Sociopath.
I was shocked in watching him become President but my fear is much greater now with who and what is being put up for that high office by the Dems.
Gentlemen, we are being slow walked into a Marxist...Socialist...dysfunct ional government so slowly we are not aware it is happening.
All you've said here is correct of course. The main issue is the 'Cover Up' by the Staff and Media as to the obvious (to everyone else) mental and physical decline of the President. It is both their moral and actual responsibility to discern the President's level of disability and protect the American People by taking action on it.
But the true actions were that of cover up, putting this Nation in direct peril for the express purpose of holding on to power.Even far Left Dems were hard pressed not to admit the obvious. He was, of course by this time an international laughing stock.
I'm 10 months shy of age 80, a Dr. level medical professional and Vietnam veteran. Watching Joe Biden and his chronic lying has been a hobby of mine since 1988 when he ran for President and journalist Sam Donaldson publicly called him out for his continuous stream of lies and outrageous fabrications about his record during his first run for the White House. You can find it on Youtube. But he never learned and has kept up those fabrications with barely stopping to take a breath his entire life.
Having had personal experience with someone in my immediate family, I can assure you that pathological liars tell the stories long enough that sometimes I think they could fool a lie detector. They can be that convincing about their lies, but only to themselves.These are some of the definition of a true Sociopath.
I was shocked in watching him become President but my fear is much greater now with who and what is being put up for that high office by the Dems.
Gentlemen, we are being slow walked into a Marxist...Socialist...dysfunct ional government so slowly we are not aware it is happening. Originally Posted by Johny Montana
So you're saying Biden lies. Does Trump lie? Is Trump mentally diminished? I have no idea what having "Dr. level medical professional and Vietnam veteran" has to do with the subject or how it might enhance your opinion.

Could you provide concrete examples of this slide into Marxism you mentioned? Since you and many others on here enjoy disclosing their rather advanced age, I'm surprised that you are all so absorbed by this political stuff. When I get that old, I don't plan to care about politics to the point I'm posting about it on an escort forum.

Michael8219's Avatar
I hope when I’m 80 I’m posting about politics on an escort forum. Jill, what’s my age again?

Where’s Hunter? And why am I wearing this jacket with clasps on it?

But yes RFKjr roasted the Democrats. They certainly went to great lengths to uncover his testimony in a 12+ year old court case about a worm in his head and other items in his past. So he has to be laughing at his family and democrats that trashed him hard.

Hopefully the laughter will translate to the reported 55 to 60 percent of his voters going to Trump and only 10% to 20% going to Kamal. For you math majors the 20% to 30% remaining goes to the Libertarians or that great man, Undecided or Other.

A couple votes may fall into this candidate’s lap:
All you've said here is correct of course. The main issue is the 'Cover Up' by the Staff and Media as to the obvious (to everyone else) mental and physical decline of the President. It is both their moral and actual responsibility to discern the President's level of disability and protect the American People by taking action on it.
But the true actions were that of cover up, putting this Nation in direct peril for the express purpose of holding on to power.Even far Left Dems were hard pressed not to admit the obvious. He was, of course by this time an international laughing stock.
I'm 10 months shy of age 80, a Dr. level medical professional and Vietnam veteran. Watching Joe Biden and his chronic lying has been a hobby of mine since 1988 when he ran for President and journalist Sam Donaldson publicly called him out for his continuous stream of lies and outrageous fabrications about his record during his first run for the White House. You can find it on Youtube. But he never learned and has kept up those fabrications with barely stopping to take a breath his entire life.
Having had personal experience with someone in my immediate family, I can assure you that pathological liars tell the stories long enough that sometimes I think they could fool a lie detector. They can be that convincing about their lies, but only to themselves.These are some of the definition of a true Sociopath.
I was shocked in watching him become President but my fear is much greater now with who and what is being put up for that high office by the Dems.
Gentlemen, we are being slow walked into a Marxist...Socialist...dysfunct ional government so slowly we are not aware it is happening. Originally Posted by Johny Montana

Can't disagree with much you say here, except they have been slowing walking Marxist Socialism since Bill Clinton's time in office. They put it on the fast track with Biden, and if they assassinate Trump or allow it to happen The Marxist wing of the Democrat party will basically appoint Marxist Harris into the White House.
Can't disagree with much you say here, except they have been slowing walking Marxist Socialism since Bill Clinton's time in office. They put it on the fast track with Biden, and if they assassinate Trump or allow it to happen The Marxist wing of the Democrat party will basically appoint Marxist Harris into the White House. Originally Posted by farmstud60
It's mildly interesting that you keep interchanging variants of Socialism. Please take a moment and explain how you think the Marxist version is relevant here over other implementations.

You must be very well versed in these issues. Show us all how smart you are.

txdot-guy's Avatar
All you've said here is correct of course. The main issue is the 'Cover Up' by the Staff and Media as to the obvious (to everyone else) mental and physical decline of the President. It is both their moral and actual responsibility to discern the President's level of disability and protect the American People by taking action on it.

But the true actions were that of cover up, putting this Nation in direct peril for the express purpose of holding on to power.Even far Left Dems were hard pressed not to admit the obvious. He was, of course by this time an international laughing stock. Originally Posted by Johny Montana
I’ve removed your comments about pathological lying, sociopathy and the slow pace in which our country is falling into marxism, socialism, dysfunction because they are decidedly not relevant to the thread topic.

I’ve seen a number of comments in the political forum referencing a “cover up” or a “conspiracy” between the members of the democratic party, the main stream media and sometimes a group of shadowy people to prop up a an old demented individual to steal an election. It’s all bullshit.

RFK Jr said in his speech,

When it abandoned democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president, I left the party to run as an independent. In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it,” Kennedy asserted.

“The Democratic National Committee, Kennedy charged, “ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then when a predictably horrible debate performance precipitated a palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election.”

First of all the democratic primaries weren’t canceled or rigged. I know because millions of voters voted in them. Including me.

Secondly the states determine who gets on the ballot, not the federal government. If RFK Jr couldn’t get enough people to support his candidacy then he should not be on the ballot.

The White House says the president has undergone a neurological exam three times since becoming president, as a part of each of his annual physicals at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Those physical examinations took place in November 2021, February 2023, and February 2024. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the president "has seen a neurologist three times — no more than that." He passed all three times without any problems including in February at the start of the primaries. If Biden was not competent then he would be forced out by using the 25th amendment. Since he hasn’t one should assume that the VP and the majority of the cabinet believes him to be competent enough to run the country.

When it became clear that Biden was not the winning candidate the party wanted he was pressured to not run for office again. So he on his own volition resigned the candidacy. No One Forced Him Out! He saw the writing on the wall and did the right thing for the country.

Once that happened the rules state that the democratic delegates who were sent to the convention could vote for anyone they wanted. Just because Harris locked up enough delegates to win the nomination doesn’t mean that anyone participated in a coup or that any shadowy operatives appointed a successor.

Everything that happened leading up to the convention where Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were elected to be the democratic president and vice president nominees happened exactly the way that the rules and regulations concerning the party process are written.

What exactly about this process is “shady as fuck”.
... Hey Mates - let's steer back to thread topic.

Michael and Johnny Montana surely got a point - on the march
to Communism here - and perhaps RFK noticed this also - and thus
decided to throw-in with Trump to Save the Country.

And the Dems are NOT happy... .... ....

#### Salty
... Hey Mates - let's steer back to thread topic.

Michael and Johnny Montana surely got a point - on the march
to Communism here - and perhaps RFK noticed this also - and thus
decided to throw-in with Trump to Save the Country.

And the Dems are NOT happy... .... ....

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
This appears to be wishful thinking on your part. Which Dems aren't happy? Any reference outside of Newsmax, Fox, or other right-wing echo chambers? Or is this some keen examination of Democrats on your part? Which ones have you spoken to that care about RFK Jr?
Michael8219's Avatar
Agent220's Avatar
We serious here...

RFK Jr is a clown circus. The man hit up both Trump and Kamala to barter for a cabinet spot in their Administration.

I can't take him seriously.
We serious here...

RFK Jr is a clown circus. The man hit up both Trump and Kamala to barter for a cabinet spot in their Administration.

I can't take him seriously. Originally Posted by Agent220
In a twist that's fairly normal for the alt-right, this is what they seem to be posting now:

I'd feel sorry for JD Vance if he wasn't such an awful human being. Maybe it's the haircut?

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