"Tea Party" Vs "Occupy Wall Street"

The Tea Party showed their appeal in the 2010 electorate blowout............


Keep denying the facts on the ground; it will only lead to a bigger election disaster in 2012 !

You say that as if the Tea Nuts plays well with independent voters across the country!

Do you also believe in the tooth fairy? Originally Posted by bigtex
Occupy America expands to the Hart Federal Building in Washington; I hope they continue with these kinds of antics....it won't help the Democrats whose instincts are to support this kind of civil action......Obama being a community organizer and all....this weekend they plan to show up at the homes of NYCs wealthy; these kind of intimidation tactics never play well with independent voters !

It didn't work in Wisconsin; the Republicans survived the recall votes and continued with their agenda.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Tea Party spitting on people was proven to be a lie, even most mainsteam journalists accepted that. Don't repeat the lie again. It make you look dumber than your spelling and grammar.

Oh, well endowed here is a little evidence though I know you can't accept it. Larouche supporter admits to infiltrating Tea Party with racist signs.

I didn't find her very pleasing and she is so dumb she would probably forget that it is a cock and think it is a hoagie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

One guy claims he/they first came up with the use of the mustache. It couldn’t be that he wants his group to seem like they have more horsepower than they do, could it?
The media falsely claimed it was the tea party? Would you let somebody show a sign that was against the cause/rally you had taken the time to attend or put it in bad light without saying something about it? Then? Not later?

Something else is different too. Obama has a big-tooth grin in the tea party signs. They portray him as a yuck-it-up kind of guy. The La Douche supporter poster portrays him as sinister and dangerous.

Their national campaign manager isn’t saying this. Not much proof if the only person saying it also claims the President of the US acts like Hitler.

Listen to the guy that walks off in disgust. He’s not a media guy or a dem. He dislikes Obama and says the poster goes too far.
And here are the Occupy America crowd throwing faggot; fuck, asshole, and other slurs around:


The more video on these Occupy America loons the better; they will sink by their own actions....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Tea Party showed their appeal in the 2010 electorate blowout............


Keep denying the facts on the ground; it will only lead to a bigger election disaster in 2012 !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Occupy Wall Street spontaneous? It was organized months ago by a group called Adbusters. It is nothing new, it's just that people are more gullible here.


Adbusters is an anti-semitic, socialist organization.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munch, good cite to a site. Joe Walsh is an idiot. Not Joe Walsh the guitarist, he is AWESOME, but the Congressman is an idiot.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munch, good cite to a site. Joe Walsh is an idiot. Not Joe Walsh the guitarist, he is AWESOME, but the Congressman is an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They are everywhere. They cross party lines as well as political philosophies with equal ease.
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  • 10-11-2011, 01:58 PM
They have a whole lot in common...at least in common as so much as both protesters are there to protect their precieved turf.

Both feel the government has let them down by protecting Wall Street and not their own interest.

They are both correct in that regard.
Talk about "astro-turf" movement; here is the Craig's List advertisement offering to pay protesters to show up to protest in NYC !!!!!!!!

HA !!!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
As I said before....Isn't ironic to be paid to protest Capitalism?
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  • 10-11-2011, 02:23 PM
What you dumbshit do not realize is that they are protesting Crony Capitalism....same as the Tea Folks were.

Sa_artman's Avatar
As I said before....Isn't ironic to be paid to protest Capitalism? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What's ironic is whirlie getting his panties in an uproar over a group protesting financial greed and corruption. Hmmm...hypocrisy or to close to home for him?
Just shedding some light on them; I actually hope they continue. And I think there is some common ground between the issues of Occupy America and the Tea Party - especially the rage against too big to fail....most Tea Party people were against the Wall Street/Detroit bailouts...