Question for everyone

CivilBarrister's Avatar
Damn that would suck.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Dirtytinhtown ... no matter what you decide... do NOT post her name... there are guys on this board who will go see her because of this thread and then say they only did it to confirm you were right... bros before hoes... and then they will write a review with abbreviations that you will have to look up and then wish you hadn't...

BTW, CivilBarrister.... can you loan me the price of a session...
CivilBarrister's Avatar

BTW, CivilBarrister.... can you loan me the price of a session... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Of course I can.
Randall Creed's Avatar
What the hell!!
Who is it? She's still a provider whether you name her or not. Somebody on this board is still doing the do with her, whether you name her or not.

Provider initials or something.

Or just PM me. I'm feeling nosy.

Htowner's Avatar
Yes, she knows that I found out. Her response was as I expected, avoiding all contact so that she doesn't have to explain. And, I know that whenever we do talk again I can't even ask or it will be more silent treatment. Seems like I'm getting punished twice. Such is life... Originally Posted by Dirtytinhtown
Ok that changes everything . Your task is a bit easier now .
Don't expect her to enjoy the confrontation. I never forget another lady's words when she said " We don't like it if they can live with it and we don't like it if they can't" There is a lot of truth to that.
Obviously not something she wanted you to know right off the bat. May be now that you know she didn't want to milk you, you will have a different view of things. May be she wanted to live without it and with you for a while like a normal civilian and see how it would be , knowing it won't last forever . Can't blame a girl for wanting to pretend she is civilian for a little while. I am sure she figured if it gets serious I want to fess up but why give him more weapons to put me down when he breaks up with me shortly from now. He has not earned all the truth in my life yet. Many girls have many boys in their past. I am doing it for a living. Not for romance and deceit.
I am not saying it is good to be hiding from you but there are a lot of factors involved that you can bring up and make it easy on her to pour it out.
In this line of business , reality check is not your friend. It really isn't. Better role play and keep it like an actress's act to save your sanity. I have been to a few parties and I know what the guys look like so I do have a soft spot for those who can see us.
Don't push the issue. It is known to both sides. If you decide you are ok with what she does then let her bring up. You can't force her to put herself into explaining it. The truth is already out . She will bring it up when she is ready.
If you are not ok with it either walk away from it or decide if you want to make a permenant commitment and able and willing to replace that income. Even if you do she has a limited window of opportunity for her age and beauty to do this so it is a great risk for her to give those years to you and be on the street when you decided to call it quits, if you do in a few years.
Not an easy situation .
Guest091710's Avatar
i think You should have minded Your own business and not spied on her, she would have probably told You when and if the time is right. Now it is going to be an issue. And just bc she didnt tell You on the first date doesnt mean shes untrustworthy, it means perhaps she was building a foundation for the relationship, establishing a bond, earning trust, and giving it. Not going to dinner and saying "Hi i'm cilla, ill have the House Special, and Oh yeah i'm a escort." Just doesnt work that way. And further more if You really wanted to know perhaps YOUR honesty would have been appreciated by just asking what You wanted to know, not snooping, and browsing around here. Odds are pretty good she was doing this long before You, and will be long after You. Just imho, like it or not.

Honesty and communication are key, but also so is timing. i bet sadly, You both will wish You BOTH handled it differently. And FYI DO NOT Post who she is, she more then likely wants to keep her personal life out of it. i will admit if Your to the point of saying "i love You" then she should have told You at that level. Maybe just before then, would have been how i handled it.
Htowner's Avatar
Yes it is nobody 's biz whom she is .
I may side with him on snooping because one has to have some kind of reason to go on with this. This is not something you want to ask a woman if she is not in the biz
I don't think he shouldve spied either especially since he knows about aspd and p4p... He's obviosly not new to this.

So instead of developing stalker tendacies he couldve simply asked her was she a provider and then decide if he could date a provider or not. Especially since he most likely enjoys the hobby himself.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Never ask a question that you don't want to hear the answer to...
DaChef's Avatar
Never ask a question that you don't want to hear the answer to... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

Amen to that!
Wow, glad I checked one more time. I think I have my answer. A relationship that has a foundation of lies can't possibly work. And to all the inquiring minds, I couldve just posted a review. But I couldn't figure out what the cost is.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Maybe when she saw that things were going to work out with you and y'all were going to be together, she would either tell you what was up or quit providing. You can't expect her to throw away her 'career' on a (for lack of a better word) fling. I know I would want to make sure "it" was the real thing before I threw in the towel. Either way if you REALLY like/love her be ever so careful how you approach it. You may end up f**kin yourself out of a good woman.......

just sayin......
So since you know she is a provider who advertises here, she probably read this thread.......ouch.
boardman's Avatar
That would be messed up. Googling your wife or girlfriend's phone number and a review on here pops up.
Originally Posted by ibechill
OK, how many of you actually did this after you read this post?
Be honest!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-06-2010, 07:25 AM
And to all the inquiring minds, I couldve just posted a review. But I couldn't figure out what the cost is. Originally Posted by Dirtytinhtown
Just put a zero on the fee line.

Oh wait, perhaps you meant "what the cost is" to the relationship?