conservative retired judge on damage to American democracy

The denial never ends. Blame the system. Everything is fake. It is a plot.

Trump supporters have learned well from their cult master. Originally Posted by VitaMan
If you think the Government is watching your back you better turn around, lol.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If Trump was truly guilty of any crime he would be under the jail by now. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Lol. Why charge a guy with multiple crimes instantly when you can just sit back and wait and let the dipshit keep talking and bury himself even deeper? When you are dealing with a habitual big mouth liar, you just sit back and let that person keep talking. You don't even have to ask any questions to get the answers you seek when dealing with a loudmouth moron like Trump.
That statement mirrors biden...the shakedown artist and habitual liar.
Lol. Why charge a guy with multiple crimes instantly when you can just sit back and wait and let the dipshit keep talking and bury himself even deeper? When you are dealing with a habitual big mouth liar, you just sit back and let that person keep talking. You don't even have to ask any questions to get the answers you seek when dealing with a loudmouth moron like Trump. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's not the way the Judicial System works. The big point Liberals have with Trump is he's a liar, "Trump is a big liar, he only cares about himself" and a bunch of other stupid shit that's not even criminal. They should by now have everything they need to keep Trump from running for President in 2024 because that's what this is really all about.
  • Tiny
  • 08-16-2023, 08:10 AM
... How sad... You must have MISSED the FACT that the
Dems have brought alternate electors before.
They brought them Certification Day back in 2017
- after Trump had won the election and the states
were certifying the vote... VP Joe Biden hit the
gavel and told them to forget it - Trump won.

Mike Pence did the same thing in 2021 during the
certification when Repubs were bringing the alternates.

WHERE have you been? ... Was there "damage to democracy"
when the Dems did it??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
How sad. If Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had done what Trump did you’d want to lock them up for the rest of their lives. I’ve merely proposed putting an ankle bracelet on Trump, if convicted, while he leads the good life at Mar a Lago. He could even run for president.

You apparently don’t understand the electoral system or have been misled by the media. Electors from some of the states are allowed to change their votes and others do so illegally. Very few do that. And that’s what happened in 2016. The President and others working for him are not allowed to create false slates of electors and then push the vice President to declare him the winner, when he lost.

What’s truly sad is that Trump is leading Republicans down a rabbit hole. He and his preferred candidates keep losing elections.
ManSlut's Avatar
Baloney. Trump and his merry band of RHINOs were never going to upend Democracy in the United States of America. The military, the Justice Department, and true Republicans like Mike Pence, Brad Raffensperger, Rusty Bowers, Brian Kemp and the "alternate" Pennsylvania electors never would have let him steal the election. Not to mention ordinary Americans, many of whom would have been rioting in the streets.

The Republicans pushing for the January, 2024 court date are wise. Better to get it over with quickly. The powers that be could have started these legal actions over a year ago. Instead, they chose a timeline that would have everything coming to a head along the time of the 2024 general election. That in turn will fire up Democrats like they've never been fired up before. They'll vote in massive numbers, outperforming the polls. And the United States may become a one party state, at the federal level, if Republicans continue to hitch themselves to the Trump Train.

Judge Luttig is correct. Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden were very divisive presidents. They've pulled America apart at the seems. Originally Posted by Tiny
My opinion, no President divided this country (before the con man Trump came along) than Slick Willie Clinton and his behind the scenes policy maker old lady, Hillary. Those 2 were corrupt liars in their Arkansas political days, everyone knew it, especially the liberal media, and they still got put into the White House, when everyone knew what Slick Willie was…This started the downfall of Capitol Hill and bipartisanship.
ManSlut's Avatar
No I will continue to call you out on you BULLSHIT...the few times I get on this website you're ALWAYS on might want to get a life and stop swimming in this sesspool!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Maybe you should learn how to debate and stay on topic?

And the word is ‘cesspool’, genius!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Lol. Why charge a guy with multiple crimes instantly when you can just sit back and wait and let the dipshit keep talking and bury himself even deeper?... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So be like Slo-Jo - No Comment. That is what corrupt in-duh-vidules do. Assuming corrupt families as well. Too bad Hunter didn't get that memo in a timely fashion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How sad. If Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had done what Trump did you’d want to lock them up for the rest of their lives. I’ve merely proposed putting an ankle bracelet on Trump... Originally Posted by Tiny
I'll get you a really long extension ladder for you to climb out of that deep rabbit hole you fell in. Here, watch this Memory hole video while I fetch up the ladder.

How to dig a rabbit hole:

Gonna need a whole lot of ankle monitors...
Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!
1) PSA reminder:

2) Memory lane, aka Memory Hole

3) 37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions

4) Seem Normal?

5) The popular vote means only 2 things: Jack and Shit. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do