Postal service is disarray

texassapper's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
that article is pure conjecture.. red state, yeah, there is an unbiased site for you!

I find this issue absurd, frankly, given the real challenges we face in pressing areas. while I believe Trump and the Republicans aim to suppress voting, that's not exactly a new stance from them. consider that the last 2 Republican Presidents were sworn in having LOST the general vote count.

but fuck, this whole universal ballot shit began too late.. allow voters to REQUEST a mail in ballot, that works for me. put, say, an October 15 deadline, and don't count it if it arrives after November 3rd. the States that have always done universal mail in can continue to do so this year.

from what I see, Georgia and Florida are naturally challenged at counting in-person voting accurately. probably more than just those two.

I'm tired of the demagoguery all-around. both sides.

but I still think Republicans out demagogue the Democrats
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ohio called their primary a "Mail in Primary". Yet-- we still had to request our ballots in advance from the Board of Elections. Seems like it wouldn't be difficult for other states to follow suit.

I'm always fascinated by the fact that despite his primary residence being Trump Tower in NYC-- for years, he has opted to use his Mar-A-Lago address in order to vote in Florida rather than New York.

So.. if these changes at the Post Office continue... we're going to have a shit situation around Christmas. Does this mean the Republicans are declaring war on Christmas now?

but I still think Republicans out demagogue the Democrats Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Yes and I just had a unicorn fly out of my ass!!
texassapper's Avatar

It's talking about potential future events... which given what is going on right now IRL, are there any inconsistencies?

That is the point of the article and that is the point of all this uptick in complaints about the USPS. But note the subtlety... they are not too intrusive. A mention here or there... no mainstream media yet... keep it in the back of your mind. Depending on your dopamine levels it will be tied in some way to something that marketing tells the application to match an ad you find pleasurable with something like this.

I got an eye opener at a tech demo at a Bay area company (not a well known name). Any way this was some of the stuff they were demoing to us and our marketing people. There is so much science behind the shit it's mind boggling but they can pretty much predict how you will answer a survey after about three weeks. Our marketing people (we sell kids toys) were drooling at the thought of the potential. Unfortunately, we ultimately could not afford the rather amazing price tag. If it had panned out we would have had some pretty unprecedented growth.

Start paying attention to it. Pick a topic... googling it and a few related subjects... add an item to you amazon cart... watch a video. Then just take note every time you see a related topic in the days following. It's subtle but not indectectible. Yet. I think.

Trump is the guy who doesn't want mail-in voting.

you try to twist it, saying the Democrats will blast mail-in voting if they lose?

you guys are revealing your desperation.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
nutwingers will find a way to defend the orange buffoon even if he molests their daughters and slaps their 80 yr old grandma. these days I just laugh, shake my head in disbelief and move on.
I’m still trying to figure out how the hell the post office delivers all those Christmas cards every year without a problem.
Yes and I just had a unicorn fly out of my ass!! Originally Posted by Equipeeler55
If you were Trump saying that idiots like you would actually believe him.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I haven't really kept up with the post office drama.. but I can say with certainty that SOMETHING has shifted in the past couple weeks. I will go days without receiving any mail. Friend of mine sent out wedding invitations last week-- she has had family members in Arizona receive theirs-- but I haven't received mine yet.. and we live in the same city. I've also been waiting on particular pieces of mail for over a week that typically arrive 2-3 days after sent. They can claim that they aren't doing anything different-- but the evidence suggests otherwise.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Why is it so hard for liberals to understand the difference between an absentee ballot, which must be requested by the voter, and mass mailing ballots to everyone on the rolls without verifying that the address on record is still valid, or even that the person is still alive? In the first case you know that it's going to the requestor's address, and in the second case you have no idea where many of those ballots will wind up. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to understand the difference. Originally Posted by billw1032
Of course, there has never been much mail in ballot fraud.

Except recently in the Ninth district in North Caroline by Mark Harris the corrupt REPUBLICAN nominee.

This corrupt REPUBLICAN Mark Harris was soo stupid, he thought he could away with tampering with mail in ballots.

Even Congress was shocked by the fraud perpetrated by corrupt REPUBLICAN Mark Harris that they refused to accept the election returns for the Ninth district and allow him to assume his seat in Congress.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that corrupt REPUBLICANS are behind the attempts to manipulate the election in November.
CG2014's Avatar
Those DIMS are still crying for a recount of Bush v Gore in Florida 2000. Imagine if they get their ways with mail in ballots and the result shows that President Trump is the winner, they will cry again. They are never happy.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fact USPS is funded thro 2021/ just got 10 billion from big t ,
Funny how the dim-wits will not come back from vacations to fix the covid 1984 bill
BUT the post office mail in voting the nancy and chucky show are coming back ?????
texassapper's Avatar
All is proceeding as Democrats are planning. Enjoy your electoral chaos this fall brought to you by the communist sympathizers of the Democratic Party.

I think this is the USPS ploy for making the huge delayed service spectacle. The aim is to get enough election day injunctions barring certification pending mail in ballot arrivals in place to give Dems time to gauge and manufacture the necessary votes for victory. If the margin is too wide for fraud, then it'll still be the rallying cry for illegitimacy.

This is what you're voting for when you vote for a Democrat.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup all about the CHOAS that's will occur , this is worse then hanging chads ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ( LSM is already starting DMN US post office Sabotage or Conspiracy )
DPST's are not well enough educated - nor have the attention span thinking is hard
Every time I go to the post office the lines are shorter than I remember, the workers are nice to me, and me package gets where it needs to go.

The mail gets delivered to my house everyday, and my mailbox contents get picked up and make it to the destination. Amazing the whole system works but it does!