Not so fast magas

Diaper Don is done and we will have a woman president and the Trumpers will be crying like little girls.
ManSlut's Avatar
The polls are bs. Lets see what happens in Nov. Yeah Kamila is great, I mean look what she has done at the border!! Cant wait to see the debate ! Wow! Originally Posted by onthemovie
Exactly what was Kamala expected to do with the Border problems, she’s not the POTUS?! Oh wait, Mike Pence, now there’s a man who cleaned up the border under the ConMan, NutJob who said he would and didn’t!!

Yeh, that will be a riveting debate topic for the Orange Foolie-ish!! Puhleeze bring that debate talk on!!
TechPapi's Avatar
But I like where they're going. Shave a few points from the crazy christians. Seems as reasonable as the MAGA shit.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think the awesome helicopter story Trump told was pretty funny. That dinosaur dipshit is really something else with his lies... so, you're in danger in a helicopter with Willie Brown and everyone could die from a crash, and Willie wants to bad mouth Kamala Harris as a dying declaration so to speak?

That story was so fucking ridiculous that I think even MAGAs are smart enough to know that. Who am I kidding? They're not, but you get the point.

Trump is not dealing with the Dem heat very well. When you resort to that level of extreme storytelling foolishness, that's a bad sign for the MAGA mafia.