When other sex workers look down on 'whores'

I know the thread was started as a result of different types of sex workers putting down other types of sex workers.

Some have noted within the type, sex workers will put each other down from either rivalry, others insecurity. Those two roots causes cover 98% of the trash talk among escorts. These two causes are the same among the different tiers.

I think porn stars are worried about loosing work due to ease and growth of the escort business. I know for a fact, since I have started hobbying last year, I hardly ever watch porn.

Ironically, the tv series "firefly" taught me to look at escorting differently by putting realistic scenarios to what a paid companion does. In the series mythology, the paid companion was held in high regard, and special privileges in their society. I believe the continued development of GFE characteristics continues to make the escort scene even more desirable, and should be held in high regard as a serious and worthwhile profession.

Concerning legalization, I would support. But when I go to Niagara Fall Canada, the excessive public advertising is trashy. If it were legal, I would ask that public advertising such as billboard, and hard copy publication would not be used, but stick to internet advertising only.

The absolute only difference between providers and porn stars are 1. contracts they MUST fulfill 2. cameras rolling.

There are TONS of "porn stars" who make the same if not LESS than your average mid level provider. They think because they get the bright lights and a script they are better? How is it ANY different? This is a great topic and something that has pissed me off for a while. Those chicks are doing EXACTLY what we do. Not kinda, not sorta, no, they are having sex for money. Period. Yet providers can get jailed? Just a bunch of bull.

I wonder if I charged for an "adult film" (record, view and destroy with gents) instead of an escort "session" if there is a legal loophole.. Hmmm Seems that sex for money is legal as long as it's being manufactured for mass production by a director.. Then it's "art"..

There are TONS of "porn stars" who make the same if not LESS than your average mid level provider. Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
Correct. Pornstars make a lot less than the average mid-range provider. The average mid-range provider charges minimum $250 an hour ($200 an hour if you're in texas). One porn scene takes hours to shoot. Today, the average b/g porn scene is worth $300-$500 .. and that's hours of shooting. Just like in the hobby, in the porn world if you do more (gangbang, bukkake, extreme fetishes..etc) you get paid more.

Jenna Jameson signed with VIVID and became the most wealthiest woman in porn today but these days a contract girl is only paid 50-70k a year shooting but she's only doing 3-5 scenes a month. While that is enticing in itself, I personally would be worried about the overexposure ( the thought of friends and family being able to walk into a store and buy my films is horrfying). I suspect the average full time provider makes at least 50k or more per year.

I have friends in porn that complain about being "underpaid" all the time. Most pornstars I have encountered do feel they are better than escorts. The kicker is alot of them escort utr and keep it to themselves because they find escorting shameful. Amazing isn't it?

Porn is low pay, over exposure and having to answer to higher ups whereas escorting, you command whatever your pay (what the market allows you to charge), you can fuck billy bob and rest assured it won't be on the big screen the next morning and you can be your own boss..but it's illegal.

I don't think one group is better than the other. At the end of the day, we are all sex workers...doesn't matter if you're in an exclusive arrangment dating a hobbyist or seeing 20 guys a month. Society does not give a fuck what pornstars think about hookers or what hookers think about pornstars. At the end of the day, we are all misguided sluts in their eyes.
  • anita
  • 08-16-2012, 08:56 AM
Well, there is nothing classy about a job that requires you to be naked at some point...Especially if someone's finger is filling you up under the table. I usually like what's next though lol.

Everybody calm down. Strippers, porn stars, escorts, massage therapist, sugar baby, the girl that needs help with her bills sometimes. We are all whores. I mean, ladies in the street and tramps in the sheets.
Well, there is nothing classy about a job that requires you to be naked at some point...Especially if someone's finger is filling you up under the table. I usually like what's next though lol.

Everybody calm down. Strippers, porn stars, escorts, massage therapist, sugar baby, the girl that needs help with her bills sometimes. We are all whores. I mean, ladies in the street and tramps in the sheets. Originally Posted by anita
Honey, I love you for this! You are 100000% right. You can add some of these thirsty wives to that list as well if you want to get technical.

I hate it when guys talk like sugar babies and wives are better. Some of them don't know that they've been had by professional gold diggers.

And I'm calm, dammit!
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 12:45 PM
Everybody calm down. Strippers, porn stars, escorts, massage therapist, sugar baby, the girl that needs help with her bills sometimes. We are all whores. I mean, ladies in the street and tramps in the sheets. Originally Posted by anita
I hate the term "whore",it just makes me think of nasty, trashy people. All the providers that I have been with are still ladies and I treat them as such. Now us men on the other hand are all plain and simply just a bunch of horny dogs that will pretty much hump anything in site.
  • GNG
  • 08-22-2012, 01:01 PM
I hate it when guys talk like sugar babies and wives are better. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Sugar babies don't clock watch, and can usually be had at a significant discount over what the average hobbyist might spend in a month.

They are better. The only drawback is there is a much higher chance of emotional attachment at some point.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Yea what a bunch of Malarchy!
First of all if you wanna know the truth, i think i am better than a stripper any day! lol
and Porn stars too, Though i wonder about being a porn star i think that being an escort is the most discreete and safe and less demeaning titles than porn stars and strippers.

Porn stars have it on tape no condom.... forever and ever that recording will be out there, and that $5-10k will be gone (if they get that much) but that video is gonna be out forever ... maybe even ya kids might see it

Strippers, well they have the whole club what about 100+ 200+ men watching them for scott free butt naked busting it open... for $2 tip? really... i know they have to worrk long shifts and pay the dj, house fee, dress room attendant, totalling atleast $50+ so people are making money off your naked ass, before you even can... strip clubs are almost like pimps! if you ask me AND this makes the job much less enjoyable if you have to worry about making $50 first to pay the damn club, makes the girls be very manipulative and do and say ANYthing to get $5 out of a guy... plus + all the drunk guys that grab you and feel on you for free, and curse you out for no reason... ( i tried dancing 2 weeks! i know lol even though it was lousy club) when i left that club i felt like shit on a stick... guys come in with their girls friends and let their girl friend get mad cause they are lookin at you i'm like WTH?

and then there is the escort... whom is paid for a lump sum of time, gets to do it in private, where only 1 man sees you naked, and its 1 on 1 time, hardly ever any disrespect, i have never gotten a call where i had to hang up because they were being derogatory or rude... and never had a client in person curse at me or anything. *knocks on wood* i say being a provider is definetly the higher of the horse. so i say ....

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Quite frankly, in my opinion, the escorts I know and are friends with have more class, ethics, and morals than my civilian friends who are truly "whores" lol. As far as strippers, its gotta feel like shit and degrading to have dollar bills being thrown at you by less than classy men, any type of trash they let in those places(some are just nasty) and porn stars will do anything with anyone they tell her too for a buck in front of a camera--no discretion at all, and bareback--wtf that is nasty.

Where is this discussion? Id like to get in on it. In that bitchy mood Originally Posted by kymberlane

Sugar babies don't clock watch, and can usually be had at a significant discount over what the average hobbyist might spend in a month.

They are better. The only drawback is there is a much higher chance of emotional attachment at some point. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
Ummm, you just contradicted yourself with that last statement. The only reason she spends the time she does is because of her feelings. She is still a whore. Just a young dumb one.

I'm a sugar baby too. The difference is I know I'm paid not to catch feelings. For some women, money usually puts things in perspective.
  • GNG
  • 08-22-2012, 03:53 PM
Ummm, you just contradicted yourself with that last statement. The only reason she spends the time she does is because of her feelings. She is still a whore. Just a young dumb one.

I'm a sugar baby too. The difference is I know I'm paid not to catch feelings. For some women, money usually puts things in perspective. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
How is that a contradiction?

My sugar baby is not young...only about 10 years younger than me. Neither of us wants a true relationship, but we do like to fuck. I have the ability to help her financially and she has the ability to drain me when I ask.

The crux of the question is whether or not SBs are better. They are. Undoubtedly.

Providers tend to make truly shitty SBs. I've tried it. I speak from experience. It still boils down to "how much am I making hourly?"and "what's the least amount of work I have to do?". A true SB doesn't think like that. They're happy to have some financial needs met, and they are far more appreciative than your average provider.
Bigh1955's Avatar
...So today on another adult forum there was this very condescending porn star who went off on escorts saying we were degraded and dirty for having sex for money. I said, " The only difference here is YOU do it unsafely, and in front of a camera, and how does that make you any different or better than those of us who choose to have sex for money discreetly and in a more sensual and engaging environment?" And then a bunch of strippers jumped on me and said " I would NEVER fuck men for money, I dance!" No, really. You give men hard ons for twenty bucks and get tips thrown at you for degrading yourself on a stage for a few dollars. And trust me, men do not pay VIP room fees of a thousand and up just so they can see your ass dancing.

I think it's just pathetically sad that other sex workers have to relegate even the classiest and most honest of sex workers, the escorts, US, to the bottom of the totem pole of the sex industry. Same thing I guess, the whole need to feel better than someone else. And even amongst us, there's always that " Well I would never take it up the ass but so and so will." I just wish, and wishful thinking this is, we can all learn to get together in a marginalized profession in which safety is paramount and so is sisterhood. Originally Posted by alluringava
Please excuse the late inclusion of the OP quote. There was just a lot of stuff between the OP and this modest rant.

Sex Work is a "marginalized profession." One aspect of this profession is more marginalized than others, specifically prostitution. Porn is legal. Dancing/Stripping is legal. Escorting is LEGAL! Prostitution is illegal. Taking money from a person and then having sex with that person is seen as prostitution. (It may not meet the legal definition, but it meets the intent and spirit.) The perception places escorts on the wrong side of the legal curtain.
The OP says, "I think it's just pathetically sad that other sex workers have to relegate even the classiest and most honest of sex workers, the escorts, [us], to the bottom of the totem pole of the sex industry." I have certainly met some very classy women who escort, but I'm not sure your fellow professionals see escorting as the most honest part of the larger profession. In their eyes, it's a case of "what I do is legal," and "what you do is illegal." They have a W-2 and 1099s from their employers. What do you have? Again, it's a perception issue. If their perception was that an escort had a platonic relationship with her/his client(s), and nothing more...and received the sums of money many of you make...I think you would be at the top of their totem pole, and they would be knocking your door down to learn your secrets to success.
My perception is some are jealous, some are truly unhappy with what they do and why they do it and want to distance themselves from what they perceive to be the seemlier side of the sex industry. This will always be the case in this industry because of the legal division between the various elements of the profession, and to some degree the moral issues as well.
That said, treat each other well - clients and providers. We need and rely upon each other, we fulfill each other, we keep each other safe. As for the others - ignore hecklers!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar

Providers tend to make truly shitty SBs. I've tried it. I speak from experience. It still boils down to "how much am I making hourly?"and "what's the least amount of work I have to do?". A true SB doesn't think like that. They're happy to have some financial needs met, and they are far more appreciative than your average provider. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
I think that that statement is about as categorizing everyone into one big group is wrong... such as saying only one race does that, only one gender does this. I"m quite positive if sugar babies had reviews we would hear of some much more sleazy schemes and schinnaigans going on probably worse than providers (since they know more personal info on you). You can not say that all providers are the things you said above, there are some shitty ass sugar babies out there that im sure will fuck your llife up, as well as providers, as well as civies, as well as fmaily members , so dont say that all Providers are one way because its not true.There are shitty people in every walk of life.
  • GNG
  • 08-25-2012, 10:20 PM
I think that that statement is about as categorizing everyone into one big group is wrong... Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Not in this case. It is what it is.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2012, 11:21 AM
The crux of the question is whether or not SBs are better. They are. Undoubtedly.

Providers tend to make truly shitty SBs. I've tried it. I speak from experience. It still boils down to "how much am I making hourly?"and "what's the least amount of work I have to do?". A true SB doesn't think like that. They're happy to have some financial needs met, and they are far more appreciative than your average provider. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
I don't doubt that FOR YOU the SB arrangement seems to work well. Good, I'm glad.

But to overgeneralize like that seems quite a step. I have never had a SB relationship, but I have see several ladies go from escorting to being a SB. For some it has worked out very well for all involved. For others not so much.

I think any generalization like you made is so simplistic to be almost humerous. The ladies are different, and are looking for different hings. So are the guys. A good match can work, a bad one won't.

Mt ATF retired from escorting to be in a SB type relationship. Later she quit her day job to be available on his schedule (time and place, he traveled a lot). He took good care of her, and she was devoted to him. Two others I can name switched from escort to SB very smoothly--and in one case when the wife died after a long illness, they married.

It's usually a mistake to generalize from you specific case to a whole, very diverse group. I think that is true with your comment.