If you got the vax.....

Which vaccination is this side effect attributed to? Do you know?

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019...se-events.html Originally Posted by WTF
Blood clots can happen even with the vaccine. Besides most people who catch covid won't die from it. The CDC and the WHO are pushing this vaccine and the Boosters way too hard. This urgency to get people vaccinated for a Disease that may have a high incident rate but very low mortality rate sets off some Red Flags in my opinion. Now as the months have passed Vaccine recipients have reported an array of adverse side affects that the CDC is reluctant to link to the vaccines one of those side affects is clotting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you staying out of the heat?

I'm vaccinated, so ...

Just to be on the safe side, I'm staying indoors this afternoon with the AC cranked to 72!
Are you staying out of the heat?

LOL! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If I have to get outside in the heat, I take periodic breaks and stay hydrated. Besides it's better to be outside sometimes when the sun is shinning even though the temperature is high. Vitamin D3 is most readily absorbed through the skin which happens to be a great deterrent from upper respiratory infections such as covid-19 and even sinus infections caused by Bacteria. That's one reason why Flu is more prevalent during the Winter months less sunny days and people spend more time inside.
My question is....
Why aren't these so called political posters banned for either posting such nonsense or actually believing it?

It is like discussing the Easter Bunny with these QANON loving conspiracy theorists! Originally Posted by WTF
Its not against the board rules to believe in the Easter Bunny. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Although the insinuations inherent in this thread may seem comically ridiculous, this is actually weak tea compared to some of the stuff people posted in this forum five or six years ago.

One guy wrote that the Sandy Hook school shooting story was a hoax, produced by some guy who hired "crisis actors." (Hello, Alex Jones!)

If that isn't loony enough for you, the same guy posted at another time that the Apollo 11 moon landing was a hoax, produced with video that was apparently filmed in a desert somewhere.

(Actually not kidding!)
Yssup Rider's Avatar

I remember those posts well.

But this poppycock ranks right up there.

At least nobody's tried to make it about the GDP. (But I hear that's coming soon.)

  • Tiny
  • 07-18-2022, 03:34 PM
This is just absolutely fascinating. Two of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Singapore, also have among the highest percentage of the population vaccinated! One hundred and seven percent of residents of the UAE are vaccinated!

Who gives a fuck about the risk of blood clots. Get the vaccine and get rich, that's the ticket!

marion barber died from heat stroke

it appears he was exercising, inside his apartment

he was known to like to exercise in sauna like conditions

he had the heat on, and the thermostat set to 91, and the weights out
lustylad's Avatar
One hundred and seven percent of residents of the UAE are vaccinated! Originally Posted by Tiny

Kinda like the percent of registered voters who cast ballots in certain heavily dim-retard precincts?
lustylad's Avatar
But this poppycock ranks right up there.

At least nobody's tried to make it about the GDP. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bad analogy. You couldn't recognize "poppycock" if they did.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Kinda like the percent of registered voters who cast ballots in certain heavily dim-retard precincts? Originally Posted by lustylad

Or like the percent of registered voters who cast ballots in Wyoming.....
  • Tiny
  • 07-18-2022, 04:26 PM

Kinda like the percent of registered voters who cast ballots in certain heavily dim-retard precincts? Originally Posted by lustylad
That's nothing. Hell, LBJ probably got several hundred percent of the registered voters in Duval and Jim Wells counties back in the day.
lustylad's Avatar
Or like the percent of registered voters who cast ballots in Wyoming..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Interesting... got a link?

I do believe Wyoming votes entirely by mail, correct?
That's nothing. Hell, LBJ probably got several hundred percent of the registered voters in Duval and Jim Wells counties back in the day. Originally Posted by Tiny
Lbj’s votes in duval county, box 13, were things of legend in the annals of dimocrat derring-do

When it comes to class instruction of prospective dimocrat election operatives, well, a replica of box 13 and the voter roll it contained is on rare occasion brought forth with white glove care to allow only the most devious of students to view it

Not only did the voters vote in their entirety for lbj, but they all appeared at the poll and voted in strict alphabetic order thoughout the voting day and the voters all displayed a very similar hand

Ahh the sweetness of such as this, ensconced in the pantheon of dimocrat lore, protected by judges and scribes and journalists, sublime I say, simply sublime

And I might add, it gets hot enough in freer to easily get heat stroke from just walking down the street to get to the bank where box 13 was hidden in the vault
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-18-2022, 06:51 PM
Bad analogy. You couldn't recognize "poppycock" if they did. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you need to be schooled on the facts in such instances or are you going for a laugh.

I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and assuming you're going for humor.

But you must remember there are Q cousins sprinkled throughout the forum who believe that nonsense.