Alert threat from Yummy Marie and confusion

Staying over 5-10 minutes...I get that.

Staying over a half hour and not paying...That's taking the piss.

For all you guys saying she should have told him he owed her her 90 minute rate...We shouldn't have to tell you when you owe us money. Are you just fucking idiots too lazy to realise you've stayed way longer than what you booked? He stayed 90 minutes, not an hour, but 90 minutes, that's the bottom line. You pay for time, so at the end of the day there shouldn't have to be any awkward conversations from either party, regardless of the initial length the booking was made for, if you stay 30 min, 1hr, 2hrs longer, you should pay for it. If you go to pay for staying longer and the provider tells you not to worry about it, then that's on her, but the offer should always be made. It is never fair or a good idea to assume because one is not labeled a 'clock watcher', that it will be acceptable for you to take advantage of that fact by staying over your allotted time and then trying to justify not paying because she wasn't meant to be a 'clock watcher'.

You stay 1 hour=You pay for an hour

You stay 90 minutes=You pay for 90 minutes

You stay 2 hours=You pay for 2 hours

It really is that fucking simple. Jesus Christ.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
But but but Val we thought you ladies let us get away with it cause we fuck so good lol
Wakeup's Avatar I have to figure out how much back pay I owe my wife... I have to figure out how much back pay I owe my wife... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I thought last time we talked about that it was around 45,000?
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't he say that she let him know and by her posting in this very thread did she not let everyone know she was going to report it?

Also my post was about his last post not the original one Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
"To guard privacy, the alert was posted in a ladies only forum. I do not wish to discuss this further in open forums. Thank you and good day.

May be I missed the announcement that "she was going to report it" ...

... personally, when I have had conflict with providers on scheduling, etc., it gets resolved (at least to my understanding) off the board ... but if "stuff" is being reported on other "exclusive" forums regarding me, then that is good information for me, particularly if I determine from whom the "private" reports are coming.

EA, that's about all I have to say at this point. In "my world" if someone doesn't want me to know what they have to say about me (talking behind my back) it is gossip, and they want their "version" to be the "only version" .. in other words they don't want anyone to know "my side of the story."
LexusLover's Avatar
Staying over 5-10 minutes...I get that.

Staying over a half hour and not paying...That's taking the piss.

It really is that fucking simple. Jesus Christ. Originally Posted by Valerie
Apparently not for either one of them.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well LL you've made your feelings on this issue known time and time again so I understand.

We all know you don't feel anything should be posted on both sides of the fence.
Wakeup's Avatar
I thought last time we talked about that it was around 45,000? Originally Posted by Valerie
Fuck...take a post-dated, out of state, personal check?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I bet she will take credit
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I don't have a dog in this fight but here are several points.....
  • He said-she said...always better handled off the board
  • We only have one side of the story
  • Apprently the session took place on neutral ground so either party could have left at any time
  • The OP doesn't say whether there was a problem with the donation at the time of payment or not.
  • Most hobbyiest don't watch clocks. If a session is supposed to be like a ride at an amusement park then I would suspect it's up to the operator to let me know when it's over.
I bet she will take credit Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yeah, he's spoilt...
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 02-11-2013, 09:09 AM
I agree with those who think this seems to be a genuine misunderstanding between two well-meaning and otherwise honorable people. It is a shame that things had to be aired out this way and bitterness created. From their track records I would have guessed that this could easily have been resolved by direct communication. Neither side has anything like this in their past record to suggest that this is a pattern.
I agree with those who find fault in what both people did but I think the bottom line is that neither really thought the outcome would be where things stand right now.
Probably best if both parties go back to direct communication rather than open postings.
RoDunn's Avatar
Well friends I see y'all bashing me upside down but there were no ill intentions to take advantage of her. And I personally have never been in this situation with another provider. Yes I agree I should have kept an eye on time but it's highly common that we go over the allotted time because of having a good comapny, drinking (she brought ciroc) or good fucking. So I am just taking her example and I am putting 3 reviews from her recent reviews (just the first page, there are several) where folks went over time (20 mins to several hours) and still paid her what they had scheduled for.. why not go bash all of them as well.. see the links

I just wanted to register my disappointment and anger. I have been in the hobby for a while since jordan23 days and he was one of my best buddies (miss him). Peace y'all! Originally Posted by kenmaster
You're angry because people think you should pay for a 90 minute session since you had a 90 minute session?

I think it's clear that shorting her was not your intent, but I do think you should pay her the extra $50. It doesn't matter what others may or may not have done, it's about doing the right thing. And the three guys you called out may have tipped her well for her extra time and not included that part in the review. I know that I don't include the tips I give in the fee section or the review.

And just to show I'm not talking out of my ass, here's a review I did where I had booked for an hour and ended going for 90 minutes. At around the hour mark I knew we were going to go well over an hour (I keep my eye on the clock). I considered this a 90 minute session, not a 60 minute session that went long so I paid her a 90 minute fee. Tipping was separate from the 90 minute fee.

It wasn't something she had to bring up. It was just the right thing to do.
Isn't there an APP that could be used for this timekeeping/rate confirming situation. Kind of like a cab meter device!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
So you're saying you are a clock watcher