Review how many giant red flags does it take to get inside the center of a crazy bitch’s head??? Amber Scott might have the answer (photo inside)

here's the ROS, but cleaned up a bit so as to not offend the good ladies on this site that may wish to read it..

Saw her ad in the WW section a while back and thought I’d give her a go. Our schedules never seemed to line up, so on Labor Day I sent her a text early in the morning asking if she was available. She replied back and said she’d be starting after 2p that day. So when the time came, she texted me and asked if I was still interested. I replied right away and told her yes and then I asked for her incall address.

Tactic #1 (no money for hotel)
Two hours after I asked her for her address she texts me this “Hello did you get address” I replied right away and said “never got it”
Then she texts “I had said could you meet me outside and give me 80 to get room I don’t have any cash”
(haha okay no – I think I’ll pass on that bullshit!!!)

my stupid ass mistake #1, #2, #infinity
So I’m thinking I can get her to come to me for the same price as me going to her and I tell her “you can come to my house babe” and then I text her my address.
Then she says “Can you do 270? Gas I’m coming from Burleson, I can be on the way”
My rely is “no babe..”
Then she asks “What can you do babe”
And I tell her “170”

Then we agree to meet at my house at 8p

Tactic #2 (crickets)
At 730p she tells me “Traffic GPS says 45 more mins”
I’m thinking no big deal – she’ll be here at 815p instead of 8p and I text her back “okay babe be careful”

Then she goes radio silence.. no updates in travel time, etc..

At 825p I text her and ask “how far away are you babe”


At 840p I tell her I’m leaving my house as I have other engagements pending.
She responds 2 minutes later and says “I’m pulling in sorry was using GPS!” and “I apologize babe was using GPS”
Okay I’m thinking that she really is “pulling in” so then I go to the front of my house where my driveway is and watch for her..

..and 15 minutes later still nothing

Now it’s 855p and I text her and tell her that “i really have to go” and “goodbye”
(because nobody’s got time for that disrespectful shit)

So I jump in my ride and haul ass..

Tactic #3 (no money for gas)
I’m driving down the road and I get a text from her at 910p saying “Babe I’ve been here!”
(what the fuck??? I don’t recall running her over to pull out of my driveway!!!)

So I text her back and say “sorry.. i already left”
Her response is “Are you coming back?” “I have no gas and no money”
(holy shit, not only does she not respect my time, she thinks I’m a total stupid fuck as well!!)

Now it’s my turn to go radio silence.. and so that’s what I do..

Tactic #4 (girl goes stalker mode)
At 915p she texts me “I drove all the way from Keller to see you” and “I will take 150 for being late” and “I’m here”
(funny she told me she was driving from Burleson at the start of this shit storm)

At 930p she texts me “I’m not leaving til I have my 150”
(fuck me.. now we have a girl stalker in my fucking neighborhood)

Tactic #5 (angry girl threats)
At 1020p she texts me “You should come home and let’s pretend this didn’t even happen let me do my job and be on my way, last chance to respond”
(what the fuck is this supposed to mean?)

Then at 1040p she sends this “Just talked to the security officer” and “Dude I’m not playing games”
(talked to the neighborhood rent-a-cop and said what? told him that she’s a prostitute and that her john ran out and officer get him back here? this girl is crazy)

At 1115p she texts me “I repeat sir… I do not have enough gas to get home. Make this situation right”
(now she’s been sitting in my driveway for just over 2 hours! and like I really want to come back and let an angry person inside my fucking house!)

At this point I turn off my phone and head to my other place to crash for the night. Because who fucking knows how long she will stay in my driveway?!

The next morning, today.. I power my phone back up and I have 2 messages from her..

message #1
“You’re a douche bag, you requested me remember the least you could do is give me gas money to get home”

message #2
“I’m sorry to text so late. I just feel really bad and I want to make this right. Bring me 100 tomorrow and let me change your mind of what you’re thinking of me”

Update : the very next day, at 750a in the morning, she asked me not to post this review in lieu of a “free” session from her. She said she would text me the address to her private incall – well it’s been over 24 hours and I have not heard a word from her – so I send her a text and..

Tactic #6 (her phone broke)
She tells me she broke her phone yesterday and that’s why she didn’t text me. So I ask her why didn’t she text me on her other phone?
And she says “That’s the phone that broke… it had your number in it….”
And I said “this phone has my number in it too”
What the hell??? Are we confused yet???
No cotton swabs required on this one, Abe. Thanks for the heads up. Enjoyed (sorry it was at your expense) the review & the enlightenment of a hooker's mindset. Good job, Mr. Blue Balls!
haha yep and need relief soon!!
Abe, are you a trust fund baby?? I thought this was another bp adventure, had to look again.

I bet she fucks like nobody's business. Originally Posted by mrredcat43
haha probably and i think there's a song about it..
You&Me's Avatar
Damn! WTF?!?! Sorry to hear about this crazy experience, Abe. This is a complete opposite of my experience with her. We had a lot of fun together. I spent almost 2 hours with her. I hope she will get her acts together soon.

Good luck on your next adventure.

Just a cautionary advice, an outcall to your place is very risky!
How do hos not have money for rooms? I'll never understand that. If you can't get together 100 on demand then you should not be in the pussy selling business.
not to say that she was going to do this..

however, it's a common set up for the ole cash and dash

guy gives girl cash for room and girl disappears!
Well AND she either has a multiple personality disorder OR you were communicating with more than one person. Big surprise.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-08-2016, 12:11 PM
What a disaster lol, be glad it didn't work out
hahaha yes good point!!
i think amazon sells cameras so you can always have one on your driveway.. they arent that expensive. just in case...............
That was a hoot! I will never understand how so many providers can't manage their money, their time, their business...God I'd hate to think what their RW is like. Insanity much?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sorry Abe, but damm just damm , 10 bats ( on the bat shit crazy list) if you search awhile back there was post on the bat shit crazies
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-08-2016, 04:38 PM
You can always try the sprinklers technique when they cross the line
haha or the fire hose!!