How important is hair color?

RichYoungbuck4u's Avatar
Depends on the Woman to me.

You can take a hot bodied brunette that makes your drool and turn her into a blonde and she makes you barf and vice versa.

I find that a slight change in tone can make a difference.

BTW... Tara... Amazing new pictures... I think that is your best photo shoot yet!
I have found that, alot of guys, have a type.
Hair today.. I'm sure, it's something else tomorrow.
So yeah it matters.
Now, for me the provider, the question is, do you know, the guys preference.
Which in turn, will allow you to, find his type.
I've always been attracted to blondes but both of the women I lived with were brunettes. The woman I married were blondes (natural platinum and a strawberry). I suppose the best I can say is that they were all attractive to me, had the mental, emotional and physical attributes that kept coming back, were good with the conversation and in bed and didn't find my quirky personality and kinks unattractive.